100字范文 > 钢厂尘泥 dust and sludge from steel plant英语短句 例句大全

钢厂尘泥 dust and sludge from steel plant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-09 01:03:24


钢厂尘泥 dust and sludge from steel plant英语短句 例句大全

钢厂尘泥,dust and sludge from steel plant

1)dust and sludge from steel plant钢厂尘泥

2)steel plant dust钢厂烟尘

1.Mn-Zn soft ferrite was prepared fromsteel plant dust, manganese carbonate ore and scrap iron by the reaction of simultaneous leaching, primary purification, deep-purification, co-precipitation and ferrite technology.以钢厂烟尘、碳酸锰矿和铁屑为原料,经同时浸出、初步除杂、复盐沉淀深度净化、共沉淀和铁氧体工艺等过程,制备出锰锌软磁铁氧体产品。


1.Microstructure and Occurrence of Chromium of the Stainless Steel Plant Dusts不锈钢厂烟尘的微观结构及其中铬的赋存形式

2.Study on the distribution behavior of Cr and other elements in the stainless steel dust不锈钢厂烟尘中铬及其它元素的分布规律研究

3.purification technology of the lead smoke dust of the printing house印刷厂铅烟尘净化技术

4.The emission of smoke and ashes from that factory must be controlled.那个工厂排放的烟尘必须得到控制。

5.Electrostatic precipitator applied in flue gas purifying system in pellet plant电除尘器在球团厂烟气治理中的应用

6.Investigation on hazard of tobacco dust in a cigarette factory in Hangzhou杭州某卷烟厂烟草尘危害的分析与控制

7.Experimental research on dust reduction in steelmaking by CO_2利用CO_2减少炼钢烟尘的实验研究

8.Study on Environmental Leaching Behavior of EAF Dust Generated from Stainless Steel Plant不锈钢电炉烟尘的环境浸出行为研究

9.Technical Transformation of the Electric Dust Removal System at the Head of the Sinter Machine in Iron Making Plant of BX Steel本钢炼铁厂烧结机头电除尘技术改造

10.Inner Treatment Research of Steelmaking Dust by COMI Steelmaking Process应用COMI炼钢工艺控制炼钢炉内烟尘的研究

11.Reconstructing by New OG Technique for the 120 t Converter at No.3 Steelmaking Factory of SISG韶钢三炼钢厂120t转炉除尘系统新OG改造

12.In some factories, little is done to make the smoke clean.在一些工厂,几乎没有采取什么措施来净化烟尘。

13.Those factories are causing a lot of environmental pollution with all their noise and smoke.那些工厂噪声大,烟尘多,造成严重的环境污染。

14.Many factories in the valley poured smoke into the air.山谷内的许多工厂又将大量烟尘排入空中。

15.It provided the motivation for controlling smoke and dust emission from industrial plant.这为控制工厂企业散发的烟尘起了促进作用。

16.It is the smoke from factories that is ruining our air.正在污染我们空气的乃是由工厂所排出的烟尘。

17.The government levies a fine against the factories for polluting the air with smoke.政府向以烟尘污染空气的工厂征收罚金。

18.It" s annoying that the chimneys of those plants in the city eject a lot of smoke every day.城里工厂的烟囱每天都吐出大量的烟尘,很是讨厌。


steel plant dust钢厂烟尘

1.Mn-Zn soft ferrite was prepared fromsteel plant dust, manganese carbonate ore and scrap iron by the reaction of simultaneous leaching, primary purification, deep-purification, co-precipitation and ferrite technology.以钢厂烟尘、碳酸锰矿和铁屑为原料,经同时浸出、初步除杂、复盐沉淀深度净化、共沉淀和铁氧体工艺等过程,制备出锰锌软磁铁氧体产品。

3)steelmaking dust and mud炼钢尘泥

1.The theoretical analysis proved thatsteelmaking dust and mud is a valuable resource.通过理论分析证明,炼钢尘泥是非常有价值的宝贵资源,可以通过氧化还原反应,把炼钢尘泥里的Fe2O3和FeO还原成固相金属铁而成为炼钢原料,把Na2O、K2O、ZnO和PbO还原成相应的Na、K、Zn和Pb等金属气体而逸出尘泥,经过冷凝可以回收相应的金属和相应的氧化物,这些都是很有价值的原材料。

4)Cement plant dust水泥厂粉尘

5)dust and power of steel plant钢铁厂粉尘

6)in plant Zn Pb bearing dust含锌铅钢铁厂粉尘

1.The inmetco process is an important method,with which thein plant Zn Pb bearing dust can be treated.Inmetco工艺是处理含锌铅钢铁厂粉尘的重要方法。


