100字范文 > 土家族服饰习俗 Tujia Costume Custom英语短句 例句大全

土家族服饰习俗 Tujia Costume Custom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-14 12:40:36


土家族服饰习俗 Tujia Costume Custom英语短句 例句大全

土家族服饰习俗,Tujia Costume Custom

1)Tujia Costume Custom土家族服饰习俗

2)Han Costume Custom汉族服饰习俗

3)Miao Costume Custom苗族服饰习俗

4)Dong Costume Custom侗族服饰习俗

5)Yao Costume Custom瑶族服饰习俗

6)Tujia costumes土家族服饰

1.It is urgent thatTujia costumes should have scientific adjustment beacause they have undergone profound changes at the present age.土家族服饰在当代已发生了深刻的变迁,迫切需要对它进行科学的调适,这就要求既遵循传承与创新相结合、民族性与时代性相结合、社会效益与经济效益相结合以及市场主导、专家指导与政府引导相结合等基本原则,又要选择不断加强理论研究、实践探索、市场检验和政府规范等基本途径。

2.Tujia costumes are characterized by the features of nationalities and the times in the periods of formation,development,evolution and renovation.土家族服饰不仅在形成、发展、演变阶段具有民族性与时代性的双重特征,而且在创新阶段亦应具有这两个重要特征。


1.Characteristics of Nationalities and the Times of Tujia Costumes;论土家族服饰的民族性与时代性特征

2.On the Finery of Tujia Nationality from Brocade "Xilan Kapu"--Exploring the Finery Culture of Ba People;从“西兰卡普”看土家族人服饰审美观——巴人服饰文化探索

3.On the Change of Tujia Minority Dress and Personal Adornment Based on the Development of National Policy towards Minority Nationalities从民族政策演变看土家服饰的文化变迁

4.Village Cultures Of TuJia People in the Region Of WuLing Mountains Area in the View of History of Nation--Taking Baishun Village as an Example Based on the Change of Times about Their Food and Dresses;民族志视野中的武陵土家族村落文化研究——以百顺村饮食服饰变迁为个案

5.Artistic Representation and Ethnic Characteristics of Mongua lian Embroidered Apparel;土族刺绣服饰的美术表象及其民族特色

6.The Localization about the International Trend and the Internationalization about the Design of Native Country;国际潮流的本土化和民族服饰的国际化

7.Embroidery Patterns of Native Land and Migration on Dress of Miao Minority;苗族服饰刺绣中的故土及迁徙图案纹样

8.The Interpretation of Color Folklore Symbols of Tu’s Dresses in Qinghai Province;青海土族服饰中色彩语言的民俗符号解读

9.The aesthetic opinion primitive beliefs that is included in the dressing and adornment;试论土族服饰中蕴含的原始信仰审美观

10.The Buddhism s Negative Impact on the Han Nationality s Clothing Concept;儒家思想对汉民族服饰观负面影响二题

11.Looking at the Cultural Evolution from their Dresses and Ornaments;从客家服饰看其文化与南方民族文化之融合

12.On the Artistic Manifestation of Tujia Brocade Patterns in Costume Design土家织锦纹样在服饰设计中的艺术表现

13.Chinese Clothing is the traditional apparel of Chinese characteristics.华服 ,是指具有中华民族传统服饰特征的服饰。

14.Analysis of the Decoration Connotation of the Ritual Implement and Dress Adornment of Qiang Minority;羌族释比法器和服饰的装饰内涵分析

15.The Family History of LI Chieftain of Tu Nationality土族土司研究——土族李土司家族史

16.On theⅢEffects of Blurring the Distinct of Traditional Costume--Study on the Culture of Ethnical Costume;民族服饰模糊化的负面影响——白、汉族现代民族服饰文化分析

17.An Approach to the Relationship between the Chinese Traditional National Costumes and the Fashionable Costumes;浅议中国传统民族服饰与时尚服饰的关系

18.The Iofluence on 《Dream of the Red Chamber》 Finery by Manchu s Costume System;清代满族服饰制度对《红楼梦》服饰的影响


Han Costume Custom汉族服饰习俗

3)Miao Costume Custom苗族服饰习俗

4)Dong Costume Custom侗族服饰习俗

5)Yao Costume Custom瑶族服饰习俗

6)Tujia costumes土家族服饰

1.It is urgent thatTujia costumes should have scientific adjustment beacause they have undergone profound changes at the present age.土家族服饰在当代已发生了深刻的变迁,迫切需要对它进行科学的调适,这就要求既遵循传承与创新相结合、民族性与时代性相结合、社会效益与经济效益相结合以及市场主导、专家指导与政府引导相结合等基本原则,又要选择不断加强理论研究、实践探索、市场检验和政府规范等基本途径。

2.Tujia costumes are characterized by the features of nationalities and the times in the periods of formation,development,evolution and renovation.土家族服饰不仅在形成、发展、演变阶段具有民族性与时代性的双重特征,而且在创新阶段亦应具有这两个重要特征。


