100字范文 > 混合整数模型 mix integer model英语短句 例句大全

混合整数模型 mix integer model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-31 06:26:42


混合整数模型 mix integer model英语短句 例句大全

混合整数模型,mix integer model

1)mix integer model混合整数模型

1.In the model solution method\"s choice,according to themix integer model\"s characteristic,the paper proposed to divide the model solution into two parts.建立了以区域配送中心总成本最小化为目标的一个混合整数选址模型;在模型求解方法的选择上,根据混合整数模型的特点,提出了将模型的求解分成两个部分:线性部分采用运输规划法求解,非线性部分采用隐枚举法求解;最后通过实例论证了模型对求解配送中心选址问题的可行性并得到了比较满意的选址结果。

2)0-1 mixed-integer programming model0-1混合整数规划模型

1.Reverse logistics network design problem was formulated as a0-1 mixed-integer programming model and was designed to minimize the total reverse logistics cost,and to pay a.以总逆向物流成本最小为目标,兼顾各客户群的产品回收便利性,建立了0-1混合整数规划模型,实现逆向物流网络的选址/分配问题。

3)mixed integer programming model混合整数规划模型

1.By establishing amixed integer programming model, an optimizing method of project planning for integratively considering the relations of cost and time is suggested, thus the accuracy of optimized result is improved.通过建立混合整数规划模型 ,提出了综合考虑成本与时间关系时工程计划的优化方法 ,从而提高了优化结果的精确

2.The paper studies 3P(the third party)reverse logistics recycling system,provides a 3P reverse logistics recy- cling model based on circulatory economy,which is called amixed integer programming model and solves the mixed model with Lagrangian Heuristics Algorithm.提出了一个基于循环经济的第三方逆向物流回收模型——混合整数规划模型。

3.For the scheduling problem of complicated single-blade cluster tools with re-entrant and parallel chambers,the temporal constraints is derived by analyzing robot actions at the process chambers,robot,as well as parallel and re-entrant chambers,and amixed integer programming model is built to get optimal sequence and minimal cycle time.针对一类存在并行和可重入腔的复杂单臂机器人集束型装备的调度问题,通过对加工腔、机器人、并行和可重入腔中的各个机器人活动进行分析,推导出对应的时序约束关系,建立了问题的混合整数规划模型,从而获得最优的机器人动作序列和最小周期。


1.A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Optimizing Project Time Limit and Cost;工期-成本优化的混合整数规划模型

2.Mixed-integer Programming Model for Multi-stage Vendor Selection;一种多阶段供应商选择的混合整数规划模型

3.Model of Multi-objective Mixed Integer Programming for Suppliers Selection;供应商优选的多目标混合整数规划模型

4.Optimization of Physical Distribution Center Location Based on the Mixed Integer Plan Model;基于混合整数规划模型的物流配送中心选址优化

5.A mixed integer programming formulation for the off-line version of the problem has been proposed.给出了问题的数学描述,并对其静态问题,构造了一个混合整数规划模型。

6.Research on Supply Chain Model Based on Mixed Integer Programming;基于混合整数规划的供应链模型研究

7.Multi-period mixed integer linear programming model and applications for crude selection;多周期混合整数规划购油模型及应用

8.Lingo Language in the Logistics Distribution Center LocationLINGO语言与0-1混合整数规划选址模型的再结合

9.Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for Emergency Scheduling of Oil Products油品应急调度的混合整数线性规划模型

10.An Integral Programming Model of Portfolio Selection with Probability Criterion;概率准则下组合投资的整数规划模型

11.A hybrid chance-constrained integer programming model with fuzzy and stochastic parameters is presented.提出并建立了一类混合机会约束整数规划模型,该模型同时含有模糊和随机参数。

12.A Portfolio Selection Model for Mutual Fund Based on Mixed Integer Programming of Mean-VaR under Chance-constrained;机会约束下基于混合整数规划的均值-VaR证券投资基金投资组合选择模型

13.An Optimization Model for Combinatorial Double Auction Based on Integer Programming Method;基于整数规划方法的组合双向拍卖最优化模型

14.Real Time Path Planning of UAVs Using MILP基于混合整数线性规划无人机实时航迹规划

15.Study a hybrid chance-constrained programming model with fuzzy and stochastic parameters.研究一类混合机会约束规划模型,该模型含有随机和模糊参数。

16.The Application of Excel in Mixed Interger Programming;Excel在混合整数规划中的应用

17.An Enumerative Algorithm for Solving a Kind of Mixed Integer Bilevel Linear Programming Problem一类混合整数双层线性规划的枚举法

18.Short-term Hydrothermal Scheduling Using Mixed-integer Linear Programming水火电联合短期调度的混合整数规划方法


0-1 mixed-integer programming model0-1混合整数规划模型

1.Reverse logistics network design problem was formulated as a0-1 mixed-integer programming model and was designed to minimize the total reverse logistics cost,and to pay a.以总逆向物流成本最小为目标,兼顾各客户群的产品回收便利性,建立了0-1混合整数规划模型,实现逆向物流网络的选址/分配问题。

3)mixed integer programming model混合整数规划模型

1.By establishing amixed integer programming model, an optimizing method of project planning for integratively considering the relations of cost and time is suggested, thus the accuracy of optimized result is improved.通过建立混合整数规划模型 ,提出了综合考虑成本与时间关系时工程计划的优化方法 ,从而提高了优化结果的精确

2.The paper studies 3P(the third party)reverse logistics recycling system,provides a 3P reverse logistics recy- cling model based on circulatory economy,which is called amixed integer programming model and solves the mixed model with Lagrangian Heuristics Algorithm.提出了一个基于循环经济的第三方逆向物流回收模型——混合整数规划模型。

3.For the scheduling problem of complicated single-blade cluster tools with re-entrant and parallel chambers,the temporal constraints is derived by analyzing robot actions at the process chambers,robot,as well as parallel and re-entrant chambers,and amixed integer programming model is built to get optimal sequence and minimal cycle time.针对一类存在并行和可重入腔的复杂单臂机器人集束型装备的调度问题,通过对加工腔、机器人、并行和可重入腔中的各个机器人活动进行分析,推导出对应的时序约束关系,建立了问题的混合整数规划模型,从而获得最优的机器人动作序列和最小周期。

4)admixture integtal optimized model混合整数优化模型

5)mixed-integer programming model混合整数规划模型

1.Themixed-integer programming model is formulated, and an approach based on genetic algorithm is developed.建立了问题的混合整数规划模型 ,研究了基于遗传算法的求解方案。

2.What’s more, amixed-integer programming model based on constraints was established and utilizing ILOG CPLEX software package, the answer to this massive PJSSP model can be solved in a relat.现针对国内大型钢铁企业钢管冷区生产调度的实际问题,在生产连续、库存限制、部分人工调度的情况下,利用离散化时间的方法把不可中断Job-Shop问题转化为可中断Job-Shop问题,建立该问题的混合整数规划模型,并利用ILOG公司CPLEX软件包对其大规模的可中断Job-Shop问题的算例进行求解,其解可指导冷区的实际生产调度。

6)analog-digital-mixed type模数混合型

1.And then, after the comparison of those two systems, a newanalog-digital-mixed type is proposed, which conbimes the advantages of those two systems.分析了平安城市建设中两个典型的视频监控联网系统,即模拟接入方式的模数混合型和数字接入方式的全数字型,对比分析了两者的优缺点。


