100字范文 > 多级循环模型 circulation cell model英语短句 例句大全

多级循环模型 circulation cell model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-10 13:06:47


多级循环模型 circulation cell model英语短句 例句大全

多级循环模型,circulation cell model

1)circulation cell model多级循环模型

1.In addition,thecirculation cell model was used to explain the variation in mixing time of 4-nozzle spargers in the shallow bubble column,and the model parameter values—cell number S and mass exchange rate between cells u_B under different operation conditions were obtained.并采用多级循环模型分析计算了不同操作条件下的模型参数一级数S和级间质量交换速率uB,预测的混合时间与实验结果吻合较好。

2)cyclic polycrystal model循环多晶模型

3)circulatory multi-step循环式多级

1.Thecirculatory multi-step ultrasonic dispersion technology was studied herein.针对传统的分散技术存在着分散不均匀、效率低、成本高、分散系统不稳定等缺点,提出了循环式多级超声波分散的原理,在分析循环式多级超声波分散机结构和要求的基础上,研制了循环式多级超声波分散机,对压电换能器、变幅杆和分散工具头组成的声学系统进行了有限元分析。

4)circling model循环模型

1.This paper begins with analysis of Cosco Busan accident,and analyses the similar accidents using a simplecircling model.从"中远釜山"事故入手,运用简单的循环模型对类似事故进行分析,说明实施安全屏障所面临的各种挑战。


1.A Rabbit Model of Cardiopulmonary Bypass under Deep Hypothermia Circulatory Arrest兔深低温停循环体外循环模型的建立

2.Models of Generalized Material Recycling and Its Policy Implication for Circular Economy in China;广义物质循环模型及对循环经济的政策内涵

3.Study on Deming Ring in the Operation of CSIRTCSIRT运行中的PDCA循环模型研究

4.Two models of extracorporeal circulation experiment on rabbits兔两种体外循环模型建立的实验研究

5.Develop Circular Economy and construct environment-friendly city--Circular Economy research under the Wenzhou Pattern;发展循环经济,建设环境友好型城市——温州模式下的循环经济研究

6.The circular economy is a new economic model.而循环经济则是一种新的经济模型。

7.Pharmacokinetic model for the enterohepatic circulation of mycophenolic acid麦考酚酸肠肝循环药动学模型的建立

8.The Animal Test and a Mathematical Model of the Peripheral Extra-corporeal Circulation;侧支体外循环动物试验及其数学模型

9.Research on the Applying Model and Policies of Resources Recycling;资源循环利用的应用模型及政策研究

10.The Study on the Model of Recycling Eco-City Development in Beibei;北碚区循环型生态城市发展模式研究

11.Circulatory Flow Model on the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor Forces;农村剩余劳动力转移的循环流动模型

12.The Trend of the Development of Median-resource-based Industry on Circulation Economy;中观资源型产业发展的循环经济模式

13.Research on Optimal Model of Recycling Logistics System under B2B Network;B2B再循环物流网络优化模型研究

14.Research on the Operation Model of Agro-ecosystem Oriented on Circular Economy;循环型农业生态系统运行模式的研究

15.A Kind of Minitype Recycling Economy: The Pig-Raising,Methane-Generating and Fruit - Growing Eco-agriculture System;微型循环经济:“猪-沼-果”生态农业模式

16.Building Up a model for circular economy based on Object, main body, Policy;循环经济的对象-主体-政策模型研究

17.Set up An Ecological City-the Model of Circulative Economic City of Yangling;创建生态城:杨凌循环经济型城市模式

18.The Consideration on the Practice Modelof the Recycling Agriculture(in Shaanxi);关于陕西循环型农业发展模式的思考


cyclic polycrystal model循环多晶模型

3)circulatory multi-step循环式多级

1.Thecirculatory multi-step ultrasonic dispersion technology was studied herein.针对传统的分散技术存在着分散不均匀、效率低、成本高、分散系统不稳定等缺点,提出了循环式多级超声波分散的原理,在分析循环式多级超声波分散机结构和要求的基础上,研制了循环式多级超声波分散机,对压电换能器、变幅杆和分散工具头组成的声学系统进行了有限元分析。

4)circling model循环模型

1.This paper begins with analysis of Cosco Busan accident,and analyses the similar accidents using a simplecircling model.从"中远釜山"事故入手,运用简单的循环模型对类似事故进行分析,说明实施安全屏障所面临的各种挑战。

5)multilevel model多级模型

1.An evaluation system based onmultilevel model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for natural resources in agriculture;基于Fuzzy综合评判多级模型的农业资源评估系统

6)multy-Internal Circulation多级内循环(MIC)


