100字范文 > 抗砷基因工程菌 arsenic resistance gene engineering bacterium英语短句 例句大全

抗砷基因工程菌 arsenic resistance gene engineering bacterium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-11 11:05:32


抗砷基因工程菌 arsenic resistance gene engineering bacterium英语短句 例句大全

抗砷基因工程菌,arsenic resistance gene engineering bacterium

1)arsenic resistance gene engineering bacterium抗砷基因工程菌

2)arsenic resistance genetically engineered bacteria抗砷基因工程菌(参22)

3)anti-fungal gene engineering抗真菌基因工程

4)arsenic resistance gene抗砷基因

1.3kb Hin d Ⅲ fragment harboring thearsenic resistance genes from plasmid pUM3 was subcloned into the wide-host-range IncQ plasmid pMMB24 and a new arsenic resistance plasmid pSDRA3 with tac promoter was constructed by using the recombinant technique in vitro.利用DNA体外重组技术,将质粒载体pUM3上的抗砷基因片段亚克隆到含有强启动子(tac启动子)并具有广泛寄主范围特性的IncQ族质粒pMMB24上,成功构建了含有强启动子的抗砷质粒pSDRA3,以及删除调节基因片段的组成型表达的抗砷质粒pSDRA4。


1.Research on Salt Tolerant Peroxidases in Wheat and Arsenic Resistant Transgenic Plant山融3号小麦耐盐相关过氧化物酶基因及植物抗砷基因工程初步研究

2.The Detection of Arsenic Resistance Relative Genes Using Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells;用人骨髓间充质干细胞筛选人类抗砷相关基因

3.The Influence of ABCA1 on Arsenic Resistance in Mammalian Cell;ABCA1基因对哺乳动物细胞抗砷性影响的研究

4.Research of Human Arsenic-resistance Related Gene Function by RNAi Technique;用RNA干扰技术研究人抗砷相关基因的功能

5.The Effects on Anti-oxidation System and the Expression of CAT Gene in Human Lymphocyte in Vitro Culture Induced by Sodium Arsenic;亚砷酸钠对体外培养人淋巴细胞抗氧化系统及CAT基因表达的影响

6.The Effects on Anti-oxidation System and the Expression of MPO Gene on Rat Skin and Organs by Arsenic砷对大鼠皮肤和脏器中抗氧化系统及MPO基因表达的影响

7.The arsenic group(CH3)2As-.二甲砷基砷基(CH3)2As-

8.The Study on the Relationship between the Genetic Polymorphisms and mRNA Expression of Arsenic Metabolic Genes and the Susceptibility of Arsenism and Arsenic Methylation砷代谢相关酶基因多态性及其mRNA表达与砷中毒易感性、砷甲基化关系的研究

9.Association of the Arsenic Metabolism Enzymes Gene Polymorphisms with Susceptibility to Endemic Arsenism;砷代谢相关酶基因多态性与地方性砷中毒易感性的关系研究

10.Research on Noise Parameter Using for Characteristic Radiation Hardness of GaAs-based Semiconductor Material;砷化镓基半导体材料抗辐照噪声表征参量研究

11.A Study on the Relationship between Methylation of p16 Gene and Endemic Arsenism;p16基因甲基化与地砷病发病关系的研究

12.Overexpression of MDR1 is associated with acquired tolerance to arsenic in L-02 cells多药耐药基因1与人肝细胞耐砷性关系

13.The Prelimilary Study on the Anti neurotoxic Effects of Recombination Protein of Human Neurotrophin 4/5 on As 2O 3 and HgBr 2重组人神经营养因子-4/5蛋白抗砷、汞神经毒作用的初步研究

14.An in Vitro Study of the Anti-hepatitis B Virus Effect of Arsenic Trioxide and Thymic Factor D;三氧化二砷及胸腺因子D抗乙型肝炎病毒的体外实验

15.Arsenic Poisoning in Mice Lipid Metabolism and Cell Apoptosis Factors and the Impact of Antagonistic Role of Zinc;砷中毒对小鼠脂代谢和细胞凋亡因子的影响及锌拮抗作用的研究

16.Studies on the Correlation between DNA Methylation and As_2O_3 Against Marek s Disease;DNA甲基化与三氧化二砷抗马立克氏病相关性的研究

17.Advance on Studies of Arsenic-resistant Microorganisms and Molecular Mechanisms抗砷性微生物及其抗砷分子机制研究进展

18.antibiotics resistance gene screening抗生素抗性基因筛选


arsenic resistance genetically engineered bacteria抗砷基因工程菌(参22)

3)anti-fungal gene engineering抗真菌基因工程

4)arsenic resistance gene抗砷基因

1.3kb Hin d Ⅲ fragment harboring thearsenic resistance genes from plasmid pUM3 was subcloned into the wide-host-range IncQ plasmid pMMB24 and a new arsenic resistance plasmid pSDRA3 with tac promoter was constructed by using the recombinant technique in vitro.利用DNA体外重组技术,将质粒载体pUM3上的抗砷基因片段亚克隆到含有强启动子(tac启动子)并具有广泛寄主范围特性的IncQ族质粒pMMB24上,成功构建了含有强启动子的抗砷质粒pSDRA3,以及删除调节基因片段的组成型表达的抗砷质粒pSDRA4。

5)Bt-transgenic bacteria转基因抗虫工程菌

6)genetic engineering of fungal resistance抗真菌病基因工程


基因工程干扰素α-2b药物名称:基因工程干扰素α-2b英文名:Recombinated Interferon α-2b别名: 重组干扰素α-2b、基因工程干扰素α-2b 外文名:Recombinated Interferon α-2b药理和应用: 本品是由经遗传工程经过质体的大肠埃希杆菌与人体白细胞中的干扰素α-2b基因杂交后经无性繁殖得到的一种干扰素。其作用机制与干扰素α-2b相同,是在细胞表面与特殊的膜受体结合而发挥抗DNA和RNA作用,包括对某些酶的诱导作用。阻止受病毒感染细胞中病素的复制,抑制细胞繁殖。并具有免疫调节作用,亦可增强巨噬细胞的吞噬活性,同时增强淋巴细胞对靶细胞的特殊细胞毒性。与放疗或其他抗癌药有协同作用。临床可用于多发性骨髓瘤、卡波济肉瘤、恶性黑色素瘤、毛状细胞白血病及喉乳头状瘤。也用于慢性活动性乙型肝炎及非甲非乙型肝炎。 用法和用量: 皮下注射:每次1×106~5×106IU/m2,每日或隔日1次。具体给药方案按病情和需受性而定。 规格: 注射剂:300万U/瓶、500万U/瓶。(美国Schering产品,每瓶含水溶性蛋白质好高纯度重组干扰素α-2b300万U或500万U,还含有氨基乙酸、磷酸二氢钠及磷酸氢二钠作缓冲剂,人体白蛋白作稳定剂)。 类别:免疫调节剂
