100字范文 > 广域测量系统 wide area measurement system英语短句 例句大全

广域测量系统 wide area measurement system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-30 23:28:41


广域测量系统 wide area measurement system英语短句 例句大全

广域测量系统,wide area measurement system

1)wide area measurement system广域测量系统

1.Research on Communication Network for Wide Area Measurement System;广域测量系统中通信网络的研究

2.Research on the Phasor Measurement Approach in Wide Area Measurement System;广域测量系统中相量算法的研究


1.The Phasor Measurement Unit in Wide Area Measurement System广域测量系统中的同步相量测量装置

2.Voltage Stability"s Online Prediction Using WAMS广域测量系统用于电压稳定在线预测

3.Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) Reliability and WAMS Based Voltage Stability广域测量系统可靠性及基于广域测量系统的电压稳定性研究

4.Realization and Application of Control Center of Wide Area Measurement System;广域测量系统中心站功能开发与应用

5.Study on Reliability Probability Model of Wide Area Measurement System广域测量系统的可靠性概率模型研究

6.Real-time communication of WAMS simulation substation广域测量系统仿真子站实时通信问题

7.Application Study of Wide-Area Measurement System in Power Systems;广域测量系统在电力系统中的应用研究

8.WAMS Based Power System Stabilizer (PSS) Research;基于广域测量系统的电力系统稳定器研究

9.Design of Power System Damping Controller Based on Wide-Area Measurement System;基于广域测量系统的电力系统阻尼控制器设计

10.Power system stability control based on wide area measurement system基于广域测量系统的电力系统稳定控制

11.Study of Power System Stabilizer Configuration Based on Wide-area Measurement System基于广域测量系统的电力系统稳定器配置方案

12.On-Line Monitoring of Voltage Stability Based on Wide-Area Measurement System;基于广域测量系统(WAMS)的电压稳定在线监测

13.Research of Nodal Voltage Stability Prediction Based on Wide-Area Measurement System基于广域测量系统的节点电压稳定预测研究

14.Related Technologies of Wams and Study on Application of Voltage Stability;广域测量系统若干技术及电压稳定应用研究

15.Realization and Application of the New Wide Area Measurement System Control Center;新型广域测量系统控制中心的实现及应用

16.The Security Control for Transmission Section Based on WAMS;基于广域测量系统的输电断面安全控制研究

17.The Main Station Design and Development of the Wide-area Measurement/Monitoring System电网广域测量系统主站软件平台的设计与开发

18.Analysis and Comparison of Algorithms of Optimizing PMU Placement in WAMS广域测量系统中PMU优化配置方法的比较


wide-area measurement system广域测量系统

1.Construction and application of thewide-area measurement system in Anhui power system;安徽电网广域测量系统的建设与应用

2.Application Study of Wide-Area Measurement System in Power Systems;广域测量系统在电力系统中的应用研究

3.Inwide-area measurement system (WAMS) the data uploading frequency of phasor measurement units (PMU) is 100 Hz,to meet the high requirement to occupied storage space and writing speed of this system,the PMU data should be compressed.广域测量系统(wide-area measurement system,WAMS)中,相量测量装置(phasor measurement unit,PMU)上传数据频率为100Hz,存储占用空间和写入速度对系统要求很高。


1.Development and Prospect ofWAMS in Power System;广域测量系统在电力系统的发展与展望

2.Application ofWAMS in East China Power Grid;广域测量系统在华东电网中的应用

3.Voltage Stability"s Online Prediction UsingWAMS广域测量系统用于电压稳定在线预测

4)wide area measurement system (WAMS)广域测量系统

1.A wide area measurement system (WAMS) based low frequency analysis method is proposed to make identifications and statistics of the small low frequency oscillations excited by daily random disturbances in power systems.提出一种基于广域测量系统(WAMS)的方法对日常扰动引起的小幅振荡进行在线识别和统计,从而可以在系统正常运行中,利用实测数据找到系统的固有振荡模式,对其中易激发的危险模式进行节点同调分群、振荡中心识别和贡献因子计算等模态分析并告警,从而补充或纠正了根据数学模型和特定工况进行振荡分析时,由于模型和参数不准确导致的遗漏和误差。

2.In virtue of wide area measurement system (WAMS) and wide area network (WAN), an improvement of voltage and reactive power automatic control software based on SCADA can be put forward.结合广域测量系统(WAMS)和宽域网(WAN),对基于计算机监控系统的VQC提出改进方案。

3.As a new technology and an important approach for the dynamic real-time monitoring of the power grid, the Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) has played a magnificent role for the safe and stable operation of the power grids.作为电网动态实时监测的新技术和重要手段,广域测量系统(WideAreaMeasurementSystem,简称WAMS)对电网的安全稳定运行发挥了重要的作用。

5)wide area measurement system(WAMS)广域测量系统

1.This paper investigates H∞ control of thyristor-controlled series capacitor(TCSC) in consideration of time delay in wide area measurement system(WAMS),and presents the design of H∞ controller by linear matrix inequality(LMI) technique.对存在于广域测量系统时滞影响的可控串联电容补偿器的H∞控制进行了研究,说明利用线性矩阵不等式进行H∞控制器设计的方法。

2.It is hard to integrate information with other application systems effectively since the lack of a uniform information model for the wide area measurement system(WAMS).针对当前广域测量系统WAMS尚没有统一的信息模型,不能与其它应用系统有效信息共享的现状,对IEC 61970标准的公共信息模型CIM进行了深入研究,并且结合WAMS的特点及其在电力系统中的应用情况,提出了基于CIM的WAMS信息模型,定义了WAMS的CIM类及其相应的属性信息。

3.And then in virtue of Wide Area Measurement System(WAMS) and Wide Area Network(WAN),an improvement is put forth of voltage and reactive power automatic control software based on SCADA.介绍变电站电压及无功调节(VQC)的原理,电压稳定的概念,再从电压稳定性角度出发,分析电力系统扰动情形下VQC对OLTC的控制,之后结合广域测量系统(W AM S)和广域网对基于计算机监控系统的VQC提出改进方案。

6)wide-area measurement system(WAMS)广域测量系统(WAMS)


时域测量与频域测量测量被测对象在不同时间的特性,即把它看成是一个时间的函数f(t)来测量,称为时域测量。例如,对图中a的信号 f(t)可以用示波器显示并测量它的幅度、宽度、上升和下降时间等参数。把信号f(t)输入一个网络,测量出其输出信号f(t),与输入相比较而求得网络的传递函数h(t)。这些都属于时域测量。对同一个被测对象,也可以测量它在不同频率时的特性,亦即把它看成是一个频率的函数S(ω)来测量,这称为频域测量。例如,对信号f(t)可以用频谱分析仪显示并测量它在不同频率的功率分布谱S(ω),如图b。把这个信号输入一个网络,测量出其输出频谱S′(ω),与输入相比较而求得网络的频率响应G(ω)。这些都属于频域测量。用一个频率可变的正弦(单频)信号作输入,测量出在不同频率时网络输出与输入功率之比,也得到G(ω)。这仍然是频域测量。时域与频域过程或响应,在数学上彼此是一对相互的傅里叶变换关系 这里*表示卷积。时域测量与频域测量互相之间有唯一的对应关系。在这一个域进行测量,通过换算可求得另一个域的结果。在实际测量中,两种方法各有其适用范围和相应的测量仪器。示波器是时域测量常用的仪器,便于测量信号波形参数、相?还叵岛褪奔涔叵档取?频谱分析仪是频域测量常用的仪器,便于测量频谱、谐波、失真、交调等。
