100字范文 > 《现代中国电影史略》 A Brief History of Chinese Film英语短句 例句大全

《现代中国电影史略》 A Brief History of Chinese Film英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-09 13:51:08


《现代中国电影史略》 A Brief History of Chinese Film英语短句 例句大全

《现代中国电影史略》,A Brief History of Chinese Film

1)A Brief History of Chinese Film《现代中国电影史略》

1.Then basing on unscrambling the literature about comment of film history left over by Zheng Junli, and combining with the comment of the same period, the bookA Brief History of Chinese Film written by Zheng Junli is analyzed detailed and systemic on its views, methods and characters.本章从考察郑君里的唯物史观出发,阐述了郑君里电影史论研究涉及的范围,并以解读郑君里遗留下来的电影史论文献为基础,结合同时期电影史研究,对郑君里的史论著作《现代中国电影史略》的观念、方法和特色进行梳理。

2)The Modern Chinese Film现代中国电影

3)modern Chinese history中国现代史

1.In the face of the 21st century, the instruction ofmodern Chinese history should lay stress on introducing the latest developments in the research of the discipline, the focal points and central issues in research as well as ways for their location so as to motivate students interest in learning and scientific research.面向21世纪,高校中国现代史教学应注重介绍学科研究前沿和研究的重点、热点问题及其查找途径,以激发学生的学习与科研兴趣;应注意运用和向学生传授新的历史研究与分析方法;充分运用多媒体教学手段,向学生展现历史事件的生动记录,增强教学的直观性和生动性;尽可能采用西方国家流行的互动式教学方法,开展课堂讨论,增强师生之间的双边交流活动,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性;应当将社会史的内容和现代化理论、历史社会学的观点溶入课堂教学之中;还应注意结合教学内容,讲清当前的某些热点问题的历史真相和来龙去脉,寓爱国主义教育于课堂教学之中。

2.As one of the famous scholars on themodern Chinese history research, Professor Wei Hong yun was one of the early scholars who pioneered themodern Chinese history studies.魏宏运教授是中国现代史研究的知名专家,是20世纪50年代最早投身中国现代史研究的学者之一。

3.This book is amodern Chinese history textbook with academic insight.魏宏运新编《中国现代史》教材运用丰富翔实的资料,以新体例对1919~1949年的中国社会政治、经济、思想、文化和社会生活作全面、科学、客观评述,是一部学术性的中国现代史教材。


1.A Pathological Picture of Chinese Contemporary History--A brief talk on the essay Contemporary History written by Luxun;一幅中国现代史的病理图——浅谈鲁迅杂文《现代史》

2.The Methods and Theories on Chinese Nathional History of Modern Chinese Historians;中国现代史家民族通史研究的理论与方法

3.Developmental History of Chinese Modernization ?当代中国现代化发展史

4.History of Mordern Chinese Political Thought ?中国近现代政治思想史

5.China World Contemporary History Society中国世界现代史学会

6.The History of Chinese New Literature中国现代比较文学史

7.Problems on "History and Theory" in Compilation of Chinese History of Modern Literature中国现代文学史编撰中的“史与论”问题

8.The historical destiny of modern Neo-Confucianism and China s modernization;现代新儒学的历史命运与中国现代化

9.On the Research of the Local Historical Documents and the Modern and Contemporary History in China;试论方志史料与中国近、现代史研究

10.Historical Reflection on the Model of the Great Series of the Chinese New Literature in Modern Chinese Literature History中国现代文学史《大系》模式的史学反思

11.System of Modernization" in the Subject on the Modern History of the World in China;我国世界近代史学科中的“现代化体系”

12.The Present Progressive Tense" of the History of Modern Chinese Literature Research;中国现代文学史研究的"现在进行时"

13.Detailed Explanation and Description of the Historical Aspiration and Realistic Choice of the Chinese Modernization;中国现代化历史追求与现实选择解读

14.On the Curricula of the Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature Discipline;中国现当代文学学科史中的课程问题

15.On the Relationship between the Point View of Modernization and the Core of the Compendium of Modern and Contemporary History of China;现代化视角与《中国近现代史纲要》主线的把握

16.The Transformation of the Research of Modern Literature and the Teaching of the History of Modern Chinese Literature;现代文学研究转型与《中国现代文学史》课程教学

17.The Modernization s History Process of Chinese Concept ion and Enlightenment during the Near Modern Times in China;近现代中国人观念现代化的历史进程与启示

18.Modernity and Theoretical Presupposition in the Study of Modern Chinese Literature;论现代性与中国现代文学史研究的理论预设


The Modern Chinese Film现代中国电影

3)modern Chinese history中国现代史

1.In the face of the 21st century, the instruction ofmodern Chinese history should lay stress on introducing the latest developments in the research of the discipline, the focal points and central issues in research as well as ways for their location so as to motivate students interest in learning and scientific research.面向21世纪,高校中国现代史教学应注重介绍学科研究前沿和研究的重点、热点问题及其查找途径,以激发学生的学习与科研兴趣;应注意运用和向学生传授新的历史研究与分析方法;充分运用多媒体教学手段,向学生展现历史事件的生动记录,增强教学的直观性和生动性;尽可能采用西方国家流行的互动式教学方法,开展课堂讨论,增强师生之间的双边交流活动,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性;应当将社会史的内容和现代化理论、历史社会学的观点溶入课堂教学之中;还应注意结合教学内容,讲清当前的某些热点问题的历史真相和来龙去脉,寓爱国主义教育于课堂教学之中。

2.As one of the famous scholars on themodern Chinese history research, Professor Wei Hong yun was one of the early scholars who pioneered themodern Chinese history studies.魏宏运教授是中国现代史研究的知名专家,是20世纪50年代最早投身中国现代史研究的学者之一。

3.This book is amodern Chinese history textbook with academic insight.魏宏运新编《中国现代史》教材运用丰富翔实的资料,以新体例对1919~1949年的中国社会政治、经济、思想、文化和社会生活作全面、科学、客观评述,是一部学术性的中国现代史教材。

4)chinese modern history中国现代史

1.TInnovation in Chinese modern history teaching in Chinese normal universities requires the teachers to update the ideas of teaching,and establish right views of teachers,students and of persons of abilities.高等师范院校中国现代史教学改革,应更新教学理念,树立正确的教师观、学生观、人才观;充实教学内容,适当介绍国内外史学研究动态和研究新理论;改进教学方法,讲授法、讨论法、比较法多元并举;提高教学手段,发挥多媒体教学的辅助作用;注重学生知识吸收、能力培养、品格锤炼,培养适应社会需要的复合型人才。

5)Chinese film history中国电影史

1.Today,the multi-perspective and multi-dimensional research is a very important aspect of our re- writing newChinese film history.多视角、多维度地展开新中国电影史的研究,是今天重写中国电影史的一个重要侧面。

6)Modern Chinese History《中国近代现代史》

1.The Research on the Variety of the Senior High School Textbook "Modern Chinese History" from 1990 s;20世纪90年代以来高中《中国近代现代史》教科书变化研究


