100字范文 > 允许负荷量 permitting loadings of pollutant英语短句 例句大全

允许负荷量 permitting loadings of pollutant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-09 05:36:19


允许负荷量 permitting loadings of pollutant英语短句 例句大全

允许负荷量,permitting loadings of pollutant

1)permitting loadings of pollutant允许负荷量

1.Study on the method in determination ofpermitting loadings of pollutant from effluents in Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库排污口允许负荷量的计算方法研究


1.Study on the method in determination of permitting loadings of pollutant from effluents in Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库排污口允许负荷量的计算方法研究

2.Tf _ The allowed torque according to tired intensity in changeful load.在交变负荷下按疲劳强度所允许的转矩。

3.All nonnegative energies are allowed.所有非负能量都是允许的。

4.The nominal weight is 60 g, allowable deviation is +0.1 g and -0.05 g.标准重量是60克,允许偏移量从负0.05克到正0.1克。

5.maximum permissible amount (MPA)(金额) 最大允许量

6."With permission, but at owner"s risk "允许存放,但后果自负

7.Calculation of the Greatest Volume of Allowable Load of the Internal lrradiated Whole Body of Human Being──~(10)C、~(238)U、~(239)Pu;内照全身最大容许负荷量的计算──~(10)C、~(238)U、~(239)Pu

8.CRPO (Continuous Rating Permitting Overload)容许超负荷的持续定额

9.The article discusses the transformer allowance to increase the load capacity after reactive compensation and some correlative questions.对无功补偿后变压器允许增加的负载容量及相关问题进行了研讨。

10.No environment value substitutions are allowed (no more than one "%").不允许环境变量替换(只允许一个 "%")。

11.maximum authorized static load on coupling device作用在挂接装置上的最大允许静载荷

12.maximum authorized mass of vehicle combination汽车列车最大允许质量

13.permissible discharge of standard cell标准电池允许放电量

14.over-produced wel超过预定允许产量的井

15.maximum authorized amss of articulated vehicle铰接车最大允许质量

16.maximum allowable tank filling limit最大允许液舱充装数量

17.temporary acceptable daily暂时每日允许摄入量

18.A load weight is required. The weight must be from %1 to %2. Enter a valid weight.需要负荷量。此负荷量必须在%1到%2之间。请输入一个有效负荷量。


allowable load,permissible load允许负荷

3)load,permissilbe dynamic ~允许动负荷

4)permissible static load允许静负荷

5)allowable load许用载荷;允许负荷;容许负荷;容许荷载;允许荷载

6)Permission steam load允许蒸汽负荷


