100字范文 > 东欧 Eastern Europe英语短句 例句大全

东欧 Eastern Europe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-16 17:37:44


东欧 Eastern Europe英语短句 例句大全

东欧,Eastern Europe

1)Eastern Europe东欧

1.The Function of Constitutional Review during the Process of Transition inEastern Europe;论违宪审查在东欧国家转型中的作用

2.America s Policy towardEastern Europe during the Cold War:from 1949 to 1969;冷战时期美国对东欧政策述评(1949-1969)

3.Discussion on Chinese Sport Management System Innovation In spired by the Chang of Sports Management ofEastern European Countries during the "Eastern European Shift" Period;东欧各国转轨期体育变革对我国体育管理体制改革的启示


1.Eastern Europe\0E. Europe Standard Time\0E. Europe Daylight Time\0*东欧\0东欧标准时间\0东欧夏时制\0*

2.Regional Seminar for Eastern and Central Europe东欧和中欧区域讨论会

3.Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe中欧和东欧行动纲领

4.Central and Eastern European Law initiative中欧和东欧法律倡议

5.Central and Eastern European Privatization Network中欧和东欧私有化网络

6.Central and Eastern European transition economies中欧和东欧转型经济体

7.Pan-European Environment Action Programme for Central and eastern Europe关于中欧和东欧的泛欧环境行动纲领

8.Central and Eastern European countries associated with EU欧盟的中欧和东欧联系国

9.The Impact on CEECs Inflowing FDI in the Condition of EU Enlargement;欧盟东扩对中东欧国家FDI流入的影响

10.American Bar Association Central and Eastern European Law Initia美国律师公会中欧和东欧法律倡议

11.Task Group of Regulation Oversight of Central and Eastern Europe in Biotechnology中欧和东欧生物技术管制监督工作队

12.Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe中欧与东欧环境行动纲领

work Programme on Veterinary Biotechnology in Central and Eastern Europe中欧和东欧兽医生物技术网方案

14.Multidisciplinary Team for Central and Eastern Europe中欧与东欧多学科工作队

15.plant of western and southern Europe widely cultivated for its pale yellow flowers.东欧和南欧植物,种植广泛,花淡黄色。

16.East and Central European Cooperative Development Network东欧和中欧合作社发展网

17.National Committees Development Programme for Central and Eastern European Countries中欧和东欧各国国家委员会发展方案

18.International Symposium on the Protection of Refugees in Central and Eastern Europe保护中欧和东欧难民国际专题讨论会


East Europe东欧

1.Cooperation, Check and Legal Procedure——Comments on the Emergency Power Institutions of the Six NewCountries inEast Europe;合作、牵制与法律程序——新东欧六国紧急权力制度

2.Lu Xun and the Traditional Realistic Literature ofEast Europe;鲁迅与东欧传统现实主义文学

3.American Cultural Policies Towards the Soviet andEast Europe Nations during Eisenhower Administration;艾森豪威尔政府对苏联和东欧国家的文化政策

3)Southeastern Europe东南欧

4)drastic changes in Eastern Europe东欧剧变

1.Thedrastic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the former Soviet Union around the end of last century brought about a great change in the world situations.东欧剧变,前苏联解体,是上个世纪末世界形势的一大巨变。

5)Abramis brama Berg东方欧鳊

1.Studies on the biology and exploitation ofAbramis brama Berg in the Ulungur lake;乌伦古湖东方欧鳊的生物学及开发利用研究

6)Eastern European Platform东欧地台


