100字范文 > 中药废渣 waste residue of Chinese herbs英语短句 例句大全

中药废渣 waste residue of Chinese herbs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-29 19:55:45


中药废渣 waste residue of Chinese herbs英语短句 例句大全

中药废渣,waste residue of Chinese herbs

1)waste residue of Chinese herbs中药废渣

1.Objective:To discuss the reused value and biotransformation probability of thewaste residue of Chinese herbs.目的:探讨中药废渣的再利用价值及生物转化的可行性。

2.Objective: To discuss the reused value and biotransformation probability of thewaste residue of Chinese herbs.目的 :探讨中药废渣的再利用价值及生物转化的可行性。


1.Study on Technique of Produing Protein Feed from Herb-medcine Residues by White Rot Fungus Solid-state Fermentation白腐菌固态发酵中药废渣生产蛋白饲料工艺条件

2.Exploitation of Tradition Chinese Medicine Bagasse-Water Extracted-Alchohol Precipitated Indigowoad Root and Water Extracted Baicaokeke Wastes中草药提取废弃物—板蓝根水提醇沉物及百草咳克水提残渣的利用

3.three wastes--waste gas, waste water and waste residue三废--废气、废水、废渣

4.Study on Adsorption of Lead(Ⅱ)and Cadmium(Ⅱ)from Waste Water with Waste Tea废弃茶叶渣对废水中铅(Ⅱ)和镉(Ⅱ)的吸附研究

5.[KJV] Thou hast made us as the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people.你使我们在万族中,成了渣滓和废物。

6.Study on flue gas desulfurization by industrial solid wastes;利用工业废渣脱除烟气中的SO_2

7.Investigation of the Adsorption Characteristics of the Bagasses to Cd~(2+) and Cr~(3+)甘蔗渣吸附废水中Cd~(2+)和Cr~(3+)的研究

8.Application of the Slag in the Potato Starch Wastewater Treatment炉渣在马铃薯淀粉废水处理中的应用

9.Experimental Study of Neutralization of Vanadium-Bearing Converter Slag With Waste Titanium Dioxide Spent Acid含钒转炉渣中和钛白废酸的试验研究

10.Biological characteristics and chemical compositions of Rabdosia amethystoides and its residue中药香茶菜原药及药渣的生物特性与化学组成

11.Waste Recycling and Treatment in Shangluo Smeltery(V)--Separating copper-zinc-cadmium from copper-waste;商洛炼锌厂废渣回收与处理(V)——铜渣中铜、锌、镉的萃取分离

12.Experimental Analysis and Probe of Comprehensive Utilization of Residue and Condensate from the Production of D-VcNa异Vc钠制药废渣、浓残液实验分析与综合利用探讨

13.Determination of Astragaloside IV in Dreg of Radix astragali by High-Performance Liquid ChromatographyHPLC测定黄芪药渣中黄芪甲苷含量


15.Experimential Reserch on Removal of Phosphorus in Waste Water with Modified Steel Slag;改性钢渣去除废水中磷酸盐的试验研究

16.Properties and Study on Cement Industry of the Phosphorous Slags;磷化工废渣特性及其在水泥中的应用研究

17.The Practical Research of Strontium Salt and Waste Residue in Rural Road s Road Base;锶盐废渣在农村公路基层中的应用研究

18.Silicon Fertilizer Response of Several Slag Mucks in Paddy Soil;几种工矿废渣在水稻土中硅素肥料效应的研究


Chinese medicine residue中药渣

1.The study focused on: the procedure of disposal and treatment; the annual production and types of medical wastes; the relationship between the numbers of inpatient and outpatient and the amount of medical waste; the amounts ofChinese medicine residue generated by per inpatient and outpatient per day; the composition of the medical waste and the ratio of infectious waste to household like waste.报道了对长沙市 5所医院为期一个月的研究结果 ,内容包括 :医疗垃圾管理处置现状 ;医疗垃圾类型及产量 ;门诊人数、住院人数及垃圾量的变化规律 ;住院病人和门诊病人的垃圾产率及中药渣产率 ;传染性垃圾与生活垃圾的比例及医疗垃圾的组成 。

2.The effect ofChinese medicine residue and peat substrate on the growth and visual quality of poinsettia was studied with different irrigation methods and basal-fertilizer dosage.在不同的浇水方法和施肥条件下比较了中药渣和泥炭两种基质对一品红生长和盆花品质的影响。

3)medicine herb residue中药渣

1.55g,medicine herb residue 12g, glucose 8g, urea 0.1g、H_2O 1L,添加部分中药渣在絮凝菌发酵培养基中,可以作为微生物生长所必需碳源的补充,并能降低培养基的生产成本。

2.In this article,medicine herb residue was rapidly heated in the hypoxic state,turned into liquid bio-oil by rapidly cooling,and then condensed by gaseous high molecular compound in medium baking temperature before complete decomposition,so that the formation of gas products was decreased,and liquid products was increased,thereafter wood vinegar was and tar were separated by dehydration.在缺氧状态下快速加热中药渣,然后迅速冷却为液体生物油;在气体中的高分子化合物完全分解前进行中温浓缩,以减少气体产物的形成,提高液相产物产量;再通过脱水分离为木醋酸和木焦油。

4)herb residues中药渣

1.The effect of incubation conditions on the solid fermentation ofherb residues by Trichoderma koningii is studied,and the optimal fermentation condition is determined by orthogonal test.考察了营养源和其它条件对康宁木霉固态发酵中药渣的影响,采用正交实验优化了发酵条件,同时在单菌种发酵的基础上,对康宁木霉和产朊假丝酵母混合发酵进行了初步探索。

5)wastes of Chinese traditional medicine中药残渣

1.The method on the turf production with thewastes of Chinese traditional medicine was studied for saving the soil resources.为节省土地资源,对以中药残渣为基质生产草坪的方法进行了研究。

6)Chinese herb residues中草药渣

1.Effect on complex microbial community during theChinese herb residues composting process复合菌剂在中草药渣堆肥中的应用研究


放射性废渣处理放射性废渣处理disposal of radioactive wastesfongshex一ng feizha ehu之h-放射性废渣处置(disposal of radioactivewastes)含有放射性物质的废渣经过处理或安置使之不危害人体健康或污染环境的过程。在铀、牡、稀土金属和担、锭等冶炼过程中排出的废渣含有放射性物质,称为放射性废渣,它包括水溶渣、全溶渣、酸溶渣、污水渣、镭钡渣、袒、锐渣等。放射性水溶渣和全溶渣是酸法冶炼稀土金属时产生的残渣,中国白云鄂博矿排出的水溶渣和全溶渣的比活度分别为3.15又20‘Bq/kg和4.7 X 105一7·4Xlo5Bq/kg。放射性酸溶渣是采用碱法冶炼稀土金属时产生的残渣,白云鄂博矿排出的酸溶渣的渣矿比为gokg八(矿),比活度为5.6又10‘~3.2又lo6Bq/kg。污水渣和镭钡渣是独居石冶炼的污水处理除镭产生的废渣,比活度分别为7.4 X lo6Bq/kg和4.4又10‘Bq/kg。放射性钮、铭渣是但钥冶炼产生的分解残渣,渣矿比为16okg/t(矿),比活度为2.24Xlo5~2.72又losl3q/kg。中华人民共和国《放射防护规定》中规定:比活度等于或大于Zxlo4Bq/kg,都属于放射性固体废物。放射性废渣会以外照射或通过其他途径进人人体产生内照射的方式危害人体健康。放射性污水渣中含有25%~30%的氧化稀土,具有回收价值。中国上海跃龙化工厂自1985年起,采用酸溶、钠盐沉淀、萃取提取氯化稀土、中稀土和重稀土产品。对放射性废渣应按照《放射防护规定》,采用贮存法和固化法处理。对于这类放射性废渣以及经过固化处理后的固化物,应贮存在符合标准的废物库内,或选择符合安全要求的浅地层埋藏场地进行处置。 (彭永安何长仪)
