100字范文 > 光合调控 photosynthetic regulation英语短句 例句大全

光合调控 photosynthetic regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-31 22:38:49


光合调控 photosynthetic regulation英语短句 例句大全

光合调控,photosynthetic regulation

1)photosynthetic regulation光合调控


1.Study on Photosynthesis Regulation of Winter Wheat/Summer Maize by Nitrogen Applied;施氮对冬小麦/夏玉米光合调控的研究

2.Regulation mechanism of photopigments biosynthesis via light and oxygen in Rhodobacter azotoformans 134K20不产氧光合细菌光合色素的光氧调控机制

3.Mechanism of Regulation of Pigment-protein Complex Via Light and Oxygen in Anaerobic Phototrophic Bacteria不产氧光合细菌色素蛋白复合体光氧调控机制

4.Influence of Regulation and Control of Irrigation and Fertilization on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cotton under Drip Irrigation水肥调控对滴灌棉花光合特性的影响

5.Molecular Regulation of Synthesis and Partitioning of Photosynthetical Product in Rice;水稻光合同化产物合成和分配的分子调控

6.Regulative Effect of Nutrient on Photosynthetic Potential of Wheat Canopy Photosynthetic Organs and Output and Quality;养分对小麦冠层光合器官光合性能及产量和品质的调控效应

7.Facile Synthesis and Optical Modulation of Photoresponsive Polymers Containing Schiff Base Linkages席夫碱类光敏聚合物的设计合成及其光性质调控研究

8.A New Polymerization Method to Prepare Water-Soluble MPS-PPV and Study on the Fluorescence Wavelength Regulation水溶性荧光共轭聚合物MPS-PPV的聚合新方法及其荧光波长调控研究

9.Physiologial and Biochemical Control of Photobiological Hydrogen Production from Microalgae and Microalgal Biotechnology;微藻光合放氢的生理生化调控及生物技术研究

10.Control of Polymer Band Gap and Its Application in Organic Photovoltaic Cells;聚合物能带的调控及其在光伏器件中的应用

11.Regulative Mechanism of Nitrogen Nutrition on Phyotosynthetic Efficiency of Dryland Wheat;氮素营养对旱地小麦光合效率的调控机制

12.Studies on Photosynthetic Performances of Summer Maize and Their Response to Cultivation Practices;夏玉米光合性能及其措施调控效应规律的研究

13.The Development and Investigation of the Molecule Mechanismand Regulation of the Energy Metabolism of the Photosynthesis;光合作用能量代谢的分子机理与调控研究进展

14.Study on the Control of Extraneous FBA from the Anabaena sp. Strain PCC 7120外源fba对鱼腥藻7120光合活性的调控研究

15.Preparation of Color-PDLC Electronic-Controlled Switchable Windows聚合物分散液晶彩色电控调光玻璃的试制

16.Effect of Microenvironment Control on the Photoautrophic Growth of Plantlet in Sugar-free Tissue Culture of Pinellia ternate(Thunb.)Breit.微环境调控对半夏无糖组培苗光合自养的影响

17.Regulation of Gibberellin on Bolting in the First Year and Photosynthesis in Sugar Beet赤霉素对甜菜当年抽苔及光合作用的调控

18.Regulation Principle and Technique of Photosynthesis of Cucumber under Suboptimal Temperature and Suboptimal Light;亚适温较弱光照条件下调控黄瓜光合作用的原理与技术研究


luminescence tuning荧光调控

3)Remote-controlled dimming遥控调光

4)light/dark modulation光/暗调控

5)photo-controlled frequency modulation光控调频

6)quality of light regulation光质调控


表光合强度(见光合强度)表光合强度(见光合强度)forecast of sowing or transplanting timeb iaoguanghe qiangdu表光合强度见光合强度
