100字范文 > 僵化 fossilization英语短句 例句大全

僵化 fossilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-30 12:00:52


僵化 fossilization英语短句 例句大全



1.Explorations onfossilization of interlanguage and its revelation to foreign language teaching;英语过渡语的僵化现象及教学启示

2.Analysis and solutions to inter-languagefossilization among police college students;警察院校学生英语语言僵化原因分析与对策探讨

3.The Study of Language Fossilization in English Learning;英语学习中的语言僵化现象初探


1.It is easy for the mind to ossify.脑筋是易于僵化的。

2.rigid discipline.See Synonyms at stiff固执僵化的纪律参见

3.The bureaucracy has become ossified.官僚主义已变得僵化了。

4.Their faces seemed to be made of stone.面部肌肉开始僵化。

5.The relations have rigidifyied into fixed patterns.关系已僵化成固定模式。

6.He deplored the rigidity of her views.他痛感她的观点僵化.

7.Consistency doesn’t imply rigidity.一致性并不意味着僵化。

8.In China the problem of aging cadres with rigid ideas is more serious than it is in your country.中国的干部老化僵化问题比你们严重,

9.To make or become inflexible and unchanging.使僵化使变为不灵活和无变化

10.One, such as a rigid theory, that is outdated or antiquated.过时的或废弃的事物,如僵化的理论

11.But as time went on, the Soviet pattern became ossified.但是后来苏联的模式僵化了。

12.The proliferation of controls rigidifyies the industry.控制的增加使工业僵化了。

13.Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma.信仰已僵化为不可更动的教条.

14.We should break the bondage of ossified thinking.我们要冲破保守僵化思想的束缚。

15.People whose thinking has become rigid tend to veer with the wind.思想一僵化,随风倒的现象就多起来了。

16.Seclusion and exclusion can only lead to stagnation and backwardness.封闭、排他只会导致僵化和落后。

17.Too much exercise may set a boy"s muscles prematurely.运动过多可能使孩子的肌肉过早僵化。

18.Once people"s thinking becomes rigid, they will increasingly act according to fixed notions.思想一僵化,条条、框框就多起来了。



3)lexical fossilization词汇僵化

1.For most entries,or most learners,the development falls short before reaching the third stage,thus bringing aboutlexical fossilization in foreignl anguagel earning.外语学习过程中,多数词汇项或者多数学习者都难以达到理想的第三阶段,第二阶段的母语媒介作用妨碍或者阻滞了词汇心理表象的顺利发展,往往在进入第三阶段之前就出现了中止现象,从而造成外语学习中的词汇僵化。

2.This paper discusses the existence oflexical fossilization as well as its possible causes in the process of the second language(L2) acquisition,and meanwhile puts forward three feasible strategies in three respective stages about how to prevent thelexical fossilization.文章就二语习得过程中存在的词汇僵化现象及其产生原因进行了探讨,同时提出了三种可行性防止策略来阐述如何在二语习得过程中有效地防止词汇僵化现象的产生。

3.For most learners,the development falls short before reaching the third stage,thus bringing aboutlexical fossilization in foreign language learning.外语学习过程中,多数学习者都难以达到理想的第三阶段,第二阶段的母语媒介作用妨碍或者阻滞了词汇心理表象的顺利发展,往往在进入第三阶段之前就出现了中止现象,从而造成外语学习中的词汇僵化。

4)Language Fossilization语言僵化

1.In Second Language Acquisition(SLA),the interlanguage fossilization is a common phenomenon existing objectively.从(一)语言僵化现象的理论概述;(二)导致语言僵化现象产生的因素;(三)语言僵化现象的防微杜渐及其与外语教学的关系三个方面进行讨论,以期对外语教学有所启示。

5)Error Fossilization错误僵化


1.Languagefossilization is a common occurrence in foreign language learning,which has been studied by many linguists from different angles for its causes.作为外语学习中的常见现象,语言僵化现象一直是二语习得研究的热点之一。


《汉英词典》机械类常用词汇,按笔画一画一字螺丝批 slot type screwdriver一点透视 one-point perspective二画二合一黏合剂 epoxy resin adhesive二合胶;混合胶 epoxy glue二维的;平面的 two-dimensional二进制 binary二极管;整流子 diode二号螺丝攻 second tap二路开关 two-way switch十进制的;公制的 metric人工制品 artefact人造板 man-made board人体工程学 ergonomics; human engineering人体尺寸 human dimension人体测量学 anthropometry; anthropometrics刀片 blade刀身 blade刀具 tool刀具溜座 carriage刀柱 tool post刀架 tool rest刀架底座 tool rest bracket刀座帷;床鞍 apron刀座鞍;溜板座 saddle力 force力三角形 triangle of force力平行四边形 parallelogram of force力多边形;多边形力学 polygon of force力的分解 force resolution力架;亮漆 lacquer力矩 moment力偶 couple力矩定律 law of moment力-距离图表 force-distance graph力图 force diagram力线 line of force力点 effort十字榫 cross halving joint十字螺丝 Philip"s head screw十字螺丝批 Philip"s type screwdriver丁字尺;T 尺 tee square三画三爪夹头 three-jaw chuck三角尺 set square三角形结构系杆 triangulation tie三角锉 triangular file三维的;立体的 three-dimensional三氯甲烷;哥罗芳 chloroform三聚氰胺;蜜胺 melamine三点透视 three-point perspective上油漆 painting上釉 enamelling凡立水 varnish叉形顶尖 fork centre 口罩 mask士力;虫漆 shellac士巴拿;扳手 spanner大芯夹板;宽条芯夹板 blockboard; solid corestock-laminated board大量制造 mass production子口刨;槽口刨;边刨 rebate plane小型平槽刨 miniature router plane小型线料弯曲器 small wire bender小型弯折机 mini bender小型电路断路器;跳菲 miniature circuit breaker (MCB)小齿轮 pinion山樟 San Cheong工件 workpiece工字梁 I beam工作面 working surface工作图;制作图 working drawing工作台 bench; working table工具 tool工具贮存室 tool storage工具槽 well工具钢 tool steel工场 workshop工场安全 workshop safety工程字书写技巧 lettering工程系统 engineering system工程绘图 engineering drawing工业酒精;火酒 methylated spirit弓形手钻;手摇曲柄钻 brace弓形手钻嘴 brace bit弓锯 bow saw; hacksaw
