100字范文 > 抽象化 abstraction英语短句 例句大全

抽象化 abstraction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-27 19:19:35


抽象化 abstraction英语短句 例句大全



bining case analysis, this paper discusses the relationship between faith to style and adjustment in the inter-translation of English and Chinese and analyses the applicable techniques of embodiment andabstraction in translation from Chinese to English.结合案例分析 ,论述了英汉互译中对文体的忠实与调整的关系 ,剖析了在汉译英中具体化与抽象化翻译方法的实用技术。

2.Major applications of linguis- tic dynamic systems includeabstraction and linguistic analysis of c.语言动力学将主要应用于数值动力学系统的抽象化分析,基于词描述的经济、社会、管理和生态系统的动态分析、决策综合、政策评估、以及大数据量的知识挖掘和动态表示等。


1.The act or process of abstracting or the state of having been abstracted.抽象进行抽象的行为或过程或是被抽象化的状态

2.Abstraction and grammaticalization have similarity in some respects.语法化与抽象化有一定的相似之处。

3.Maximize abstraction to maximize stability.最大的抽象化以达到最大的稳定性。

4.The Combination Of Abstract And Concrete In Translation;浅析英汉翻译中词义的具体化与抽象化

5.That is to say, he opposed artistic autonomy and abstraction, and started the advancement of figuration vs abstraction.也就是说,他反对艺术的自律和抽象化,并开始了以具象的形式对抗抽象的形式的进程。

6.Stand Facing Between Phenomenon and Abstraction--Aesthetics Analysis of Zhang Yimou s Art Direction;现象化与抽象化的两极对峙——张艺谋艺术倾向的美学分析

7.To consider(a quality, for example)without reference to a particular example or object.抽象化考虑(性质)时不用具体例子或物体

8.highly abstract and over-theoretical.高度抽象、过于理论化。

9.The geometrical representation makes the abstract concept pictorial.几何图象使得抽象概念形象化。

10.Discussion on Imagery Teaching Method of Abstract Material Construction in Structural Chemistry;结构化学之抽象物质结构“形象化”教法探讨

11.an abstract painting, painter抽象画、 抽象派画家.

12.Of or derived by abstraction.富抽象的,抽象的抽象的或由抽象引起的

13.Stressing the importance of passing on our culture to the younger generations in an abstract sense is not enough.抽象强调文化传承的重要性是不够的。

14.The Abstraction and Formalized Verification of Heating Hybrid System供热混合系统的抽象及其形式化验证

15.Instantiation is the process of creating a concrete object from the class abstraction.实例化是从抽象类中创建具体对象的方法。

16.Application of imagery teaching and abstract thinking in engineering mechanics teaching;工程力学教学中的形象化教学与抽象思维

17.The Gradual Change from Specifie Imagery to the Ideological one--Cultural source of an abstract pattern on the painting sculptural stone fuom Han Dynasty found in the northern part of Shaanxi Province and other places从具象到抽象的演化轨迹——对陕北等地汉画像石一种抽象图纹的文化追溯

18.An abstract concept, idea, or term.抽象概念,抽象术语抽象的观念、意识或术语


abstract subject对象化抽象

3)abstraction refinement抽象精化

1.A mathematical definition of variable minimal unsatisfiability (VMU) is introduced to drive thisabstraction refinement process.引入变量极小不可满足(VMU)的数学概念来驱动抽象精化的验证过程。

2.And they are combined by using the" counter example-guidedabstraction refinement"framework and model checking.针对模型组合中常见的"状态空间爆炸"问题,分析了抽象和组合两种方法各自的优缺点,采用"反例引导的抽象精化"框架和模型检验思想,将抽象和组合结合起来,为模型组合的检验提出了一种新的方法。

4)Abstract& predigest ion抽象简化

5)chemical abstract machine化学抽象机

1.This paper introduces Chemical Abstract Machine(CHAM)that is the formal description of Software Architectures and summarizes the characteristics of Queueing Network Models(QNM)and their creation process.介绍了软件体系结构的形式化描述方法-化学抽象机(ChemicalAbstractMachine,CHAM),总结了队列网络模型(QueueingNetworkModel,QNM)及其产生过程的特点。

2.Testing techniques of software architecture based on CHAM(Chemical Abstract Machine)can model software architecture dynamically by software architecture specification of CHAM description.以基于化学抽象机CHAM(ChemicalAbstract Machine)的软件体系结构测试技术为研究方向。


1.The rule dependence graph is derived from software architecture specification formally described inCHAM and then defines criteria of testing coverage and the algorithm to generate test sequence,using the software architecture of a Client/Server system to illustrate the derivation of RDG and the generation of test sequence at last.本文提出一种软件体系结构测试序列生成方法,首先用化学抽象机描述体系结构,然后生成相应的反应规则依赖图RDG,再根据定义的测试覆盖准则及测试序列生成算法,产生软件体系结构测试序列,最后以客户机/服务器体系结构实例说明了导出RDG及生成测试序列的过程。

2.Research on the Method of Generating Test Cases at Cluster Level Based onCHAM;该方法选择化学抽象机CHAM(Chemical Abstract Machine)作为建模工具,CHAM通过反应规则能有效反映系统动态行为,所以选择CHAM对类之间的交互关系进行形式化建模;另外,标号迁移系统LTS(Labelled Transition System)作为系统动态行为的描述工具,所以选择LTS来描述CHAM模型中类簇的动态行为,由此产生用于类簇测试的测试用例。


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
