100字范文 > 非同化器官 non-photosynthetic organs英语短句 例句大全

非同化器官 non-photosynthetic organs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-03 17:42:01


非同化器官 non-photosynthetic organs英语短句 例句大全

非同化器官,non-photosynthetic organs

1)non-photosynthetic organs非同化器官

1.Macronutrients and their allocations innon-photosynthetic organs in the Picea balfouriana in western Sichuan;四川西部川西云杉人工林非同化器官营养元素含量与分布

2.Photosynthetic characteristics of thenon-photosynthetic organs of Mikania micrantha and its ecological significance薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)非同化器官光合特征及其生态学意义


1.Photosynthetic characteristics of the non-photosynthetic organs of Mikania micrantha and its ecological significance薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)非同化器官光合特征及其生态学意义

2.Allelopathic Activities of Different Organs of 16 Species Garden Plants16种园林植物不同器官的化感活性

3.Analysis of Essential Oil from Different Organs of Caryopteris tangutica光果莸不同器官挥发油化学成分分析

4.Changes of digestive organ and enzyme activity of mud eel (Monopterus albus) in the different stages of body weight黄鳝不同生长阶段消化器官及其消化酶的变化

5.Seasonal Changes of Chemical Compositions in Different Organs of Tilia mandschurica糠椴不同器官若干化学成分的季节性变化

6.Something homologous;a homologous organ or part.同源物,同源器官或部分

7.the digestive [respiratory] apparatus消化 [呼吸] 器官

8.Study on the dynamic change of nutrient content of potato马铃薯不同器官的养分含量动态变化研究

9.Study on seasonal change of calcium concentration and accumulation in different organs of apple tree苹果树体不同器官钙含量季节性变化研究

10.Determination of Oxysophocarpine in different structures of Sophora viciifolia by HPLCHPLC测定狼牙刺不同组织器官中氧化槐果碱含量

11.Correspondence between parts or organs arising from evolutionary convergence.异体同功由进化趋同而产生的部分或器官之间的对应现象

12.Correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or structure.同功不同演化来源或结构的器官有相似的功能或位置

13.Moral Reconsideration of Organ Transplantation:from the evaluation of commercialization of the organ;器官移植道德反思——兼评器官商品化

parsion of the Digestive Organs and the Main Digestive Enzyme Activeties in Stomach about Different Days Old Small-tail Han Sheep and Tan Sheep;不同日龄小尾寒羊与滩羊消化器官及其胃消化酶活性的比较研究

15.Anatomical Structure and Protein Histochemical Localization in Vegetative Organs of Phytolacca americana商陆营养器官解剖结构与非贮藏蛋白质组织化学定位

16.A Comparative Study of Murine Immune Tissue Involution of Different Age, Sex and Strain by Signaled Shock应激引起不同年龄、性别和种类小鼠免疫器官退化的比较研究

17.Analysis of biological and genetic characteristics of six isozymes of blood and immune organs from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus Cuvier et Valencinnes)草鱼免疫器官和血液的六种同工酶生化与遗传特性分析

18.Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in Iris tectorum and Acorus calamus in eutrophic water鸢尾和菖蒲不同器官对富营养化水体中氮磷的积累效应


non-photosynthetic organ of forest tree林木非同化器官

3)different organs不同器官

1.Expression level of cry1Ab gene indifferent organs of transgenic sorghum was detected by using Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac QuantiPlate Kits.用Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac板式试剂盒测定了Cry1Ab蛋白在转基因高粱不同器官中的表达水平。

4)homolog[英]["h?m?l?ɡ][美]["hɑm?,l?ɡ, -,lɑɡ, "hom?-]相同器官

5)analogous organ同功器官

6)homologous organ同源器官


听觉器官和前庭器官的进化5 脊椎动物平衡器官―半规管的比较

听觉器官和前庭器官的进化5 脊椎动物平衡器官―半规管的比较 李瑞端绘[图]
