100字范文 > 烟草控制框架公约 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control英语短句 例句大全

烟草控制框架公约 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-29 19:26:52


烟草控制框架公约 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control英语短句 例句大全

烟草控制框架公约,Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

1)Framework Convention on Tobacco Control烟草控制框架公约

1.The "Framework Convention on Tobacco Control",signed and ratified by the government in ,doesn’t lead to a fundamental change in the trend of the domestic tobacco.自我国政府签署和批准《烟草控制框架公约》以来的4年时间里,国内烟草流行的趋势并没有因为《公约》的生效而发生根本改变,我国的控烟工作在防止接触烟草烟雾、烟草制品警示性标识等方面距离履约标准存在着显著差距。

2.However, from January onwards, all tobacco products sold at our country\"s cigarette market must comply with the relevant provisions of "Framework Convention on Tobacco Control".然而从1月起,所有在我国市场上销售的卷烟必须符合《烟草控制框架公约》的有关规定,根据该公约,卷烟包装和标签上必须印有“说明吸用烟草有害后果的健康警语”,这些警语“宜占据主要可见部分的50%以上,不能少于30%”。

3.TheFramework Convention on Tobacco Control was approved at the 56th World Health Assembly to reduce tobacco consumption.第56届世界卫生大会通过的《烟草控制框架公约》提出提高烟草税以遏制烟草流行。


1.Challenge of Implement the 《Tobacco Control Frame Convention》in China;中国履行《烟草控制框架公约》的挑战

2.The FCTC’s Impact on the Development of China’s Tobacco Industry;论《烟草控制框架公约》对中国烟草业发展的影响

3.An Analysis of Measures of Tobacco Control under the Background of FCTC《烟草控制框架公约》背景下的控烟措施研究

4.A preliminary analysis on the effects of FCTC on cigarette trademarks;浅析《烟草控制框架公约》对我国卷烟商标的影响

5.Make reference to the international experience for improving the implementation of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control;借鉴国际经验,加速履行《烟草控制框架公约》

6.Analysis on the gap between WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and China"s domestic policy国际烟草控制框架公约与国内政策的差距分析

7.Report on China Tobacco Industry And the Implication of FCTC;《烟草控制框架公约》履约前基本情况调查报告和履约思路的思考

8.Concurrent Situation of Preparations for Implementing FCTC by Heath Workers in Pudong New District, Shanghai;浦东新区社区医务人员实施《烟草控制框架公约》准备情况调查

9.Control of Tobacco Trade by International Law;烟草贸易的国际法控制:世界卫生组织与《控制烟草贸易框架公约》

10.A Study of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control from the Perspective of Global Governance;全球治理视角下的《烟草控制框架性公约》研究

11.The Specific Market Performance of Tobacco and its Regulation;烟草产业规制——基于需求面的分析框架

12.Core,Frame,Realizing Route of Company s Financial Affairs Control and;公司财务控制的核心、框架及实现路径

13.Controlling Stockholders: Re-establishment under the Frame of Law of Corporation;控制股东:公司法框架下的责任重构

14.Study of Strategic Control Under Framework of Corporate Governance公司治理框架下的战略控制研究综述

15.Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities保护少数民族框架公约

16.On Institutional Frame and Validity of United Nations Convention Against Corruption;论《联合国反腐败公约》的制度框架及其效力

17.A Study on the Allocation of the Subsidiary s Control Rights in Holding Group;控股集团框架内子公司控制权配置研究

18.The Internal-control Research of Securities Companies in Our Country Based on the New COSO Frame;新COSO框架下的我国证券公司内部控制体系研究



1.Concurrent Situation of Preparations for ImplementingFCTC by Heath Workers in Pudong New District, Shanghai;浦东新区社区医务人员实施《烟草控制框架公约》准备情况调查

2.OBJECTIVES To describe the current understanding,supporting and preparation status in medical workers of Community Health Service Center of the implement of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control(FCTC) in Pudong New District in Shanghai.目的了解上海浦东新区社区卫生服务中心医务人员对WHO《烟草控制框架公约》的了解、支持情况以及实施《烟草控制框架公约》的准备情况。

3)Framework Convention on Tobacco Control烟草控制框架性公约

1.A Study ofFramework Convention on Tobacco Control from the Perspective of Global Governance;全球治理视角下的《烟草控制框架性公约》研究

4)Convention on Tobacco Control Frame《控制烟草贸易框架公约》

5)framework convention框架公约

1.This article points out that the essence offramework conventions is to coordinate the relationship between the political and technical elements in international legislations.本文以国际环境条约为例,介绍了框架公约的发展历程,集中讨论了框架公约方法的优缺点,指出框架公约的实质是协调国际立法中的政治性因素和技术性因素。

6)WIPO framework conventionsWIPO框架公约

1.However,TRIPS-plus agreements exist in accordance with some system bases underWIPO framework conventions and WTO legal fram.因此,发展中国家一方面要根据一般国际法的相关规定,认识和处理"TRIPS-递增"协定与WIPO框架公约和WTO/TRIPS协议的关系,另一方面要通过联合抵制或"体制转向"阻止"TRIPS-递增"知识产权保护标准的扩张。


