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饱和度 Saturation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-22 17:49:47


饱和度 Saturation英语短句 例句大全



1.Time-lapse seismic amplitude versus offset responses with change of saturation and pressure in unconsolidated sandstone reservoir with high porosity;高孔低胶结砂岩储层饱和度和压力变化的时移地震AVO响应

2.A study on saturation-resistivity distribution pattern of reservoirs——An in-depth analysis for the basic origin of low resistivity reservoirs;油藏中饱和度-电阻率分布规律研究——深入分析低电阻油层基本成因

3.ASaturation Interpretation Model on Sealing Core Drilling in Dongpu Depression;利用密闭取心井资料建立饱和度解释模型研究


1.saturation value饱和值,饱和度数值(颜色)

2.Indonesia saturation equation印度尼西亚饱和度公式

3.irreducible displaced phase saturation残余被驱替相饱和度

4.initial average oil saturation原始平均含油饱和度

5.updip oil saturation上倾部位的含油饱和度

6.effect of degree of base saturatio土壤盐基饱和度效应

7.saturation profile纵剖面饱和度分布图

8.shock formation流体饱和度的涌状分布

9.immobile displacing-phase saturation不可动驱替相饱和度

10.weight-saturation method称重测岩心饱和度法

11.mercury porosimetry saturation水银孔隙度仪测定的饱和度

12.interaction of saturation and contrast饱和度与对比度的相互作用

13.Study on Relationship of percutaneous and Arterial Blood Oxygen Saturation经皮和动脉血氧饱和度关系的研究

14.The saturation index of 0 27 is the allowable supesaturation in low temperature geothermal wells in Iceland.饱和指数0.27为冰岛低温地热水中允许的碳酸钙过饱和度。

15.Identify altered Hgb that may affect oxygen saturation.、确认药物/治疗可能影响氧饱和度。

16.Relating to color perceived to have a saturation greater than zero.同饱和度大于零的可见色有关.

17.Adjust color intensity in video images from 0-1000-100调节视像的色彩饱和度

18.down-draft retort测含油饱和度的下抽干馏器


saturation degree饱和度

1.Relationship between content of SO_4~(2-) in brine andsaturation degree of NaCl;盐水中SO_4~(2-)含量和NaCl饱和度的关系

2.Influence of HNBRsaturation degree on properties of HNBR compound;饱和度对HNBR胶料性能的影响

3.One-dimensional consolidation analytic solution of unsaturated soil with highsaturation degree and its use;高饱和度非饱和土一维固结解析解及其应用

3)degree of saturation饱和度

pressibility and consolidation of unsaturated soils with highdegree of saturation and its application;高饱和度土的压缩和固结特性及其应用

2.Discussion ondegree of saturation determination of soils;土体饱和度确定的两个问题

3.The influences of void ratio,degree of saturation and MSW composition on gas permeability were investigated.采用填埋场钻孔获得的垃圾样,用自制导气试验装置,测试垃圾的气体渗透系数,分析孔隙比、饱和度和垃圾组分对气体渗透性的影响。


1.The relationships between capillary pressure and fluid saturability for two typical soil samples and three typical sand samples were measured in this investigation.试验测定了 5种典型土样和砂样的毛细压力与饱和度的关系曲线 ,用 Leverett函数处理试验结果并与前人的结果进行比较分析 ,得出对于渗透率量级在 10 -7~ 10 -9cm2 间的土和均质砂 ,用 Leverett函数折算的无量纲的毛细压力—饱和度关系曲线可以很好地统一到一条曲线上来 ,且α=0 。


6)saturation temperature饱和温度,饱和点


