100字范文 > 大众报纸 popular paper英语短句 例句大全

大众报纸 popular paper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-08 07:48:27


大众报纸 popular paper英语短句 例句大全

大众报纸,popular paper

1)popular paper大众报纸

2)popularization of newspapers报纸大众化

3)mass newspapers大众化报纸

1.Based on themass newspapers of our country for the time being as a sample, this paper begins from the use of new sources, analyses the facts of news sources bias in the media, and inquires the constraints and its consequences hidden in the bias.本文以我国当前大众化报纸为样本,以考察其消息来源的使用情况为切入口,意在分析媒介消息来源偏向的情形,探究偏向背后的制约因素及其后果。

2.Based on the monitoring report of competitiveness of China’s press published by the Press Secretary of General Administration of Press and Publication of the People’s Republic of China, themass newspapers in Changchun region have always been absent in the‘Top 20 of Evening News and City News papers in China’.长春市报业市场为何没能孕育出一份具有较强核心竞争力的大众化报纸?本文认为:传媒的核心竞争力首先表现为媒介依靠优秀的内容在众多的传媒中脱颖而出,不会轻易被其他媒体所取代,报业市场竞争的核心问题在于报纸自身。


1.A Comparative Study of Stylistic Features between English News Reports in Heavy and Mass Newspapers;英文严肃报纸与大众化报纸中新闻报道的文体对比研究

2.Study on News Sources Bias of Current Mass Newspapers in China;当前我国大众化报纸消息来源偏向研究

3.The Rise of Advertiser-Supported Press--Industrial Revolution,Mass Marketing and Popular Press of the American in the Nineteenth Century;广告主导型报刊体制的形成——19世纪美国的工业革命、大众营销与大众化报纸的分化

4.Analysis of popular newspaper Managemet from Pulitzer s news idea;从普利策的新闻观看我国大众化报纸的办刊理念

5.tabloid journalism大众化[通俗]报纸

6.Thinking of tendency of newspapers wide-visualization--analysis to mass culture of journalism in the 90s;对报纸泛视觉化倾向的思考——90年代报业文化大众化评析

7.On the Mass Hotlines of Metropolitan Newspaper and the Needs of Audience;论都市类报纸的大众热线与受众需要

8.On Newspaper How to Meet the Taste of the Reading Public with the Experience of The Civilian s Newspaper;从《老百姓报》看报纸如何贴近大众

9.A means of mass communication, such as newpapers, magazines, radio, or television.大众传媒大众传播手段,如报纸、杂志、广播或电视

10.The chief function of a newspaper is the dissemination of information to public.报纸的主要功能是向大众传播消息。

11.Radio, television, newspapers and magazines are known as the mass media.广播、电视、报纸和杂志被称为大众传媒。

12.The Layout Culture of City Weekend Newspaper From the Demand of Audience从受众需求看都市类报纸周末版面文化的构建

13.Address recent accounting issues raised in the popular and financial press.解决在大众以及财经报纸中提到的财务会计问题。

14.We can announce your superior quality through mass media including radio, TV, or newspaper.我们可以通过收音机、电视、报纸等大众传媒来提升您公司的影响。

15.newspapers pandering to the public love of scandal迎合公众喜好而报道丑闻的报纸.

16.The Research Report about Mass Culture Criticism of Contemporary China;对中国当代大众文化批判的研究报告

17.On the Popularization of American Press:1865-1914;论美国报刊媒体的大众化(1865—1914)

18.To what extent does the newspaper control and to what extent is it controlled by public sentiment?报纸在多大程度上可以操纵公众的情感?又在多大程度上为公众情感所操纵?


popularization of newspapers报纸大众化

3)mass newspapers大众化报纸

1.Based on themass newspapers of our country for the time being as a sample, this paper begins from the use of new sources, analyses the facts of news sources bias in the media, and inquires the constraints and its consequences hidden in the bias.本文以我国当前大众化报纸为样本,以考察其消息来源的使用情况为切入口,意在分析媒介消息来源偏向的情形,探究偏向背后的制约因素及其后果。

2.Based on the monitoring report of competitiveness of China’s press published by the Press Secretary of General Administration of Press and Publication of the People’s Republic of China, themass newspapers in Changchun region have always been absent in the‘Top 20 of Evening News and City News papers in China’.长春市报业市场为何没能孕育出一份具有较强核心竞争力的大众化报纸?本文认为:传媒的核心竞争力首先表现为媒介依靠优秀的内容在众多的传媒中脱颖而出,不会轻易被其他媒体所取代,报业市场竞争的核心问题在于报纸自身。

4)popular paper大众化报纸;通俗报纸

5)The newspaper speaks to a lot of people.报纸封大众发言。

6)Dazhong Daily《大众日报》

1.However, there are bright points, and the section ofDazhong Daily is one of them.在众多党报的娱乐版中并非毫无亮点可言,《大众日报》就是其中的成功典型之一。


