100字范文 > 耐热震性 thermal shock resistance英语短句 例句大全

耐热震性 thermal shock resistance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-18 22:44:08


耐热震性 thermal shock resistance英语短句 例句大全

耐热震性,thermal shock resistance

1)thermal shock resistance耐热震性

1.The analytical results show that such factors as variable width of the slits and poorthermal shock resistance of the ladle permeable bricks in service at the high temperature are the main reasons for influencing the service performance.结果表明,高温下透气砖狭缝宽度改变、耐热震性差是影响砖使用性能的主要原因。


1.spalling resistance抗剥落力,耐热震性, 耐热冲击性, 耐激冷激热性

2.Purpose:The equipment is used for mensurating thermal shock resistance of refractory products.用途:用于测定耐火制品的抗热震性能。

3.Glass containers-Thermal shock resistance and thermal shock endurance-Test methodsGB/T4547-1991玻璃容器抗热震性和热震耐久性试验方法

4.The Manufacture of MgO-MgO·Fe_2O_3 Refractories and Research on Its Thermal Shock Resistance;MgO-MgO·Fe_2O_3系耐火材料的制备及其热震稳定性的研究

5.glowing resistance耐烧灼性,耐灼热性

6.Coating-Matrix Integrative Material Deposited Continuously by EB-PVD and Thermal Shock Resistance膜基-体化耐高温蒙皮材料的制备及抗热震性能研究

7.Study on the Heat Resistant Character and Machanism of Different Varieties不同番茄品种耐热性及耐热机理研究

8.a quakeresistant building耐震 [防震] 建筑物

9.Electric furnace roof precast block is noted for high strength,good erosion resistance,steady quality,and long using time .电炉预制件具有强度高、热震性能好、耐侵蚀、质量稳定和使用寿命长等特点。

10.Classification, Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性

11.This kind of desk glass pad is strongly (highly) heat- resistant.这种玻璃台板耐热性强。

12.testing method for heat resistance of air dry leather of footwear construction皮革耐干热性试验方法

13.test method for determination of contact heat transmission through protective clothing or constituent materials:clothing for protection against heat and flame防护服防热性能测定法:耐热及耐火焰试验

14.Experiment Research on the Structure and Properties of Heat Resistance Alloy Ductile Iron耐热合金球墨铸铁组织和耐热性能的试验研究

15.The Effect of PI Resin on the Heat Resistance of Anaerobic Adhesive耐热树脂对厌氧胶耐热性能影响的研究

16.Thermal-shock Resistance of Nano-Zirconia TBCs纳米氧化锆热障涂层抗热震性能研究

17.Excellent thermal shock resistance,thermal stability and thermal erosion resistance.优良的抗热震性、热稳定性及抗热冲刷能力。

18.Study of Erosion Resistance of Cast Hot-working Die Steels in Molten Aluminum;铸造热作模具钢耐铝热熔损性能研究


thermal shock resistance耐热震性<冶>

3)spalling resistance抗裂性,耐热震性

4)aseismatic performance耐震性能

5)seismic resistance耐震性

6)property of water-proof and heat resistance耐水耐热性


