100字范文 > 体育锻炼现状 The Status Quo of Physical Exercise英语短句 例句大全

体育锻炼现状 The Status Quo of Physical Exercise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-09 23:18:35


体育锻炼现状 The Status Quo of Physical Exercise英语短句 例句大全

体育锻炼现状,The Status Quo of Physical Exercise

1)The Status Quo of Physical Exercise体育锻炼现状

1.The Status Quo of Physical Exercise from the Elderly of Three Cities in Fujian Province;福建省三城市老年人体育锻炼现状


1.A Survey of Extracurricular Physical Training of Girl Students;师专女大学生课余体育锻炼现状调查

2.Analysis report of female university students physical exercise status;我院女大学生体育锻炼现状调查分析

3.The Current survey of physical training among the Adults and the Elderly in Shaoyang city;邵阳市成年、老年人体育锻炼现状调查

4.Investigation into college students participation in physical exercises and their motives;学生参与体育锻炼现状及动机的调查

5.Investigation and Analysis of Current Situation of Physical Training of University Students in Their Spare Time;大学生课余体育锻炼现状的调查分析

6.The Investigation and Analysis of the Situation ofPhysical Exercise in Rural Areas of Lianyungang City;连云港市农村体育锻炼现状调查分析

7.Analysis of the present situation of physical training at weekends of the students in shangqiu teachers college;我院学生双休日体育锻炼现状的分析

8.Survey on Current Status of Adult Physical Activity in Hebei Province;河北省成年人体育锻炼现状调查报告

9.Current situation of sunshine sports exercises for middle school students of Qingdao青岛市中学生阳光体育锻炼现状调查

10.Investigation and Analysis of Student s Sports Consciousness of Our School and Physical Training Current Situation;河南大学学生体育意识和体育锻炼现状调查

11.A Study on the Health Condition and Physical Exercise State of the Teachers in NSUAF;对我校教师健康状况和体育锻炼现状的研究

12.Current Situation of University Teachers" Health and Physical Exercise Study in Nanjing在宁高校教师健康状况与体育锻炼现状研究

13.Research on the Current Situation and its Strategies of Sport Exercises among Doctor Group in Anhui Province;安徽省医生群体体育锻炼现状调查分析及对策

14.Investigation on Physical Activity Condition of Weak Group in Xi an;对西安市主要弱势群体体育锻炼现状调查

15.Current Situation of After-class Physical Education Exercises in China Three Gorges University and the Countermeasures;三峡大学课外体育锻炼的现状与对策

16.The Present Situation On The Farmer Of Ganyu County Participating In The Physical Training;赣榆县农民参加体育锻炼的现状研究

17.The Present Situation and Countermeasure of Physical Exercise of College Women Students;高校女生参加体育锻炼的现状及对策

18.Survey on Present Situation of Physical Activity of Doctors and Nurses in Hunan;湖南省医护人员体育锻炼的现状调查


current Sports State体育锻炼状况

3)physical exercise体育锻炼

1.Effects of lifestyle andphysical exercise on impaired glucose tolerance in middle-aged men;生活方式、体育锻炼与中年男性糖耐量减低

2.Status Analysis on Medical College Students Physical Exercise Ability and Countermeasures;医学院校学生自我体育锻炼能力的现状分析及对策

3.Investigation and analysis of currentphysical exercises of students infected by chronic hepatitis virus;慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染学生体育锻炼的现状

4)Physical exercises体育锻炼

1.Review on physical exercises and coping of stress;体育锻炼应对应激研究的述评

2.A research on the Correlation among the college students’ mental health, cognitive structure and physical exercises;大学生心理健康水平与身体认知结构、体育锻炼的相关性研究

3.Study On the Physical Exercises of Roral Workers in China s South-East Coastal Areas;我国东南沿海地区农民工体育锻炼的特征研究

5)Physical training体育锻炼

1.A study of the developmental functions of physical training to the left side of the brain;体育锻炼对左脑的开发作用

2.Analysis of physique,health and physical training situation of students in Fujian Province and research on their countermeasure;福建省学生体质健康与体育锻炼现状分析及对策研究

3.A study of teachers physical training in some of Fujian s universities in transition;福建省转型高校教师体育锻炼现状的调查与研究


1.The characteristics and adjustment of the elderly exercisers psychology;老年体育锻炼者心理状态的特点及其调适

2.Analysis the Influence of the Vocational-technical School StudentsExercise on Physical self-esteem and mental satisfaction Degree;职业学校学生参加体育锻炼对身体自尊与心理满意度的影响

3.The Relationship between Physical Self-concept andExercise Participation in Young People;青少年身体自我概念与参与体育锻炼的关系研究


《国家体育锻炼标准》简称锻炼标准。中国为了实现体育的根本目标而制定的一项体育制度。它的主要任务是激励广大青年、少年和儿童经常地、持久地锻炼身体,促进他们身体素质和运动能力的全面发展,为建设和保卫社会主义祖国服务。1952年 6月20日,中华全国体育总会成立。在大会通过的《关于一九五二年开展体育运动的计划大纲》中便提出:逐步建立基层体育组织及推行"准备劳动与保卫祖国"的体育制度。以后在各地试行的基础上,国家体委参照当时苏联的《准备劳动与卫国体育制度》(简称《劳卫制》)制定了适合中国情况的《劳卫制》,经中央人民政府政务院批准,于1954年5月4日颁布全国试行。1956年和1958年先后两次修改,1964年改名为《青少年体育锻炼标准》,1965年修改后试行。1974年又重新制定《国家体育锻炼标准》条例和项目标准(草案),于1975年经国务院批准正式推行。1979年底开始,对施行《锻炼标准》的情况进行大量的调查研究,又经20个省、市大规模的测试和实验,重新修改了《锻炼标准》。1982年 8月经国务院批准,全国施行。实践证明,推行《锻炼标准》有利于激发青年和少年自觉地有计划地经常参加体育锻炼,增强体质,有利于学习和工作;有利于提高体育课质量和丰富学校课外活动的内容;有利于培养体育人才和提高运动技术水平;有利于掌握不同年龄、不同性别的青年、少年和儿童的体质特征,为经济建设、国防及医学卫生部门提供可靠的依据。《国家体育锻炼标准》的特点是:①从增强人民体质出发,以全面锻炼青年、少年和儿童的身体为重点。②根据中国青年、少年和儿童体质现状和学校实际条件制订,既符合科学要求,又简便易行。③在分组上,采用按年龄分组与按年级分组并行的办法,在学校实行按年级制订评分评级标准的办法,不但照顾锻炼者的年龄差异,也适合中国现行教育制度关于学段、年级划分的实况。④项目的选择和标准的确定,照顾到中国幅员广大,各地区经济生活和地理条件不同的实际,所选项目适应性强,便于推广。⑤采用评分法衡量测验成绩,能激发青年、少年和儿童积极地持久地锻炼身体,并能客观地检查他们体质状况和实施体育的效果。《锻炼标准》的评级标准,是对各项成绩进行综合评价,按照五项总分,确定达到的等级,分及格、良好、优秀三级(见附表)。但无论那一级标准,各单项都必须达到45分。这种单项基础分和各项总分结合评级的做法,有利于促进青年、少年和儿童身体的全面发展。参考书目中国国家体育运动委员会群众体育司编:《国家体育锻炼标准手册》,人民体育出版社,北京,1982。
