100字范文 > 弹簧模型 spring model英语短句 例句大全

弹簧模型 spring model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-17 04:09:10


弹簧模型 spring model英语短句 例句大全

弹簧模型,spring model

1)spring model弹簧模型

1.The relation of lateral displacement of bucket top with horizontal loads is obtained based on a soil-spring model.根据土体的简化弹簧模型,建立了单桶和四桶结构在横向载荷作用下力系的平衡方程,提出了估算水平载荷作用下桶顶水平位移的方法,并将桶顶位移的估算结果同三维有限元方法的数值计算结果进行了比较,发现两者相当一致。

2.Based on the foundation ofspring model of concentrating force in documents[1,2], the calculation method considering effects between springs of concentrating force was given.在集中力弹簧模型的基础上,给出了集中力弹簧之间考虑相互影响的计算方法、考虑相互影响及不考虑相互影响力弹簧模型的算例,以及工程实例的计算与实测结果的比较。


1.Cloth simulation based on improved mass-spring model基于改进的质点—弹簧模型的织物模拟

2.Mass-Spring-Based Three-Dimentional Cloth Simulation System;基于质点—弹簧模型的实时三维布料模拟系统

3.Bi-Layered Mass-Spring Model for Leaf Motions双层弹簧模型驱动的植物叶片运动模拟(英文)

4.Application of Deformed BSM Method in Stability Analysis of Slope可变形块体弹簧模型在边坡稳定分析中的应用

5.Study on the Mechanics Character of Shield Tunnel Segment with Shell-spring Model;基于壳—弹簧模型的盾构衬砌管片受力特性研究

6.A Spring Model with Concentrating and Interactive Force and its Application;考虑相互影响的集中力弹簧模型及其应用

7.Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on a Spring Model无线传感器网络基于弹簧模型的定位算法研究

8.Study on the Overall Properties of the Shield Tunnel Based on Shell-spring Model基于壳—弹簧模型的盾构隧道整体结构性能研究

9.Research on CSR Spring Model and Its Operation Mechanism under Sustainable Development Concept企业社会责任弹簧模型及其作用机理研究

10.A Force Visual Feedback Method Based on Spring Model一种基于弹簧模型的作用力视觉反馈方法

11.Simulation of image deformation using improved mass-spring model基于改进质点-弹簧模型的图像变形仿真方法

12.Simulation of Chinese Brush Based on Lengthening Spring-Particle Model基于渐长型弹簧-粒子模型的毛笔仿真

13.Math Model for Deformation Resistance of Cast Bloom of Spring Steel 55CrSi弹簧钢55CrSi连铸坯变形抗力数学模型

14.Research of Non-Linear Model for Vertical Damping Force of Air Springs空气弹簧垂向减振力非线性模型研究

15.Fast and Realistic Cloth Simulation Based on Mass-spring Model基于弹簧质点模型的快速逼真的布料模拟仿真

16.Real-time Tendon Simulation Based on Improved Mass-spring Model基于改进弹簧振子模型的实时肌腱模拟

17.A static finite element model of an air spring was given.文中建立了空气弹簧的静态有限元模型。

18.Spring-damper Boundary in Computational Model of Seismic Response of Construction Structures;建筑结构地震反应计算模型中弹簧—阻尼器边界


line-spring model线弹簧模型

1.The paper presents an approach to deal with residual stress intensity factors for surface cracks in a thick plate with butt joints by usingline-spring model.利用线弹簧模型求解对接厚板表面裂纹的残余应力强度因子。

2.The paper demonstrates that the embedded crack in an elastic strip under step load is solved by using theline-spring model combined with perfect ANSYS software .将线弹簧模型与有限元软件ANSYS相结合,求解了冲击载荷作用下的含内埋裂纹的板条问题,所得的结果与已有的有限元解吻合良好,此方法可推广用于其它三维裂纹动态响应分析。

3.In this paper, aline-spring model for the general beam with an edge crack and its theoretical explannation is presented.建立了一般有限长裂纹的线弹簧模型,给出了模型的理论解释。

3)multi-spring model多弹簧模型

1.3-D plastic dynamic analysis of steel frames based onmulti-spring model;基于多弹簧模型的钢框架结构三维弹塑性地震反应分析

2.The theory about establishing element matrix withmulti-spring model is introduced.多弹簧模型空间梁柱单元可以有效地模拟空间梁柱单元在轴力、弯矩以及剪力共同作用下的响应,反映空间梁柱单元在往复荷载以及地震作用下的滞回性能。

3.Considering the plastic stiff influence of plastic-region shear deformation,paper derives the element stiffness matrix based onmulti-spring model and provides element basis for whole frame structure plastic dynamic analysis.引入多轴应力状态下的塑性应力-应变关系理论,在单元模型中考虑了弹塑性区域剪切变形对单元的弹塑性刚度影响,推导了考虑剪切变形弹塑性刚度影响的多弹簧模型的空间梁柱单元刚度矩阵,为整体钢框架结构的弹塑性动力分析奠定了单元基础。

4)Line spring model线弹簧模型

1.Application of line spring model for frame;线弹簧模型在框架中的应用

2.In this paper a stiffness matrix of the line spring model to simulate the effect of net ligament for the uncracked part is first derived on the basis of the energy principle in conjunction with the fracture mechanics method.根据能量原理和断裂力学理论导出了模拟未开裂部分韧带效果的线弹簧模型的刚度矩阵,从而建立了一种裂纹梁分析的有限元模型。

3.It researches influencing of different length and position of crack to natural frequency of frame which applying for line spring model,and compares calculating data with experimental data,the result indicates the model is feasible.把线弹簧模型应用到框架中,研究不同裂纹长度和裂纹位置对框架的固有频率的影响,并把计算数据与现实的数据进行比较,结果证明,该模型应用到框架结构是可行的,同时分析线弹簧模型的局限性。

5)Beam-spring model梁-弹簧模型

1.In this paper, in connection with the ongoing construction of the Nanjing Yangtze River Crossing project,it introduced the shield lining internal forces of the two commonly used models: Inhomogeneous ring model and beam-spring model.结合目前正在施工的南京长江隧道工程实例,详细论述了盾构衬砌结构设计中常用的2种内力计算模型:匀质圆环模型和梁-弹簧模型,比较了这两种模型的计算结果,并从中得出了一些有价值的结论。

2.Based on the Nanjing metro shield tunnel traversing sandy strata,systematic in-situ investigation and theoretical simulation of the beam-spring model with consideration of the interactions between lining structure and surrounding soil during the segment assembly and stabilization are carried out.采用考虑结构与地层相互作用的梁-弹簧模型进行理论计算,探讨了砂性地层中盾尾注浆、土体应力松弛、水压力及拼装方式对管片环土水压力、纵缝张开量、内力等的分布和变化规律的影响,揭示了砂性地层中地铁盾构隧道管片环的结构性能及其与地层的相互作用特性,提出了适用于砂性地层条件下的地铁盾构隧道设计原则与方法。

3.Simulating segment lining with the beam-spring model and calculating loads acting on segment lining with the load-structure model,the mechanical behavior of universal segment lining under different assembling modes for the metro section of the shield tunnel is analyzed with the finite element method.采用梁-弹簧模型模拟管片结构、荷载-结构模型计算作用在管片结构上的荷载,并借助有限元法对不同拼装方式下地铁区间盾构隧道通用管片结构进行力学行为分析。

6)Beam-spring model梁弹簧模型


AutoCad 教你绘制三爪卡盘模型,借用四视图来建模型小弟写教程纯粹表达的是建模思路,供初学者参考.任何物体的建摸都需要思路,只有思路多,模型也就水到渠成.ok废话就不说了.建议使用1024X768分辨率 开始先看下最终效果第一步,如图所示将窗口分为四个视图第二步,依次选择每个窗口,在分别输入各自己的视图第三步,建立ucs重新建立世界坐标体系,捕捉三点来确定各自的ucs如图第四步,初步大致建立基本模型.可以在主视图建立两个不同的圆,在用ext拉升,在用差集运算.如图:第五步:关键一步,在此的我思路是.先画出卡爪的基本投影,在把他进行面域,在进行拉升高度分别是10,20,30曾t形状.如图:第六步:画出螺栓的初步形状.如图第七步:利用ext拉升圆,在拉升内六边形.注意拉升六边行时方向与拉升圆的方向是相反的.之后在利用差集运算第八步:将所得内螺栓模型分别复制到卡爪上,在利用三个视图调到与卡爪的中心对称.效果如图红色的是螺栓,最后是差集第九步:阵列第10步.模型就完成了来一张利用矢量处理的图片
