100字范文 > 城市用水量 urban water consumption英语短句 例句大全

城市用水量 urban water consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-26 13:58:31


城市用水量 urban water consumption英语短句 例句大全

城市用水量,urban water consumption

1)urban water consumption城市用水量

1.BP model for forecastingurban water consumption;城市用水量BP网络预测模型

2.The chaotic characters of time series ofurban water consumption were judged using the chaos theory.采用混沌理论对城市用水量时间序列的混沌特性进行了判定。

3.The improved method was compared with the traditional method in the case of short-term forecasting forurban water consumption.通过对城市用水量短期预测的实例研究,将改进算法与传统算法进行比较。


1.Prediction of City Water Usage Based on GM(1,1) Model基于灰色GM(1,1)模型的城市用水量预测

2.Forecast Research of Urban Water Consumption Based on Chaos Theory基于混沌理论的城市用水量预测研究

3.Application and Study on Water Demand Mixed Forecasting Model of Urban;城市用水量组合预测模型的应用与研究

4.The Application of the Principal Component Regression in Forecasting Urban Water Use;主成分回归在城市用水量预测中的应用

5.Application of the Multiple Linear Regression in Forecasting City Water Consumption多元线性回归模型在城市用水量预测中的应用

6.The city water consumption and waste water discharge rises continuously in Daqing city, which has resulted in shortage of water resources and severe environment pollution.大庆市城市用水量和污水排放量不断增加,造成水资源紧缺,环境污染日益严重。

7.Research and application of the prediction of reclaimed water demand in city城市再生水需水量预测的研究与应用

8.Applied Research of 2-Demension Water Quantity and Water Quality Coupled Model of Shallow Lake in the City;城市浅水湖泊二维水量、水质耦合模型应用研究

bined forecast model of urban hourly water consumption based on BP neural networkBP网络的城市时用水量预测组合模型

10.BP Neural Network in Prediction of the Urban Water Supply神经网络在城市供水量预测中的应用

11.Quantitative research on the relationship between urbanization and the water for living in northwest China--Case study of Lanzhou City;城市化与西北城市居民用水关系的定量研究——以兰州市为例

12.The Study of Ladder s Measure Water Price of Urban Household Water-Consumption;城市居民生活用水的阶梯式计量水价研究

13.Discussion on per capita comprehensive water consumption index value in urban water supply plan城市供水规划中人均综合用水量指标取值讨论

14.Application of the method of integrated water consumption per capita in a southwest city of China人均综合用水量法在西南城市中的应用探讨

15.Application of GM(1,1) in long-term urban water demand forecast灰色模型在城市中长期用水量预测中的应用

16.Study and Application on Energy Balance Analysis for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Processes;城市污水处理工艺能量平衡分析研究和应用

17.Study on the Quantitative Relationship Between Urbanization and Water Resources Utilization in the Hexi Corridor;河西走廊城市化与水资源利用关系的量化研究

18.Meteorological factors involved urban water demand forecast model考虑气象因子的城市日用水量预测模型


city water consumption城市用水量

1.Forecast research ofcity water consumption which based on genetic NN;基于遗传神经网络的城市用水量预测研究

2.This article applied the Multiple Linear Regressions to forecastcity water consumption.本文应用多元回归的方法,对城市用水量进行预测。

3.This article applies the multiplelinearregression to forecastcity water consumption.应用多元回归的方法,对城市用水量进行预测。

3)urban water use城市用水量

1.Forecastingurban water use by combining multiple linear regression with grey model(1,1);多元线性回归与GM(1,1)模型耦合预测城市用水量

2.The principal component regression(PCR) is applied to set up theurban water use model,it can solve the problem of interactive correlation among the independent variables.运用多元统计分析中的主成分分析法通过提取两个主成分,克服变量之间的相关性,然后再进行回归,建立主成分回归的城市用水量模型,并对模型进行了拟合检验,取得了较为满意的结果。

4)urban water demand城市用水量

1.Forecast model forurban water demand using artificial neural network;人工神经网络法预测城市用水量

5)city industrial water quantity城市工业用水量

1.GM(1,1) model is used for forecastingcity industrial water quantity.灰色GM(1,1)是预测城市工业用水量的模型,这种模型不适合长期的、随机和波动性较大的数据序列预测,但是马尔可夫模型适合描述随机波动性较大的预测问题。

6)municipal daily water consumption城市日用水量

bined with the characteristics and variation rule of the factors influencingmunicipal daily water consumption,a forecast model formunicipal daily water consumption was set up,then the particle swarm optimization was used to optimize BP artificial neural network to solve the model.结合城市日用水量影响因素的特点和变化规律,建立了城市日用水量预测模型,采用粒子群优化算法优化BP人工神经网络的连接权值,以求解该预测模型。

2.Forecast model formunicipal daily water consumption and its influencingfactors was set up, and then radial basis function ( RBF) network and support vector machines ( SVM) were adopted to solve the model.结合城市日用水量影响因素的特点和变化规律,分析探讨了城市日用水量预测模型的求解方法。


灌溉用水量灌溉用水量amount of irrigation waterguan’gai yongshuiliang灌溉用水量(amount of irrigationwater)灌溉土地需从水源取用的水量,通常以立方米计。它是灌区规划设计和管理运用的重要数据。灌溉用水量包括作物正常生长所需灌溉水量与渠系输水、田间灌水所损失的水量之和。作物正常生长所需灌溉水量称净灌溉用水量,也叫有效灌溉水量,特殊条件下还包括为改善作物生态环境如防霜冻、风蚀、大气千旱、洗盐、调节土温,喷洒农药等需用的水量。加上从水源到田间的损失水量后叫毛灌溉用水量。一种作物某次灌水的净灌溉用水量用下式求得: M刀二m‘创式中M刀为作物某次净灌溉用水量(立方米);脚为作物某次灌水定额(米“/亩);田为作物的灌水面积(亩)。一种作物某次灌水的毛灌溉用水量为:rr一功矛V︸一刃 一一峋式中Mg为作物某次毛灌溉用水量(立方米);刀w与灌溉水利用系数。全灌区(或种植区)一个时段净灌溉用水量M,、可由同期灌水的各种作物的M,叠加得出,也可用此时段的综合净灌水定额卿。。与各种作物总的灌水面积之积算出。全灌区(或种植区)一个时段毛灌溉用水量M‘g可用下式计算:M烤=一种作物全生长期的灌溉用水量(包括播前水)称为该种作物的灌溉用水量。全灌区各种作物在一年内的灌溉用水量称为灌区的灌溉用水量。不同年份(如干旱年、中等年、湿润年)的灌溉用水量不同,因此,多采用多年平均值为指标。灌溉用水量的大小及其在多年和年内的变化情况,与有效降水,各种作物的灌溉制度,灌溉面积以及渠系输水和田间灌水的损失等因素有关。 (朱光大)
