100字范文 > 宾馆饭店 Hotel英语短句 例句大全

宾馆饭店 Hotel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-23 14:24:01


宾馆饭店 Hotel英语短句 例句大全



1.Development of The Computer Image-Operating System forHotel Management;宾馆饭店计算机图象管理服务系统设计

2.The reasonable electrical design and construction of star-rated hotels is the great convenient for the use and maintenance.星级宾馆饭店电气的合理设计、施工,给使用和维修带来很大方便,达到实用性、人性化,同时考虑安全性、经济性、可靠性。


1.movie palaces, hotels, restaurants and luxury liners.电影院、宾馆饭店和豪华游轮就体现了这一点。

2.Application of Cleaner production Concept in the Management of Hotels and Restaurants清洁生产理念在宾馆饭店管理中的应用

3.Discussion of the Principle and Method to Certificate Hotel"s Stored Progrom Control Exchange Offline宾馆饭店用户交换机离线检定原理及方法探讨

4.Such cities as Hailar, Manchuria, etc. have successively built more than 10 star-level hotels and restaurants.海拉尔、满洲里等城市先后建起星级宾馆饭店十余所。

5.Investigation on Bacteria Contamination of Central Air Conditioning System of Hotels and Restaurants in Chaoyang District of Beijing北京市朝阳区宾馆饭店集中空调系统细菌污染状况调查

6.Analysis on Sanitary Quality of Fresh Juice in Hotels,Restaurants and Marketplaces in Urban District of Xuchang City许昌市区宾馆饭店商场现榨果蔬汁卫生质量分析

7.Suitable places/ Usage: Out door building wall, for commercial building, restaurant wall lamp, hotel wall lamp, banquet room hall lighting etc.适用范围:户外工程景观照明、墅商场宾馆饭店宴会厅大酒店走廊墙壁灯吸顶等。

8.Take your time because plentiful of hotels and restaurants will offer you good services and make you feel at home.别急,贵阳众多的宾馆饭店会给你提供良好的服务,让你有如在家之感。

9.Tourist agencies set up and run by hotels (or guest houses).饭店(宾馆)开办的旅行社。

10.the creation of ambience for the customer (e.g. in hotels and restaurants).为顾客创造氛围(如在宾馆和饭店)

11.Widely applies in the market, the guesthouse, the hotel, the family daily expense and so on.广泛应用于商场、宾馆、饭店、家庭日用等。

12.The most luxurious and classy hotel with top services is the Beijing International Club Hotel.最豪华、最上档次的宾馆要数北京国际大饭店。

13.The Challenges to Hotel F&B Management;宾馆星级饭店餐饮面临的挑战及其发展对策

14.Ferries are packed, hotels and restaurants are full, and beaches are bulging.船只挤满了人,旅馆和饭店宾客满座,沙滩上游客如潮。

15.Hotels have won the three-star hotel in Inner Mongolia best title.宾馆曾三次荣获内蒙古自治区最佳星级饭店称号。

16.Discussion on Cultural Position and Construction of Theme Hotel;试论主题饭店的文化定位和建设问题——以成都市京川宾馆为例

17.SERVQUAL in the Hotel Outsourcing Service Quality Measurement--An Example of the Restaurant in a HotelSERVQUAL在饭店外包项目服务质量测量中的应用——以某接待宾馆餐厅为例

18.owner or manager of a hotel,restaurant,etc(旅馆、饭店等的)老板,经理.




1.On lighting design ofhotels;宾馆酒店照明设计的探讨

2.After china entered in WTO、the native economics developed and the tourists progressed thehotel environments in china changed, that resulted in the change of plenty of company s competitive tactics and strategy.中国加入WTO、国民经济的发展、市场经济的深化、旅游业的繁荣等引起了我国宾馆酒店行业的竞争环境的变化,这样就导致了宾馆酒店企业的公司战略、竞争策略发生变化。


1.Result Analysis on Sanitary Quality of 82Hotels in Weifang;潍坊市82家宾馆旅店卫生质量监测结果分析

5)Hotels and Hostels旅店宾馆



