100字范文 > 建立数学模型 founding mathematical models英语短句 例句大全

建立数学模型 founding mathematical models英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-01 19:11:30


建立数学模型 founding mathematical models英语短句 例句大全

建立数学模型,founding mathematical models

1)founding mathematical models建立数学模型


1.The main tool to build the model is the system of difference equations.其主要方法是运用差分方程组来建立数学模型。

2.When studying man-machine project problem, it is very fussy to establish mathematics model.在研究人机工程问题时,建立数学模型非常繁琐。

3.Building a Mathematical Model of Demand Function According to a Family s Budgets;按家庭预算建立需求函数的数学模型

4.Establishment and solution of mathematical model for nutritional blend oil营养型调和油数学模型的建立及求解

5.A mathematical model with approximate error less than 1% has been esta es-tablished.并建立了拟合精度高于1%的数学模型。

6.The Mathematical Models on Hydraulic Pressure Diaphragm Self poise Appearance液压隔膜自动平衡仪的数学模型建立

7.The Monitor and Control of Coalmine Gas and Dust;煤矿瓦斯和煤尘测控数学模型的建立

8.Facilitating Rational Utilization of Land by Basing Mathematical Programming Model;建立数学规划模型 促使土地合理利用

9.The Setting up and Application of the Mathematical Modelsof Several Storage Questions;几类存储问题数学模型的建立和应用

10.Construction of Mathematic Model for Bitter Gourd Balanced Fertilization苦瓜N、P、K配方施肥数学模型的建立

11.Establishment and analysis of dynamic mathematical model for coal gasifier煤气化炉动态数学模型的建立与分析

12.Establishment of Mathematical Model for Involute Tooth Profile of Noncircular Gears非圆齿轮渐开线齿廓数学模型的建立

13.Application of water environment numerical model in Jiangyin City江阴城区水环境数学模型建立及应用

14.A Mathematical Model of Pulverized Coal Ignition(Ⅰ): Model Establishment一种煤粉着火的数学模型——(1)模型的建立

15.Mathematical Model and Parameter Identification of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor;无刷直流电动机的数学模型建立及参数辨识

16.Establishing a Mathematical Model of an Optimum Technological Parameter of Siro-spinning;建立赛络纺纱最优工艺参数的数学模型

17.Mathematical Model of Fuze Ball Rotor Rotation Around Fixed Point with Quaternion用四元数建立引信球转子定点转动的数学模型

18.Response Model of Ship Rolling Based on Turning Test基于船舶回转试验建立横摇响应型数学模型


modeling quantity建立模型数量化

3)creating modelling建立数据模型

4)mathematic model / modeling数学模型/建模


6)model establishment模型建立


