100字范文 > 耕地撂荒 Cultivated land abandoning英语短句 例句大全

耕地撂荒 Cultivated land abandoning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-14 18:21:19


耕地撂荒 Cultivated land abandoning英语短句 例句大全

耕地撂荒,Cultivated land abandoning

1)Cultivated land abandoning耕地撂荒

1.A research on the sustainable or unsustainable judgment system of cultivated land abandoning;耕地撂荒可否持续的评判指标体系研究

2.Cultivated land abandoning was an important problem in the developed non-agricultural economy areas of china since the late 1980 s.耕地撂荒是20世纪80年代后期以来我国非农经济发达地区面临的重要问题,浙江沿海更为突出,是建设社会主义新农村必须面对的现实问题。

3.This paper aimed to decide the characteristics which can describe the extent of cultivated land abandoning, select items which apply to judge the sustainability of cultivated land abandoning and divide the sustainability patterns of cultivated land abandoning.研究目的:确定用于描述耕地撂荒程度的指标,筛选能评判耕地撂荒可持续性的指标项目,划分耕地撂荒现象的可持续模式。


1.A research on the sustainable or unsustainable judgment system of cultivated land abandoning;耕地撂荒可否持续的评判指标体系研究

2.The Discussion of the Loss of Young and Middle-aged Rural Labor Force and the Abandoned Arable Land农村青壮年劳动力流失与耕地撂荒问题探讨

3.To Probe into the Problems of Arable Land Wasting andits Quality Declining in Rural Areas at Present;对当前农村耕地撂荒和耕地质量下降问题的探讨

4.Analysis of Cultivated Land Abandoning in Developed Areas of Non-agricultural Economy in Zhejiang Province;浙江非农经济发达地区耕地撂荒问题分析——以余姚市低塘街道为例

5.Extent Description and Index System of Sustainability Judgment and its Pattern of Cultivated Land Abandoning;耕地撂荒程度描述、可持续性评判指标体系及其模式

6.Study on the Arable Land Abandoning and the Problems of Left-behind Crowd Caused by the Drain of Young and Middle-aged Labor in Rural Areas农村青壮年劳动力流失引起的耕地撂荒及留守人群问题探究

7.Dynamics of Soil Microbial Biomass on the Abandoned Cropland in Loess Hilly Area黄土丘陵区退耕撂荒地土壤微生物量演变过程

8.The Influence Factors of Big Area Tilth Waste in Hetian during the Republic of China民国时期和田地区耕地大面积撂荒及其影响因素研究

9.Study on Succession of Plant Communities on Abandoned Lands in the Northwest Shanxi, China;晋北低中山撂荒地植物群落演替研究

10.Quantitative Analysis on Ecological Relationships of Dominant Populations of Abandoned Land in Guandi Mountains, Shanxi;山西关帝山撂荒地植物群落生态关系数量分析

11.Restoration dynamics of plant community on abandoned arable land under erosion environment侵蚀环境撂荒地植物群落恢复动态研究


13.Nutrient Contents and Enzyme Activities in the Soil of Cunninghamia lanceolata Forests of Successive Rotation and Natural Restoration with Follow after Clear-Cutting杉木林采伐迹地连栽和撂荒对林地土壤养分与酶活性的影响

14.Connection between Biodiversity Development and Ability of Water and Soil Conservation of Abandoned Land in the Western Qinling-Bashan Mountains;秦巴山系西缘撂荒地生物多样性动态与水土保持能力关系研究

15.Study on the Processes of Soil Erosion Using REE Tracers on Sloping Land and the Effect on Reducing Sediment of Different Underlying Surfaces;REE示踪坡面侵蚀演变过程及不同下垫面撂荒地的减沙效益研究

16.Vegetation Dynamics and Soil Characteristics during Grassland Succession Process in Abandoned Land;草原撂荒地演替过程中植被动态及土壤特性的研究

17.Path analysis between dehydrogenase activity and chemical property of wasteland in Yellow River Delta黄河三角洲撂荒地土壤氧化还原酶活性与化学性质通径分析

18.Investigation of Duty-free Farmland;免税后的农村耕地抛荒情况调查分析


Abandoned arable land退耕撂荒地

1.In order to understand dynamics of soil water-stable aggregates along chronosequences and relationship with soil physico-chemical properties on abandoned arable land in eroded hilly loess plateau,11 arable old land with different ages after being abandoned in Zhifanggou catchment were studied systematically through the approach of substituting the temporal serial with spatial serial.研究了侵蚀环境退耕撂荒地生态恢复过程中水稳性团聚体的变化规律及其与土壤养分状况及土壤微生物量的关系,结果表明,侵蚀环境退耕撂荒地土壤水稳性团聚体含量迅速提高,在退耕撂荒的第一个,水稳性团聚体增大约253。

2.In order to understand dynamics of soil water-stable aggregates along chronosequences and relationship with soil physico-chemical properties on abandoned arable land in Eroded Hilly Loess Plateau,11 arable old land with different ages after being abandoned in Zhifanggou Catchment were studied systematically through the approach of substituting the temporal serial with spatial seri- al.本文研究了侵蚀环境退耕撂荒地生态恢复过程中水稳性团聚体的变化规律及其与土壤养分状况及土壤微生物量的关系,结果表明,侵蚀环境退耕撂荒地土壤水稳性团聚体含量迅速提高,在退耕撂荒的第一个,水稳性团聚体增大约253。

3)abandonment of the arable land弃耕撂荒

1.Based on the cost-income datum(1980~2002) of farm product and the China Agricultural Yearbook,taking these main crops in the progress of the arable land use as a study case,this paper studied the characters and its driving force for the annual changes of the degree of intensity,the sowing area and theabandonment of the arable land.结果表明:近20多年来,中国农地利用的集约度与总播种面积均有不断提高与扩大的总体趋势,但在扩大过程中却有三次显著下降变化,在集约度下降时期(1984~1986年、1992~1993年、1997~1999年),农作物播种面积明显缩小,农地弃耕撂荒现象开始显著增加;导致这些变化的根本原因同农地利用过程中成本要求与土地要素纯收益的变化密切相关,但在时间响应上,由于农户要经过一个“观望-权衡-行动”的响应过程,从而往往滞后1~3年。

4)Abandoned land撂荒地

1.Species diversity of plant communities on abandoned land in the Guandi Mountains,Shanxi;山西关帝山撂荒地植物群落物种多样性研究(简报)

2.Based on the dataset of 52 plots investigated from the field,the interspecific relationship among 31 dominant populations of the communities of abandoned land in Guandi Mountains,Shanxi was studied by using χ2 test for 2×2 contingency tables,Pearson s correlation coefficient test and Spearman s rank correlation coefficient test,respectively.根据野外52个样方的调查数据,运用2×2列联表的χ2检验、Pearson相关系数检验和Spearman秩相关系数检验研究了山西关帝山撂荒地植被31个建群种和优势种种间关联和相关关系。

5)wasteland problem农地撂荒

1.Focusing on thewasteland problem,this paper points out that the essential reason ofwasteland problem lies in the lower return of agricultural investment.作者针对我国当前的农地撂荒问题,指出农地撂荒的根源在于农地投资的比较收益低下。

6)deserted farmland土地撂荒


