100字范文 > 农民合作社 farmer cooperation英语短句 例句大全

农民合作社 farmer cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-23 20:39:41


农民合作社 farmer cooperation英语短句 例句大全

农民合作社,farmer cooperation

1)farmer cooperation农民合作社

1.Under the restriction of two-layer rural management system with the household contract responsibility system as its base, developing new type offarmer cooperation system has become an inevitable choice for better organization of farmers.入世对我国极度分散的小农生产提出了严峻挑战,在以家庭承包为基础的农村双层经营体制约束下,发展新型农民合作社成为提高农民组织化程度的必然选择。


1.On the Effects and Development of Peasant Cooperative in the New Situation;论新形势下农民合作社的作用和发展

2.On Mechanism of Action of Farmer Cooperative to the Sustainable Development of Agriculture;农民合作社对农业可持续发展的作用机理

3.Boere-Saamwerk bpk农民有限责任合作社

4.Study on the Farmers" Professional Cooperatives on the Basis of Cooperative Benefit基于合作收益的农民专业合作社研究

5.Professional Farmers Cooperative Study on the Effect of Income for Farmers农民专业合作社对于农民增收的效果研究

anize peasant farmers into a co-operative把农民组织起来成立合作社.

7."Fanling Kwun Ti Village Farmers" Irrigation Co-operative Society, Limited"粉岭军地村农民水利有限责任合作社

8.Similarly, the relationship between the co-operative and the peasants should be well handled.合作社同农民的关系也要处理好。

9.The Research of Operation and Management of Farmers Professional Cooperation;农民专业合作社运行及管理问题研究

10.The Research of Financing Issue for Shandong Farmer s Specialized Cooperation;山东省农民专业合作社融资问题研究

11.The Study on the Inner Institution of Chinese Farmer Specialized Cooperatives;我国农民专业合作社的内部制度研究

12.On the Agriculture Cooperative Governance on the Legal Mechanism;农民专业合作社治理的法律机制研究

13.The Research on Social Responsibility of Farmers Cooperative Economic Organization in China;我国农民合作经济组织社会责任研究

14.The Theory and Practice on Specialty Cooperative of Peasants in Taizhou;台州市农民专业合作社的实践与思考

15.Preliminary Research of the Development of New-type Professional Farmer s Cooperatives;发展新型农民专业合作社的初步思考

16.On the Foundation and Conditions of the Formation of Farmers Specialized Cooperative Organization;论农民专业合作社产生的基础和条件

17.On Attribute of Economic Law of the Law of Peasantry Special Cooperative;略论农民专业合作社法的经济法属性

18.Analysis of positive and negative effects of Farmers Cooperatives Law;《农民专业合作社法》的正负效应分析


Farmer Cooperatives农民合作社

1.The Law on Farmer Specialized Cooperatives in our country also establishes a cooperative democracy mechanism,yet compared with farmer cooperatives abroad,which has to be consummated.我国《农民专业合作社法》也构建了合作社民主机制,但相比国外农民合作社来说,还有待完善。

3)Farmer Water Use Cooperatives农民用水合作社

1.DevelopingFarmer Water Use Cooperatives for promoting small on-farm water facility construction;完善农民用水合作社 促进小型农田水利健康发展

4)farmer professional cooperative农民专业合作社

1.Based on the analysis of Yuedong chicken Association,this article has discussed the plight offarmer professional cooperative.文章通过对安徽省蒙城县岳东养鸡协会的个案分析,探讨了农民专业合作社发展困境的成因,认为组织体制不完善、资金短缺、市场不稳定是发展困境的现实原因,"文化堕距"是发展困境的深层次原因。

2.Jimofarmer professional cooperative has been founded for recent years of development,now it.即墨市农民专业合作社经过近些年的发展虽已形成管理民主化,农民组织程度高;经营专业化,产品竞争力强;服务标准化,农民收入多的特点,但进一步发展还面临许多困难和问题。

5)Farmer professional cooperatives农民专业合作社

1.Farmer professional cooperatives have been developed gradually to different levels of the rural economy in Kaifeng City,which has promoted the rapid and healthful development of local economy.为了进一步掌握开封市农民专业合作社的发展状况,对该市24家农民合作社进行了问卷调查,提出了农民专业合作社发展中存在的一些问题,探讨了农民合作社的运营状况,并针对性地提出了相关政策建议。

2.In order to promote the development of farmer professional cooperatives in our country, China\"s government departments at all levels have taken a variety of support, including direct government support model, indirect government support model and "direct + indirect" government support mode.为推动中国农民专业合作社的发展,中国各级政府部门采取了各种各样的扶持方式,这些具体的扶持方式可以概括为三种模式:政府直接扶持模式、政府间接扶持模式、政府"直接+间接"扶持模式。

6)agricultural cooperative农民专业合作社

1.Thought and Practice about the Development of Agricultural Cooperative——Research onagricultural cooperative at Zhejiang city,Taizhou province,Luqiao district;关于农民专业合作社发展的实践与思考——对浙江省台州市路桥区农民专业合作社的实证研究

2.As a special business subject,theagricultural cooperative has some characteristics about the distribution of surplus comparing to profitable firms.农民专业合作社作为一类特殊的商事主体,在盈余分配制度上存在着不同于普通营利性企业的特点。

3.The emergence of theagricultural cooperative provided an opportunity to resolve the conflict.但是随着农业市场化和国际化的发展,这种作坊式的生产方式已经不能适应生产的发展需要,农民专业合作社的出现为解决这种矛盾提供了契机。


