100字范文 > 雨水集蓄工程 the Rain Water Collection Project英语短句 例句大全

雨水集蓄工程 the Rain Water Collection Project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-19 19:59:16


雨水集蓄工程 the Rain Water Collection Project英语短句 例句大全

雨水集蓄工程,the Rain Water Collection Project

1)the Rain Water Collection Project雨水集蓄工程

1.We found thatthe Rain Water Collection Project Construction of the Northwest is progressing, but there appeared various legal problems.以来,通过以问卷、访谈等形式在甘肃部分地区开展的一系列对西北干旱缺水地区雨水集蓄现状的实地调研和分析,我们发现西北地区雨水集蓄工程建设在取得长足进步的同时,也存在着诸多法律问题。


1.Application of Rainwater-saving Engineering Technology in Datong Area;雨水集蓄工程技术在大通地区的应用

2.Rainwater Harvesting Project Construction Funds Research Related to Legal Issues建设雨水集蓄工程资金的相关法律问题研究

3.Evaluation on Rainfall Storage Engineering Based on Support Vector基于支持向量机的雨水集蓄工程综合评价研究

4.Analysis on Legal Problems of the Protection of Rain Water Collection Project in Northwest Arid Area;西北干旱缺水地区雨水集蓄的工程保护方面存在的法律问题分析

5.The Typical Year Method Used to Calculate the Column of the Collecting Water Infrastructure of Rainwater Utilization雨水利用工程蓄水设施容积典型年法计算方法

6.Legal Research on the Place of Collecting Rainwater in the Rainwater Collecting and Utilizing;雨水集蓄利用中集雨场的若干法律问题研究

7.Economic post-evaluation of "1-2-1" Rainwater Harvesting Project in Gansu Province;甘肃省“121”雨水集流工程经济后评价

8.Application of technology of rainwater collection and utilization in Taihang Mountain area雨水集蓄利用技术在太行山区的应用

9.Experimental Research on Rainwater Catchment Utilization Technology in Slope Partition;坡地分段雨水集蓄利用技术试验研究

10.On the Legal Foundations of Rainwater Collection Cooperatives in West China;西部雨水集蓄合伙企业法律制度初探

11.A Study on the Rainwater-gathering Utilization in the Semiarid Region of Loess Plateau;黄土高原半干旱区雨水集蓄利用研究

12.Talk about Rain Collection Usage and Solving Feeding Men and Animals with Water of Mountainous Area for Lack Water;雨水集蓄利用解决缺水山区人畜饮水的探讨

13.Preliminary study on new integrated skill of rainwater collection and utilization in Yichang city宜昌新型雨水集蓄利用技术运用集成初探

14.Legal Research of Rainwater-harvesting in the Water-lacking Area of China;我国缺水地区雨水集蓄若干法律问题研究

15.Analysis on Quality of Rainwater Harvested in Rural Area in Loess Tableland黄土塬地区村镇集蓄雨水的水质特性分析

16.The Research on Intelligent Decision Support System for Hilly Rainwater Harvest;丘陵山地雨水集蓄智能决策支持系统研究

17.Optimal Planning of the Bio-economic System in Rainfall Collection and Usage Area;雨水集蓄利用区生态经济系统的优化规划

18.Reflections on China"s Development Prospects of Rainwater Harvesting and Utilization关于中国雨水集蓄利用发展前景的几点思考



3)Water collecting and utilization work雨水集蓄利用工程

4)rainwater harvest蓄集雨水

1.However, the rainwater quality problem is still a technology problem awaiting to be solved in the process ofrainwater harvesting.本文从雨水资源的形成和蓄集利用过程着手,分析了蓄集雨水的污染成因,并提出了切实可行的防治对策。

5)rainwater collection雨水集蓄

1.Rainwater collection stores up the direction making use of a technology to study the current situation applying and develop;雨水集蓄利用技术研究应用现状和发展方向

2.We should recognize the conception and object of water right;the object ofrainwater collection is rainwater resources;rainwater collection is a breakthrough point of resolving ecological problem in west arid region;rainwater collection right is one of the life rights."雨水集蓄"是西部干旱地区一种古老的取水方式,通过对该取水方式的考察和介绍可知:中国的水权制度之构建离不开对中国特有国情的考察;应对水权概念、客体再认识,雨水集蓄客体是雨水资源;雨水集蓄是解决西部旱区环境生态问题的突破口;雨水集蓄权是生存权之一。

3.Technology of drip irrigation by using rainwater collected by greenhouse membrane is one of therainwater collection devices: rainwater collected by greenhouse membrane,discard rainwater device,troughs from membrane to vault,sedimentation basin,filtering basin etc.温棚膜面雨水集蓄回用滴灌技术设计,一是膜面雨水集蓄回用装置:膜面雨水收集、初期雨水弃流装置、膜面与集水窖间集流槽、沉淀池、过滤池、集水窖等;二是集雨量与作物需水量的耦合,进行来用水平衡分析,确定灌溉水源水量;三是低压微灌系统的选型,系统最优工作方式与系统关键部件的最佳结构设计参数的确定。

6)rainwater harvesting雨水集蓄

1.Study on the designing of therainwater harvesting irrigation system;农田灌溉雨水集蓄系统设计研究

2.With the purpose of solving the problem of water resources for people, animals and crop production in arid and semi-arid areas, the research was conducted to calculate therainwater harvesting efficiency and engineering scale of catchment area in different precipitation regions, and analyze the structure design and cost of different types of water cellar.针对干旱半干旱地区人畜饮水困难和生产用水问题,对雨水集蓄利用技术中不同降雨量地区集流面的集流效率、工程规模和不同类型蓄水窖工程的结构设计和造价进行了分析计算,对不同降雨量地区的不同生产模式和不同用(灌)水量与产出的经济效益进行了试验研究,为干旱半干旱地区发展集雨节灌和庭院经济提供了科学依据。

3.The result of therainwater harvesting test on the ten runoff zones-with slopes of 5 degrees and 15 degrees and covered with three -in-one soil,compacted soil and natural soil respectively, shows that the runoff coefficient is determined by rainfall intensity,slope and so on.根据计算和试验结果,进行了垄膜沟植雨水集蓄试验研究,表明增产效果比较明显。


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