100字范文 > 经营效率研究 operating efficiency study英语短句 例句大全

经营效率研究 operating efficiency study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-04 01:58:02


经营效率研究 operating efficiency study英语短句 例句大全

经营效率研究,operating efficiency study

1)operating efficiency study经营效率研究


1.The Empirical Analysis of Operational Efficiency of the Non-Life Industry Based on the DEA Method;基于DEA方法的非寿险业经营效率研究

2.Research on Hotel Operating Efficiency of Our Country Based on DEA Theory基于DEA的我国饭店经营效率研究

3.Research of operating efficiency of domestic listed textile enterprises on DEA mode基于DEA模型的国内上市纺织企业经营效率研究

4.A Comparative Study of Operational Efficiency between Indian and Chinese State-Owned Commercial Banks;中印国有商业银行经营效率比较研究

5.Empirical Study about the Efficiency of Life Insurance Company Based on DEA;基于DEA对我国寿险公司经营效率的实证研究

6.Research on Efficiency Evaluation and Promotion of Commercial Bank;商业银行经营效率评价及提升对策研究

7.Empirical Study on Business Efficiency of Commercial Banks Based on Malmqusit Index(2000-);基于Malmqusit指数商业银行经营效率实证研究(2000—)

8.Empirical Research on the Efficiency of Listed Leading Agribusiness in China;农业产业化龙头上市企业经营效率的实证研究

9.The study on the management scale of land-intensive agriculture;土地约束型农业经营规模效率问题研究

10.Study on the Evaluation of Production Efficiency of the Major Power Plants in Jiangsu Province;江苏省主要发电厂生产经营效率的评价研究

11.Empirical Research on Business Efficiency of Rural Credit Cooperatives农村信用社改革前后经营效率实证研究

12.Empirical Research on Efficiency of Commercial Banks and Its Influencing Factors in China我国商业银行经营效率及其影响因素研究

13.Empirical Analysis of Life Insurance Company"s Operational Efficiency with DEA and SFA Model基于DEA和SFA方法的寿险公司经营效率实证研究

14.Empirical Research on Market Structure, Efficiency and Performance in China s Banking Sector;中国商业银行业市场结构、经营效率与经济绩效实证研究

15.Efficiency Estimation of Chinese Banks Based on Stochastic Frontier Approach;基于随机边界分析法的我国银行经营效率评价研究

16.The Study on the Influence on the Operating Efficiency of Chinese Banks by Introducing Foreign Strategic Investors;引入境外战略投资者对中国银行业经营效率的影响研究

17.An Empirical Investigation on the Condition and Efficiency of Executive Ownership Incentives in the Publicly Listed Chinese Stock Companies;我国上市公司中经营者股权激励现状及效率的实证研究

18.Evaluation of Chinese Hospital′s Operation Performances-Two Stages Analysis Based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA);我国城市医院经营效率实证研究——基于DEA模型的两阶段分析


operating performance study经营效益研究法

3)Business Efficiency经营效率

1.Analysis ofBusiness Efficiency of Coal Mine Companies in China"s Stock Market;基于DEA的我国煤炭企业上市公司经营效率分析

2.Empirical Research onBusiness Efficiency of Rural Credit Cooperatives农村信用社改革前后经营效率实证研究

3.ROE is one of the important indexes of the commercial bank business efficiency.为研究和探讨商业银行的经营效率及其影响因素,运用杜邦分析法对银行业的ROE的指标分析,经过对商业银行经营现状况的比较分析,发现资产管理效率和国家金融管理制度是产生我国商业银行资产经营效率差异的重要因素。

4)operating efficiency经营效率

1.Study on Operating Efficiency of China s Commercial Banks;我国商业银行经营效率研究

2.Research ofoperating efficiency of domestic listed textile enterprises on DEA mode基于DEA模型的国内上市纺织企业经营效率研究

3.By using DEA model,this paper makes an overall analysis and evaluation on theoperating efficiency level of 11 national commercial banks from to .本文利用数据包络分析(DEA)模型对截至4月底上市的11家全国性商业银行~的效率水平进行总体分析与评价,在此基础上对银行经营效率的可能影响因素进行理论假设,并利用二阶段Tobit回归模型对理论假设进行检验。


1.Efficiency Analysis of Chinese Securities Firms in DEA;我国证券公司经营效率的数据包络分析

2.In addition to a comparison between the transfer price and the company s net assets,whether theefficiency of the enterprise is improved or not is also an important index in judging whether state-assets losses have been caused by MBO.判定管理层收购是否造成国有资产流失的标准,除了一般意义上的转让价格是否低于公司净资产外,管理层收购后企业是否有经营效率的提高也是一个重要的指标。

3.The influence of its "self-consciousness" and instability gradually forms on theefficiency,competitive ability and business safety of the enterprises.而销售渠道作为企业最重要的资源之一,其"自我意识"和不稳定性对企业的经营效率、竞争力和经营安全形成的影响却逐渐显现,4P中最难模仿的PLACE(渠道)就成了企业在竞争中获胜的关键,对销售渠道的重新整合成为企业关注的话题。

6)Production Efficiency经营效率

1.The Compound DEA Empirical Analysis of theProduction Efficiency of All the Regional Insurance Industries in the Mainland of China;中国大陆保险业经营效率的复合DEA实证分析

2.An evaluation of production efficiency of the city terminal market based on data envelopment analysis model;基于DEA技术的城市集贸市场经营效率评估

3.An Evaluation ofProduction Efficiency of the City Retail Sales Enterprises Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Model;基于DEA模型的城市百货零售企业经营效率评估


经营①筹划并管理(企业等):~商业ㄧ~畜牧业 ㄧ苦心~。②泛指计划和组织:这个展览会是煞费~的。
