100字范文 > 博客广告危机 Ecological Crisis of Blog Advertising英语短句 例句大全

博客广告危机 Ecological Crisis of Blog Advertising英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-19 13:31:57


博客广告危机 Ecological Crisis of Blog Advertising英语短句 例句大全

博客广告危机,Ecological Crisis of Blog Advertising

1)Ecological Crisis of Blog Advertising博客广告危机

2)Blog advertising博客广告

1.Blog advertising as a network media, has become a new kind of media as a force.但是对于博客广告的研究很少,有也是不具体的片面的,甚至有些人不知道何谓博客,更不用说什么是博客广告了,通过本文可以让大家对博客广告有一定的了解,也对博客广告作为一种新的媒体传播方式易于接受。

2.Today, in internet-supported economy, blog advertising has been given more and more attention.在网络经济的今天,网络博客广告已经被越来越多的企业或商家所重视。

3.This paper takes Blog Advertising as a research object.本文以博客广告为研究对象,从生态学的角度系统考察和研究博客广告的生态特征以及发展战略。


1.Blog expense for the month include $25 for a private ad这个月的博客广告支出包括25 美元的私人广告。

2.Analysis of gaming behavior between scientific periodicals and advertisement clients科技期刊与广告客户的博弈行为分析

3.A Game Analysis on Advertising Market--A Game Model of the Principal Part and Object of Advertising and Government Supervision;广告市场的博弈分析——广告主体、客体以及与监管者之间的博弈模型

4.Stephan Spencers daughter is making money from ads on her blog史蒂芬.史宾塞的女儿正从她博客上的广告赚钱。

5.The Advertiser may not demand the Newspaper to reduce the rates.广告客户不可要求将广告费减扣。

6.From "Hall World" to "Hollow Village":The Historical Changes of a Hakkas Village--Taking Wuyajing Village of Bobai in Guangxi as an Example从“厅堂天下”到“空心村”——关于广西博白县客家村落乌鸦颈村文化变迁的调查报告

7.Rational Choice: Advertisers and the Advertising Audience Game Analysis;理性的选择:广告商与广告受众的博弈分析

8.Advertising, to tell customers what you"re selling,做广告就是告诉顾客你在卖什么。

9."The Rational People":A Context Assumption in a Game;“理性人”:博弈中的广告语境假设

10.Game Analysis of Vertical Cooperative Advertising with Price Discount;价格折扣下的纵向合作广告博弈分析

11.Game Analysis on the Principles of Damage Compensation for Infringement of False Advertisement;虚假广告侵权损害赔偿原则博弈分析

12.Dynamic Three-Dimensional Game about Advertisement,Service and Price;广告、服务及价格选择的动态多维博弈

13.Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers, but it does not force tem to buy the product.广告意在吸引顾客,而不是强迫顾客购买产品。

14.Television provides a captive audience for advertisers.电视为广告客户提供受制观众。

15.Happy clients are our effected advertisers.满意的顾客是有效的活广告。

16.We do not blame a client for shortcomings in our advertizing.我们从不把广告的缺点推卸给客户。

17.Fraudulent ads that delude consumers into sending in money.欺骗顾客花钱的虚假广告

18.Sex up commercial advertisements to attract customers使商业广告充满性感内容以招徕顾客


Blog advertising博客广告

1.Blog advertising as a network media, has become a new kind of media as a force.但是对于博客广告的研究很少,有也是不具体的片面的,甚至有些人不知道何谓博客,更不用说什么是博客广告了,通过本文可以让大家对博客广告有一定的了解,也对博客广告作为一种新的媒体传播方式易于接受。

2.Today, in internet-supported economy, blog advertising has been given more and more attention.在网络经济的今天,网络博客广告已经被越来越多的企业或商家所重视。

3.This paper takes Blog Advertising as a research object.本文以博客广告为研究对象,从生态学的角度系统考察和研究博客广告的生态特征以及发展战略。

3)The Research on the Blog Advertising Ecology博客广告生态研究

4)Ecosystem of Blog Advertising博客广告生态系统

5)Sustainable Development of Blog Advertising博客广告可持续发展

6)Object of advertising广告客体


