100字范文 > 二次响应曲面模型 quadratic response surface models英语短句 例句大全

二次响应曲面模型 quadratic response surface models英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-05 23:07:07


二次响应曲面模型 quadratic response surface models英语短句 例句大全

二次响应曲面模型,quadratic response surface models

1)quadratic response surface models二次响应曲面模型


1.Quadratic Response Surface Model in the Application of the Airflow Field Forecast二次响应曲面模型在清选气流场预测中的应用

2.Carving surface modeling of images based on quadratic Bezier curved surface基于二次Bezier曲面的图像雕刻型面建模

3.Modeling of inactivation of Lactic Acid Bacteria under high pressure carbon dioxide by response surface methodology响应曲面法建立乳酸菌高压二氧化碳杀菌模型

4.We call this surface the stress quadric.我们称这个曲面为应力二次曲面。

5.Inner point and exterior point of a quadric and its planeof the type of contact plane;二次曲面的内、外点及切平面型平面

6.Rapid Prototyping provides a new method of aiding to diagnose. A hollow three dimension model with complicated conicoid surface was built and the prototyping processing was analyzed.建立一种表面为复杂二次曲面的空心三维实体模型,分析了该模型的快速原型方法?

7.Reconstruction of Superquadric 3D Models Based on Superquadric Projection Rim基于投影边缘的超二次曲面三维建模

8.Analysis of OpenGL Texture Mapping Onto Quadric Surfaces and Its ApplicationOpenGL二次曲面纹理映射技术分析与应用

9.tangent-cone of a qualric二次曲面的切线锥面

10.conjugate diametral plane共轭径面 -二次曲面的

11.conjugate diametral planes of a quadric二次曲面的共轭径面

12.A Prediction Model and Experimental Study of Surface Roughness in Micro-milling Based on RSM基于响应曲面法的微细铣削表面粗糙度预报模型与试验研究

13.Relational Match with Hybrid Minimum Error for Object Recognition of Superquadrics综合型最小误差关系匹配超二次曲面物体识别

14.Solution of conditional extremum of quadric form on hypersurface by using the matrix method二次型在超曲面上条件极值的矩阵解法

15.conjugate lines in a quadric二次曲面的共轭直线

16.bifocal chord of a quadric二次曲面的两焦点弦

17.Given a response surface equation in quadratic form, the Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to compute the stationary point.给出一个二次方程式形式的响应曲面公式,6西格玛黑带应能计算出驻点。

18.Applied study of image-forming lens on rotional quadric surface in phsical teaching;旋转二次曲面成像在物理教学中的应用研究


Quadratic response surface regression model二次响应面回归模型

3)response surface model响应曲面模型

1.Progress in the study ofresponse surface modeling in investigation of drug-drug interaction in anesthetic drugs;响应曲面模型在麻醉药合用中药物-药物相互作用研究的进展

2.Then two growth parameters (growth rate and lag-time) of the growth curves under combined effects of temperature, pH and sodium chloride, were modeled using a quadratic polynomial equation ofresponse surface model (RSM).应用响应曲面模型(RSM)方法研究不同温度、pH值、NaCl浓度对生孢梭菌孢子生长的影响。

3.The resultantresponse surface models were of high qualities reflected by the R2 above 0.48 mg/L,由析因实验所得的响应曲面模型具有较好的优度(其R2>0。

4)Conicoid model二次曲面模型

5)square response surface二次响应面

1.The paper presents an algorithm combiningsquare response surface and Radial Basis Function Neural Network(RBFNN) to solve the problem that RBFNN is often difficult to meet the precision request of approximation model.用径向基神经网络方法构造近似模型常常难以满足精度要求,提出了一种把二次响应面与径向基神经网络相结合的算法。

2.Based on the FE results,the experimental design was applied for these panels and the dimensions sensitivity was computed by using thesquare response surface model.在有限元模型验证的基础上,对该构型的壁板进行了试验设计,建立了二次响应面模型,并对壁板截面尺寸进行了敏感度计算。

6)stochastic factors三次响应曲面


Darboux二次曲面Darboux二次曲面Darboux quadricL厄内.水==次曲面l〔肠均.Ix卿l砍;及ap6y Ka幼p。二a}与三维射影空间只里的一个曲面S在点x处具有二阶切触的一个二次曲面,且它与曲面S的交线在点x处具有一种特殊类型的奇点.在x处与S具有二阶切触的二次曲面的集合中可以选出如下的二次曲面:它们与S的交线有一个具有三条重合切线的奇点x.曲面S上有三个方向(D ar比ux方向(L冶r饭)uxd眠tions))对应于这三条重合切线.在x任S处存在Darboux二次曲面的一个单参数族,即E恤r比ux束(Darboux Pell-cil).在射影空间只十1内与超曲面S在点x处切触的二次超曲面束是Dar比ux束的推广.一个(不可展)超曲面S退化为一个二次超曲面,当且仅当它的广义〔.由阅x张t(Darbe以七mor)等于零(121).
