100字范文 > 水氮耦合 water and nitrogen coupling英语短句 例句大全

水氮耦合 water and nitrogen coupling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-18 12:08:15


水氮耦合 water and nitrogen coupling英语短句 例句大全

水氮耦合,water and nitrogen coupling

1)water and nitrogen coupling水氮耦合

1.Thewater and nitrogen coupling had similiar effect.本实验于-在大田条件下对水氮耦合对冬小麦光合特性、氮代谢及产量影响进行了研究。

2.The photosynthetic characteristics of potted flue-cured tobacco in the resettling growth stage under different conditions ofwater and nitrogen coupling were probed.以K326为试验材料,采用赣北代表性土壤进行盆栽,探讨不同水氮耦合条件下烤烟团棵期的光合特性。


1.The Interactive Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization and Irrigation on the Abscission of Cotton Buds and Bolls水氮耦合对棉花蕾铃脱落的影响研究

2.Influence of coupling of water and nitrogen on outputs of cotton seeds and dry matter in subsurface drip irrigation地下滴灌水氮耦合对棉花产量的影响

3.Study on Coupling-effect of Water and Nitrogen of Tobacco in Water-saving Condition;烤烟节水灌溉条件下水氮耦合效应研究

4.Effects of Water and Nitrogen Coupling on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco in the Resettling Growth Stage水氮耦合对烤烟团棵期光合特性的影响研究

5.Effects of Water and Nitriogen Coupling on Changes of Soil Water and Nitrogen in Tobacco Field and Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco;水氮耦合对烟田土壤水氮动态变化及烟叶产量和品质的影响

6.Study on Water and Nitrogen Coupling on Winter Wheat in Photosynthetic Traits and Nitrogen Metabolization and Yield;水氮耦合对冬小麦光合特性、氮代谢及产量影响的研究

7.Study on the Fertilizer Applying Parameter and Water-nitrogen Coupling Model of Hop;啤酒花施肥参数和水氮耦合模型的研究

8.Effect of Water and Nitrogen Coupling under Alternating Furrow Irrigation and N Placement on Summer Corn;夏玉米分根交替灌溉施肥的水氮耦合效应研究

9.Effect of Water and Nitrogen Coupling on the Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco水氮耦合效应对烤烟产量和品质的影响

10.Coupling Effect of Water and Nitrogen on Cotton Under Different Drip Irrigation Lateral Placements不同滴灌毛管布置模式棉花水氮耦合效应

11.Coupling Effect of Water and Nitrogen on Cotton Nitrogen Use Efficiency under Different Patterns of Mulched Drip Irrigation沙漠绿洲地区膜下滴灌棉花产量和氮素利用的水氮耦合效应

12.Coupling effect of water and nitrogen on cotton yield and water use efficiency in different patterns of drip irrigation under film mulching沙漠绿洲地区膜下滴灌棉花水分利用的水氮耦合效应

13.Effects of Water and Nitrogen Supply on Nitrate Accumulation in Vegetable-soil Production System;水氮耦合对蔬菜—土壤系统中硝酸盐积累规律的影响

14.Study on Cotton Coupling Effect of Water and Nitrogen under Different Irrigation Patterns in the Minqin Oasis不同灌溉方式下民勤荒漠绿洲区棉花水氮耦合效应研究

15.Effects of Water-Nitrogen Coupling on the Growth of Flue-cured Tobacco and Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Soil水氮耦合对植烟土壤理化生物特性及烤烟生长的影响

16.Effect of Water and Potassium(K) Fertilizer Coupling on the Potassium Contents and Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism of Flue-Cured Tobacco;水钾耦合对烤烟钾含量及碳氮代谢的影响

17.Study on the Characteristics of Shortcut Nitrification-Denitrification Integrated with Sludge Anaerobic Hydrolysis for Nitrogen Removal Process污泥水解耦合短程硝化反硝化的脱氮特性研究

18.Study on Nitrogen Removal Performance of Shortcut Nitrification-denitrification in A/O Coupled with Sludge HydrolysisA/O短程硝化反硝化耦合污泥水解脱氮性能研究


Water-nitrogen coupling水氮耦合

1.Under field production conditions,the experiment was made to research the effect of water-nitrogen coupling on cotton development and yield under drip irrigation in 5 field spots.通过在5个试验点田间试验研究水氮耦合对棉花生长和产量的影响。

3)Water-nitrogen coupling氮水耦合

4)coupling effect of water and nitrogen水氮耦合效应

1.Thecoupling effect of water and nitrogen on nitrogen use efficiency(NUE),nitrogen was more significantly than water under the three drip irrigation patterns.研究施肥量和灌水量对膜下滴灌模式棉花氮素利用效率(NUE)的水氮耦合效应的影响。

2.【Result】 The result showed that as for thecoupling effect of water and nitrogen on cotton yield,that of water was more significant than nitrogen under 1 lateral 4 rows,nitrogen was more significant than water under 2 laterals 4 rows and 2 laterals 6 rows.【目的】研究施肥量和灌水量对不同滴灌模式棉花产量、氮素利用效率(NUE)、水分利用效率(WUE)的水氮耦合效应的影响。

3.Thecoupling effect of water and nitrogen on cotton yield and water use efficiency(WUE) was studied under different drip irrigation patterns.研究施肥量和灌水量对不同滴灌模式棉花产量、水分利用效率(WUE)的水氮耦合效应影响。

5)simulated N and P deposition氮磷耦合

6)coupled carbon-nitrogen dynamics碳氮耦合


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
