100字范文 > 元认知理论 metacognitive theory英语短句 例句大全

元认知理论 metacognitive theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-01 11:45:16


元认知理论 metacognitive theory英语短句 例句大全

元认知理论,metacognitive theory

1)metacognitive theory元认知理论

1.An application ofmetacognitive theory in the English writing teaching practice元认知理论在英语写作教学中的应用

2.The author makes a contrastive experiment in mathematics teaching on the basis of meta-cognition and traditional teaching,and sums up the results of the former guided by themetacognitive theory.在高等师范院校中以元认知理论指导的数学教学和传统教学作为对照实验,采用访谈、问卷调查、课堂观察及教育统计等方法,深入研究,评价实验结果。


1.Application of Meta-cognitive Theory in Teaching;略论元认知理论在教育教学中的运用

2.Research on Listening Comprehension Strategy Based on the Metacogitive Theory;基于元认知理论的英语听力理解策略

3.On Application of Metacognition in Multimedia English Lisening Class元认知理论在多媒体听力课中的应用

4.Application of Metacognitive Concept in Reflective Teachers Training;元认知理论指导下的反思型教师教育

5.On Meta-cognition Theory and the Cultivation of Autonomous Learning Ability;元认知理论与学生自主学习能力培养

6.Study on English reading teaching based on meta-cognition theory;基于元认知理论的英语阅读教学研究

7.A metacognitive framework for L2 writing: A factor analysis approach;二语写作元认知理论构成的因子分析

8.An application of metacognitive theory in the English writing teaching practice元认知理论在英语写作教学中的应用

9.The Metacognition-based Study on Cultivating Adult Learner"s Autonomy浅论元认知理论对成人学员自主能力的培养

10.Explore the Metacognition Theory in the Physical Teachingfunction;探究元认知理论在中学物理教学的作用

11.Metacognitive theory and training of foreign language reading comprehension monitoring;元认知理论与外语阅读理解监控能力的培养

bination Of The Meta-cognition Theory And Psychological Health Education In University;元认知理论与高校心理健康教育的融合

13.English Listening Comprehensive Strategy Training and Metacogitive Theory;元认知理论在英语听力理解教学中的应用试探

14.Metacognitive Theories and Cultivation of Autonomous Learning Ability;元认知理论与学生自主学习能力的培养——元认知理论在大学英语教学中的应用

15.Teaching of Transactional EFL Listening Based on Metacognition Theory基于元认知理论的传递式听力教学策略

16.On the Application of the Metacognition Theory to Chinese Reading Teaching in Middle Schools;元认知理论在中学语文阅读教学中的应用

17.A Study on the Application of Metacognitive Theory in the Teaching of College English Writing;元认知理论在大学英语写作教学中的应用研究

18.A Study on Meta-cognition based Computer-and-network Assisted Self-regulated Learning in College English;基于元认知理论的大学英语网络自主学习探讨



1.The application of Metacognition into fostering autonomous learners" learning abilities元认知理论在英语自主学习能力培养中的应用

2.In this paper ,the author analyses the limitation of the physics designing experiment and expounds the tctics of usingmetacognition in physics designing experiment.本文对现行物理设计性实验的不足进行分析 ,并提出了将元认知理论运用到物理设计性实验的有关策略。

3)matacognition transfer theory元认知迁移理论

4)cognition element response theory认知元反应理论

5)cognitive theories认知理论

1.According tocognitive theories, cognitive factors play a crucial role in causing depression.抑郁症在当今社会呈多发趋势,认知理论认为,认知因素在抑郁症的产生中起关键作用。

2.Based on Nida s functional equivalence and equivalent translating theories,the author tried to analyze translating strategies of metaphors withcognitive theories.认知理论关照下的英汉概念隐喻对比发现,英汉概念隐喻之间存在相似性和差异性。

3.This paper makes a comparison between Jackendoff and Langacker scognitive theories in five aspects in the hope of deepening the understanding of the two theories: ontologies, epistemologies; relations between syntax and semantics; relations between lexicon and encyclopedia; opinions on feature analysis; production and representation of conceptual structure.文章从本体论与认识论、句法与语义的关系、词汇意义与百科知识的关系、对义素分析的看法、概念结构的产生和表征等五个方面比较了杰肯道夫(Jackendoff)和兰盖克(Langacker)的认知理论的异同,以期通过比较加深对两人理论观点的认识和理解。

6)cognitive theory认知理论

1.Inspired by thecognitive theory s attempt to "evoke precise technique to dissect internal hierarchy which cannot be expressed through external expressions into small quantified portions," the author explores how people construct space structures in their imagination and attempts to establish a comprehensive .受认知理论中,“不可展现于外的层级研究,可化解成可量化的小部分的精准技巧”启发,重新了解人们在意象中如何建构空间结构,试图建立完整且供规划者依循的理性思维设计观念——一种“分类”与“整合”的再出发,使规划者工作脚步更加踏实。

2.The main views of constructirism andcognitive theory are introduced first, on the basis of which combine with the main characters of the Virtual Reality, the problems that the Virtual Reality applies on the field of education are discussed with thecognitive theory and constructirism.为此,首先介绍了构建主义理论和认知理论的主要观点,并在此基础上结合虚拟现实的主要特性,从认知理论与构建主义理论的层面,讨论了虚拟现实技术应用于教育领域的有关问题。

3.The main part of thecognitive theory is then described in details.详细的分析论述了认知主义学习理论,并提出了一些将认知理论应用于网络教学中学习活动设计及网页设计的方法。


布鲁纳认知发展阶段理论布鲁纳认知发展阶段理论Bruner"s theory of stages of cognitive development布鲁纳认知发展阶段理论(BrUner’s山e(叮of stages of eognitive develoPment)J.S.布鲁纳是美国认知心理学的重要代表人物之一,其认知发展阶段理论深受J‘皮亚杰理论的影响他从结构论观点出发,以表征作为测量认知发展的指标,把儿童认知发展划分为三个阶段:(l)动作表征阶段。儿童主要通过动作来组织、再现外界事物的特征,注意单一而不稳定,只能从做中学,很少有反省思维的参与。(2)形象式表征阶段。儿童显示出有构成环境经验的内在表象的实际能力,通常在5一6岁发展到顶点。(3)符号式表征阶段。大约出现在青春期。儿童开始能够应付命题,能用一种层次结构来达到概念化和决定可能性,并用一种形式把它们结合起来。布鲁纳认为认知发展的三个阶段是有次序性和连续性的,后一种表征的发展有赖于前一种表征的发展。同时,这三个阶段虽同年龄有关,但在很大程度上因文化和教育的不同而加快发展或停滞。(白学军撰林索德审)
