100字范文 > 家庭权力 Power of family英语短句 例句大全

家庭权力 Power of family英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-28 07:38:25


家庭权力 Power of family英语短句 例句大全

家庭权力,Power of family

1)Power of family家庭权力


1.Familial Power Structure: From Monopolization to Equality--The Impact of Rural Familial Power Structure on the Socialization of Labor Force;家庭权力结构:从垄断到平权——劳动力社会化对农村家庭权力结构的冲击

2.Gender Pattern of Family Powers:Inequality Distribution or Multi-dimensional Mesh Distribution家庭权力的性别格局:不平等还是多维度网状分布?

3.On Family Violence;论家庭暴力——为保护妇女权利而斗争

4.Family Strategy and the Changes of Inter-Relationship between Husbands and Wives of Unconventional Families in Rural Areas;家庭策略与农村非常规核心家庭夫妻权力关系的变化

5.Supporting the authority of the papal court over national or diocesan authority.教皇至上论的支持教皇法庭的权力超越国家或教区权力的

6.The Sociology Thinking of Family Violence and the Guarantee of Women s Legal Rights;家庭暴力的社会学思考及其妇女权益的保障

7.On Ways and Limits of Administrative Power in Interfering Domestic Violence s Prevention and Control;行政权介入家庭暴力防治的方式与限度

8.Safeguarding women s rights in judges trying civil case of domestic violence;法官审判家庭暴力民事案件对妇女权益的保护

9.equality of rights and responsibilities in the family and home家庭和家务权责平等

10.China in Post- patriarchy Times--Society and the Changes of Internal Power Relationship in Urban Families“后父权制时代”的中国——城市家庭内部权力关系变迁与社会

11.He sure is wear the pants in this family.他的确掌握家庭大权。

12.He sure wears the pants in this family.他的确掌握家庭大权

13.United Nations Family Rights Committee联合国家庭权利委员会

14.A brie study of the mentality of women as victims of family violence论妇女权力之保护——对196件家庭暴力案件的调查分析

15.Foundation for the Rights of the Family - International Secretariat; PRODEFA家庭权利基金会-国际秘书处;家庭权利基金会

16.expert consultation on violence in families家庭暴力问题专家协商

17.Supreme power rests, however, with the family council, the assembly of all the adult members of the household, women as well as men.但是,最高权力集中在家庭会议,即全体成年男女社员的会议。

18.Wealth and power can be fleeting, family bonds tenuous, status mercurial.财富权力转眼成空,家庭关系淡薄如纸,名望地位飘忽不定。


familial power structure家庭权力结构

1.Along with the socialization of labor force, the parents that standing on the zenith of thefamilial power structure are descending because of the system changes and possessing of less symbolic capital; Women and children who participate in the social work, whose economic value are gradually affirmed, and whose contribution in the familial income are confirmed, are attaining rights and status.伴随着农村劳动力的社会化,处于家庭权力结构至高地位的家长,因制度的变迁、较少地拥有象征资本,传统所赋予的专制和集权日渐式微;妇女和子女通过参与社会化分工,自身的经济价值逐渐得到肯定,对家庭经济收入的贡献率日渐明晰量化,应有的权力日益得到认可,在家庭权力结构中的地位不断上升,传统的家庭权力结构不断被解构和重构。

3)family power system家庭权力秩序

4)patriarchal families父权家庭

5)rights in family家庭权利

1.Research in women srights in family in "diploma society" --analyzing diploma s impacts on women srights in family by studyinga case in Wuhan;“学历社会”中的妇女家庭权利研究——以武汉为例试析学历对妇女家庭权利的影响

6)the family benefits家庭权益


