100字范文 > 食品药品监管 food and drug regulation英语短句 例句大全

食品药品监管 food and drug regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-06 02:11:05


食品药品监管 food and drug regulation英语短句 例句大全

食品药品监管,food and drug regulation

1)food and drug regulation食品药品监管


1.Reform Fooddrug Supervision System Promote Public Food Medicine Safety;改革食品药品监管体制 保障公众饮食用药安全

2.Appear afore-mentioned problems, can superintend a branch to complain to food medicines and chemical reagents.出现上述问题,可向食品药品监管部门投诉。

3.Food & Drug Surveillance Performance Appraisal and Application Research;食品药品监管系统绩效评估方法与应用研究

4.An analysis on enforcement equipment resource of food and drug administrations in China我国食品药品监管机构执法装备资源状况分析

5.Order of the State Food and Drug Administration国家食品药品监督管理局令

6.State Food and Drug Administration国家食品和药品监督管理局

7.and shall simultaneously submit it to both the State Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products.同时报送国家食品药品监督管理局和中国药品生物制品检定所。

8.Decree No. 6 of the State Food and Drug Administration of the People"s Republic of China, Promulgating the Measures for the Administration of Business Licenses of Drugs国家食品药品监督管理局令第6号,发布《药品经营许可证管理办法》

9.Overview on Development of State Food and Drug Supervision Informatization in --国家食品药品监督管理信息化发展概况

10.This format is established by Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration.2本表由江苏省食品药品监督管理局制定。

11.Study & Strategetic Countermeasure on Current State of Manpower Resources of State Food and Drug Administration;全国食品药品监督管理系统人力资源现状研究

12.The Design and Implementation of the Management System of Jinan Food and Drug Administration济南市食品药品监督管理系统的设计与实现

13.U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA)美国食品药品管理局

14.The Food and Drug Administration, however,不过,食品和药品管理局,

15.The biological products as prescribed by the State Food and Drug Administration; The drugs sold within China for the first time; Other drugs as prescribed by the State Council国家食品药品监督管理局规定的生物制品;首次在中国境内销售的药品;国务院规定的其他药品。

16.In terms of the biological products within the range of examination, approval and issuance specified by the State Food and Drug Administration,国家食品药品监督管理局规定批签发的生物制品,

17.For a biological product within the range of examination, approval and issuance specified by the State Food and Drug Administration国家食品药品监督管理局规定批签发的生物制品

18.The packages and labels of the drugs that have arrived at the port are inconsistent with the requirements of the State Food and Drug Administration;到岸品种的包装、标签与国家食品药品监督管理局的规定不符的;


supervise and management on food and drug食品药品监督管理

3)food supervision食品监管

pared with Chinesefood supervision system,this article try to analyse.本文通过分析草案所确立的印度食品监管法律制度,结合我国目前食品安全法律体系存在的问题,提出完善我国食品监管法律制度的建议。

4)Drug administration药品监管

1.It then illustrates the quantity and form of illegal activities in drug administration so as to find accurate legal application and conduct the legitimate administrative punishment.借鉴刑法"罪数形态"理论,分析行政违法行为"事数形态"的构成特征、本质属性、共有规律,阐明药品监管违法行为的个数及形态,从而准确适用法律,正确做出行政处罚。

2.The authors discussed the following problems: abuse of injections, antibiotics and corticosteroids; money focused trend of medical services; the weakness of drug administration power; insufficient coordination between SFDA and MoH; irrational use of Chinese traditional medicines.文中就目前存在的问题,如针剂和大输液、抗微生物药物、激素等的滥用;医疗经营重利轻责;药品监管执法力度不足;药监局与卫生部的协调及中药不合理用药等对我国药品不良反应监测的不利影响进行了分析,提出要遵从先进文化的发展方向,用唯物史观和以人为本的要求看待现有问题,建立并完善药品不良反应监测的规章制度,为确保广大人民群众用上安全有效的放心药而不懈努力。

3.Started from discussing the differences among the concepts of administrative inaction, negatory action and illegal nonfeasance, the article expounded the specific definition of illegal nonfeasance in drug administration area, and clarified the misunderstanding about concept.本文从讨论行政不作为、否定性作为与违法行政不作为的概念区别入手,明确了药品监管具体行政行为领域中违法行政不作为的概念,廓清了对行政不作为的部分认识误区。

5)food and drug supervision食品药品监督

6)Food and drug adiministration(FDA)食品药品管理局


