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医护配合 Cooperation between doctor and nurse英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-04 16:46:51


医护配合 Cooperation between doctor and nurse英语短句 例句大全

医护配合,Cooperation between doctor and nurse

1)Cooperation between doctor and nurse医护配合

2)combined medical effects of all personnel医护联合

3)doctor-nurse collaboration医护合作

1.An investigation on the satisfaction withdoctor-nurse collaboration;对医护合作满意度的调查与分析

2.Conclusion Nursing students have optimistic attitude towardsdoctor-nurse collaboration and they have better understanding in doctor-nurse relationship.方法运用中文版Jefferson医护合作态度量表对上海某所大学医学院、级护理学专业学生(下称护生,n=51)和临床医学专业学生(下称医学生,n=195)进行调查。


1.The correlation between doctor-nurse cooperation and job satisfaction among Emergency Department nurses急诊护士医护合作水平与工作满意度相关性研究

2.Effect of doctors and nurses cooperation health education on anxious mood of patients with cervical spondylosis医护合作健康教育对颈椎病患者焦虑情绪的影响

biation of Chinese traditional and Western medicine nursing in acute outbreak patients with asthma.哮喘急性发作患者的中西医结合护理

4.TCM First Aid Hospital and Cooperation between Central Medical Hospital and Relief Committee中医救护医院及中央国医馆和赈济委员会的合作

5.Practice of Cooperation Between Nurses and Medical Social Workers in the Ward of Oncology护士与医疗社会工作者在病区中的合作实践

6.Doctors and nurses work hand in hand to save lives.医生们和护士们密切合作,共同救死扶伤。

7.Training of nurses for countryside under new rural cooperative medical service system新型农村合作医疗制度下农村护理人才的培养

8.Analysis of the cooperative attitude between surgeons and nurses in operating rooms外科医生与手术室护士合作态度的对比分析

9.Application of Problem-based Learning with Cooperation of Teaching Nurses and Surgeons in Guiding New Nurses of Operation护医合作PBL教学法在手术室新入科护士带教中的应用

10.The Protection of Peasant s Rights and Interests in New Rural Cooperative Medical Care System;新型农村合作医疗中参合农民的权益保护及建设

11.an orderly at a hospital,在一家医院作过护工,

12.Those who do not meet“ medical norms” are assigned to work with a nurse.那些不符合"医疗规范"的雇员被指派同一名护士一同工作。

13.To carry out the act of prevention and cure for AIDS and ensure implement of professional safety in hospital执行获得性免疫缺陷综合征防治法在医院职业防护中的作用

14.Analysis of Work Satisfaction among Nurses in the General Hospitals Above Two in Level of Taiyuan City;太原市二级以上综合医院护士工作满意度调查分析

15.A Survey of Work Values and Organizational Commitment of Nurses in Sichuan Province;四川省三甲综合医院护士工作价值观与组织承诺的调查研究

16.A Study on Job Burnout Status and Correlative Factors of Head Nurses in the Third Grade Hospitals in Xinjiang;新疆三级综合医院护士长工作倦怠现状及相关因素的研究

17.Nurse Job Satisfaction and Its Influencing Factors in 3-A-grade General Hospitals in Beijing北京市三甲综合医院护士工作满意度现状及影响因素的研究

18.A Study on Joint Training of Nurses by Colleges and Hospitals学校与医院合作护理人才培养模式的实践与体会


combined medical effects of all personnel医护联合

3)doctor-nurse collaboration医护合作

1.An investigation on the satisfaction withdoctor-nurse collaboration;对医护合作满意度的调查与分析

2.Conclusion Nursing students have optimistic attitude towardsdoctor-nurse collaboration and they have better understanding in doctor-nurse relationship.方法运用中文版Jefferson医护合作态度量表对上海某所大学医学院、级护理学专业学生(下称护生,n=51)和临床医学专业学生(下称医学生,n=195)进行调查。

4)Nursing Coordination护理配合

1.Progress on operative modes and nursing coordination for patients with echinococcosis of liver;肝包虫病手术方式与护理配合进展

2.Nursing coordination in 18 cases of coronary artery bypass grafting18例冠状动脉搭桥术的护理配合

3.Application and nursing coordination of glass fiber stake in repair of post crown玻璃纤维桩在桩冠修复中的应用及护理配合

5)nursing cooperation护理配合

1.Nursing cooperation of high intensity focused ultrasound therapy terminal pancreas cancer;高能聚焦超声热疗治疗晚期胰腺癌的护理配合

2.Nursing cooperation in the treatment of 45 patients with urethrostenosis and urethratresia by green laser vaporization;绿激光汽化术治疗尿道狭窄和闭锁45例护理配合

3.Nursing cooperation in endoscopic painless artificial abortion for 180 cases;内窥式无痛人工流产术180例护理配合

6)protection coordination保护配合

1.A new concept ofprotection coordination by time is introdu ce d in this paper to formulate all the system relays and system equipment operrati on into a set of optimization equations and constraints.本文引用了有关时间保护配合的新概念 ,将整个系统继电器和系统设备的动作列成一组最优化公式和约束条件 。

2.According to the short-circuit analysis for DC system and one typical wiring mode of DC system ,detailedprotection coordination of DC protective circuit breaker is presented for referring.针对直流控制保护电器的功能和作用,通过对直流电源系统中短路电流的简要分析,并参照直流电源系统的一种典型接线方式,详细描述了直流断路器的选择性保护配合关系,供业内人员参考。


外轨配合物和内轨配合物根据L.C.鲍林的价键理论,具有八面体结构并有4个未成对电子的、顺磁性的[CoF6]3-,或有5个未成对电子的、顺磁性的[Fe(H2O)6]3+,其配位成键杂化轨道为4s4p34d2,所用d 轨道与s和p轨道是属于同一主能级的。这类具有nsnp3nd2形式的配合物(见配位化合物), 因为使用了外层的d轨道,所以叫做外轨配合物。两种配合物的杂化成键轨道分别如图所示。对于具有八面体结构且所有电子都是成对的、抗磁性的[Co(NH3) 6]3+, 或具有1个未成对电子的、 顺磁性的[Fe(CN)6]3-,其成键杂化轨道为3d24s4p3,使用了比s和p轨道低一级主能级层中的d轨道。这类具有(n-1)d2nsnp3型式的配合物,由于使用了内层的d轨道,所以叫做内轨配合物。在四配位体系中,具有四面体结构且有两个未成对电子的顺磁性的[NiCl4] 2-,其成键杂化轨道为4s4p3,属外轨配合物。而所有电子都成对的、抗磁性的[Ni(CN)4]2-,其成键杂化轨道为3d4s4p2,是平面正方形结构,属内轨配合物。两种配合物的杂化成键轨道如图所示。
