100字范文 > 直埋保温管 thermal insulation direct buried pipe英语短句 例句大全

直埋保温管 thermal insulation direct buried pipe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-28 09:27:05


直埋保温管 thermal insulation direct buried pipe英语短句 例句大全

直埋保温管,thermal insulation direct buried pipe

1)thermal insulation direct buried pipe直埋保温管

1.Through the analysis of the insulation thickness of polyurethane foamthermal insulation direct buried pipe author points out that proper insulation thickness can enhance comprehensive economic efficiency.通过对现用聚氨酯泡沫直埋保温管保温厚度的分析 ,提出只有合理确定保温层厚度 ,才能提高综合经济效益。


1.Simulation and Emulation of Internal Resistance Heating Direct-Burried Heat-Insulated Pipe;内阻式供热直埋保温管热工模拟与仿真

2.Application of Preserving Heat and Direct-buried Pipeline for DHC System区域供冷供热工程中的预制保温管道直埋应用

3.The Experimental Study and Analysis of Directly Buried Inner Resistance Heat-preservation Pipeline;内阻式直埋保温供热管道的实验研究与分析

4.Heat Transfer Problem in Buried-Directly Pipes with Multi-Layer Insulation by Boundary Element Method;多层保温地下直埋热力管道传热的边界元分析

5.Studies on Performance of Vertical U-tube Underground Heat Exchanger with Outlet Tube Insulated垂直U型地埋管回水保温换热性能研究

6.Buried Steel-Steel Steam Pipe Insulation of the Layout Design Process直埋式钢套钢蒸汽保温管的布置设计过程

7.Some problems, which are needed to pay attention to on the construction and design of polyurethane insulation pipe buring laying are presented.并对聚氨酯保温管直埋敷设的施工和设计提出了一些建议。

8.Standard for D.C.drainage protection of buried steel pipelines埋地钢质管道直流排流保护技术标准

9.Analysis in Temperature Field and Thermal Response Around U-Type Vertical Ground Heat Exchanger of Ground Source Heat Pump;土壤源热泵垂直U型埋管温度场及热扰动分析

10.The Study of of Numeric Simulation of Temperature Field of U-vertical Buried Pipe of GSHP;土壤源热泵U型垂直埋管温度场数值模拟研究

11.Influence of soil temperature field on heat transfer performance of vertical U-tube ground heat exchangers土壤温度场对竖直U形地埋管换热性能的影响

12.Selection of Anticorrosion and Thermal Insulation Materials sind Structures of Buried Pipeline in Dagang Oilfield大港油田埋地管道防腐保温材料及结构的选择

13.Analysis of Force and Protection of the Taper Pipe in Directly Buried Heat-Supply Pipeline直埋供热管道变径处的受力分析与保护

14.Numerical Simulation on Soil Temperature Field Around Vertical U-tube Heat Exchange Used in Ground Source Heat Pump;地源热泵垂直U型埋管换热器周围土壤温度场的数值模拟

15.Influence analysis of soil temperature field on heat transfer performance of single vertical U-shape buried pipe土壤温度场对垂直单U形埋管换热性能的影响分析

16.Code for construction and acceptance of coating defects on external anti-corrosive and thermal insulated coatings for buried steel pipeline埋地钢质管道外防腐和保温层现场补口补伤施工及验收规范

17.Thermal Insulation Analytical Study on Shallow Cover up Feedwater Piping under Frozen Soil Environment at Qingzang Railway;青藏铁路冻土环境下浅埋给水管道保温分析研究

18.Research on Detection Evaluation Technique of Rigid Polyurethane Foam Insulating Layer for Buried Pipeline埋地钢质管道硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料防腐保温层检测评价技术研究


prefabricated directly buried insulating pipe预制直埋保温管

1.The characteristics of polyurethane foam used as insulating layer ofprefabricated directly buried insulating pipe are introduced.介绍了作为预制直埋保温管保温层的聚氨酯泡沫塑料的特性。

2.The modes selection of directly buried installation for hot-water heat-supply pipeline,the design and construction of directly buried installation with and without expansion joint and the quality assurance ofprefabricated directly buried insulating pipe are discussed with a practical engineering example.结合工程实例,探讨了热水供热管道直埋敷设方式的选择,有补偿和无补偿直埋敷设方式的设计与施工及预制直埋保温管质量的保证。

3)direct buried steam pipeline直埋蒸汽保温管

1.The application of construction technology of sliding typedirect buried steam pipeline;内外滑动型直埋蒸汽保温管施工技术应用

4)steamy thermal insulated direct-buried pipe蒸汽直埋保温管

5)direct-buried utilidor直埋保温管道

1.On economic results betweendirect-buried utilidor and trench roughing-in;直埋保温管道与地沟敷设管道经济效益分析

6)heat insulation pipe in direct covering直埋式保温管


埋管式地源热泵技术促进节能产业直接利用地下土壤和地上空间季节性温度差,在夏季用于空调制冷、在冬季用于供暖供热的设想,如今已经变为现实。目前,这项地源热泵新技术经过众多天津市科研技术人员多年的反复试验已获得成功,天津市企业又将该技术发展为埋管式地源热泵,应用范围更加广泛。该技术现已运用在天津市红桥区老干部活动中心等工程中。 目前,国家鼓励发展可再生能源和新能源的高技术产业专项,其中太阳能供热和地源热泵供热制冷被列入重点领域。据介绍,地下土壤中蕴藏着丰富的温度资源,夏季地下土壤的温度低于地上空间的温度,冬季地下土壤的温度高于地上空间的温度。地源热泵技术就是利用这种季节性温度差,通过专门装置在夏季将地下土壤的低温资源转换到地上空间制冷,在冬季将地下土壤的高温资源转换到地上空间供热。而埋管式地源热泵更为直接,它把换热器埋设在土壤中,管内有密闭的水循环与土壤进行热量的交换,冬天吸收土壤蕴藏的热量,夏天把热量释放到土壤中储存,待冬天再用,对地下水资源不会造成影响。采用这种技术制造的中央空调不燃油、不燃气、不燃煤,根据需要灵活控制,开关由己,冷暖自如。 技术人员介绍说,按全市房屋施工面积3000万平方米计算,如果其中1000万平方米建筑采用埋管式地源热泵技术,每年可节约标准煤11.9万吨,可减少烟气排放量13亿立方米,并且比传统中央空调系统运行费降低30%到60%。
