100字范文 > 构建水平 the level of construction英语短句 例句大全

构建水平 the level of construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-29 18:18:05


构建水平 the level of construction英语短句 例句大全

构建水平,the level of construction

1)the level of construction构建水平

2)platform construction平台构建

1.The paper sets forth the important meaning of knowledge management in library information service,discusses the necessity for library to develop knowledge management and the content of information serviceplatform construction.本文阐述了知识管理在图书馆信息服务中的重要意义 ,论述了图书馆开展知识管理的必要性及信息服务平台构建的内


1.SOPC System Design Based on PowerPC;基于PowerPC的SOPC平台构建

2.Design of Embedded Platform Based on Omap5912基于omap5912的uboot平台构建

3.Construct Universal Platform for Signal Condition of ATS自动测试系统通用信号调理平台构建

4.Constructing of Information Grid Technique Platform Based on Campus Network;基于校园网的信息网格技术平台构建

5.Construction of Web-Based Course Platform Based on Struts Framework;基于Struts框架的网络课程平台构建

6.Construction of an ARM-Linux Based Embedded System Production Platform;基于ARM-Linux的嵌入式产品平台构建

7.Construct of Collaborative Design Platform Based on CATIA and WindchillCATIA与Windchill集成平台的构建

8.Difference Theory:Constructing a Fair and Efficiency Relation Platform;差异论:建构公平与效率关系的平台

9.The More Opportunities the School Offers,the Better the Class Performs;学校如何更好地构建班集体建设平台

10.The Construction of the Heterogeneous Data Integration and Management Platform in Building Architect;楼宇建筑中异构数据集成与管理平台的构建

11.On Constructing the Platform of Structural Design Competition and Training Innovation Talents of Civil Engineering;构建结构设计竞赛平台,培养土建类创新人才

12.Analysis of the Feasibility to Construct a Intercourse Platform of Taijiquan between Fujian and Taiwan;构建闽台两岸太极拳交流平台的可行性研究

13.Study on the Regional Logistics Terrace of Changchun关于构建长春区域性物流平台的研究

14.(3) it is a best platform for creating virtual library;(3)是构建虚拟图书馆的最佳平台 ;

15.The Construction of Logistic Information Platform Facing E-Commerce;面向电子商务的物流信息平台的构建

16.Analysis and Construction of the Logistics Information Platform Based on Web Service;基于Web Service物流信息平台的分析与构建

17.Construction of a Development Platform Based on IXP425 Network Processor;基于IXP425网络处理器的开发平台的构建

18.Construction of Wide Band Platform Using IPv6 Protocol;利用IPv6协议构建宽带网络平台


platform construction平台构建

1.The paper sets forth the important meaning of knowledge management in library information service,discusses the necessity for library to develop knowledge management and the content of information serviceplatform construction.本文阐述了知识管理在图书馆信息服务中的重要意义 ,论述了图书馆开展知识管理的必要性及信息服务平台构建的内

3)platform construction构建平台

4)peace building和平建构


1.Oversea scholars have carried through a great deal of researches,including the relationships of education onpeaceful-building and conflict resolution,as well as connotation and extension of the concept,the goal and the implementation of peaceful education.围绕着教育与建构和平和化解冲突的关系、和平教育的概念内涵与外延、和平教育的目标定位、和平教育的具体实施等主题,国外学者开展了一系列卓有成效的研究,并逐渐汇聚成为一个公认的学术领域。

6)balance construction平衡构建


