100字范文 > 指甲 nail英语短句 例句大全

指甲 nail英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 09:24:42


指甲 nail英语短句 例句大全



1.FTIR Study on the Finger Nail with Carcinoma of Nasopharynx;鼻咽癌患者指甲的红外光谱研究

2.Trace elements level innail of inhabitants of high and low incidence Raea of esophageal cancer;食管癌高 低发区居民指甲中微量元素含量的对照研究

3.Phenotype Changes in the Epidermal Scale and Nail of the Patients with Congenital Ichthyosis;先天性鱼鳞病患者的指甲和鳞屑的表型改变研究


1.paint my f ingernails and cut my toenails.涂指甲油和剪脚指甲。

2.She was paring her nails with nailscissors.她正在用指甲刀修指甲。

3.The separation or loosening of a fingernail or toenail from its nail bed.甲真菌病手指甲或脚趾甲从指甲床分离或松脱

4.Of or relating to fingernails or toenails.有指甲的属于或关于手指甲或脚指甲的

5.cut one"s hair, one"s nails, a hedge剪头发、指甲、 树篱

6.mignonette tree【植】散沫花,指甲花

7.Dantès strove to do this with his nails, but they were too weak.他勉强用他的指甲去挖,但指甲太软了;

8.a manicure is necessary if you"d like to try nail enamel.你要涂指甲油的话需要先修指甲。

9.She took out a pair of nail clippers and began cutting her nails.她拿出一把指甲刀,然后开始剪指甲。

10."Chaneleon Nails"At The Click of a Switch“变色龙”指甲:随意变换指甲颜色

11.He cut the fingernail to the quick.他剪指甲剪了指甲下的肉。

12.One who gives manicures.指甲修剪师进行修理指甲工作的人

13.To trim, clean, and polish(the fingernails).修…的指甲修整、洁净且打磨(指甲)

14.The border of epidermal tissue surrounding a fingernail or toenail.甲周皮围绕手指甲或脚指甲的表面组织边缘

15.Nail Art, Manicure / Pedicure items, Files &Buffers, Tips, Acrylic &Gel products, nail jewellery and more.指甲彩绘,手指甲/脚指甲的修剪,指甲稍,丙烯酸和胶印,指甲镶嵌珠宝,等等。

16.The formative cells or tissue of a fingernail, toenail, or tooth.(指甲或牙齿的)床手指甲、脚指甲和牙齿的形成细胞或组织

17.A painful sore or swelling around a fingernail or toenail.化脓性指头炎,甲沟炎手指甲或脚指甲周围有疼痛感的发炎或肿胀

18.With a nail file always within reach, they tended to groom rather than bite.由于指甲挫总能伸手可及,他们就会去修指甲,而不啃指甲了。



1.Determination of Five Elements inFingernail by ICP-AES;ICP-AES测量指甲中5种微量元素

2.Study on Change of Trace Manganese and Nickel in Human Hair &Fingernailfor Ten Years by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;光谱法研究人发、指甲中锰、镍含量变化曲线的特征

3)finger nail指甲

1.Rapid determination of calcium,magnesium and potassium infinger nail by flame atomic spectromety;火焰原子光谱法快速测定指甲中的钙镁钾

parison Study on FTIR Spectra of Finger Nails of Normal People and Patients with Lung Cancer;肺癌患者及正常人指甲的红外光谱比较研究

3.A method was proposed for the determination of Cu, Zn, Fe and Cd infinger nails in this paper with flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) using solvent extraction technique.建立了溶剂萃取-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定指甲中Cu,Zn,Fe,Cd的分析方法,考察了影响萃取率和分析灵敏度的实验条件并进行了优化。


1.Methods Thirty cases of fingertip amputation were treated with forward flow axial flap and nails.术后指甲较术前平均延长4。

5)The nail of the thumb.拇指的指甲

6)lactulum unguis甲床, 指甲床


