100字范文 > 型煤 briquette英语短句 例句大全

型煤 briquette英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-19 16:45:00


型煤 briquette英语短句 例句大全



bustion of air-entrainedbriquette;加气型煤的燃烧性能的初步研究

2.Study on the influence factors of ash-fusibility ofbriquette for gasification;造气型煤灰熔融性影响因素的研究

3.Research on sodium hydroxide hydrolysis corn straw asbriquette binder;氢氧化钠水解玉米秸作型煤黏结剂的研究


1.Analysis of the Factors Influencing Briquette Forming and Design of Roll Briquetting Machine型煤成型影响因素分析及型煤成型机的设计

2.Improving Plan of HG-120/39-450-2 Type Economizing Machine for Coal Powder;HG-120/39-450-2型煤粉炉省煤器改造方案

3.Research on Improving Aggregate Formation of Moulded Coal to Increase Burning Strength改进型煤集合形态对提高型煤燃烧强度的研究

4.National Large-Scale Coal Base Junlian Coal Field Synthesis Development Strategic Research;国家大型煤炭基地筠连煤田综合开发战略研究

5.Realizing the reuse of gangue and establishing recycled-economy-type coalmine area;实现煤矸石的资源化 建立循环经济型煤矿区

6.Coal chemical sector of new type to push coal-energy chemical industry;发展新型煤化工,建设煤炭—能源化工产业

7.Rejuvenating Coal Energy Industry of Shanxi Province through Devoting Major Efforts to Developing Briquette Industry;大力发展型煤产业 振兴山西煤炭能源工业

8.Constructing large-sized coal mines to push forward the industrial restructuring in the coal sector of Shanxi建设大型煤矿,推动山西煤炭产业结构优化升级

9.Influence of microbial transformation on lignite briquette"s waterproof property褐煤微生物转化对型煤防水性能的影响

10.The Control of Fluoride Pollution in Coal-Burning Endemic Fluorosis Areas;燃煤型地氟病区居民燃煤氟污染控制

11.The Monitor and Control of Coalmine Gas and Dust;煤矿瓦斯和煤尘测控数学模型的建立

12.Application of YI Jig at Dongshan Coal Mine Coal Preparation PlantYT型跳汰机在东山煤矿选煤厂的应用

13.Lectotype of Powered Support for 1~(-2) Coal Seam in Hanjiawan Colliery韩家湾煤矿1~(-2)煤层液压支架选型

14.McNally-Norton jig麦克纳利-诺顿型洗煤机

15.Application of MG400/940-WD Type ShearerMG400/940-WD型采煤机的应用

16.On Best Portfolio of two Different Furnace Gas Producing for Cities in Tongmei Gas Plant;同煤集团煤气厂由两种不同炉型生产城市煤气最佳组合分析

17.Mechanism of uranyl ion adsorbing and complexing onto low-rank coal and ore-forming process of uranium associated coal measures低煤级煤与UO_2~(2+)的吸附络合及亲煤型铀矿成矿过程

18.Application of MGD80/120-TBW Shearer in Thin Coal SeamMGD80/120-TBW型滚筒式采煤机在极薄煤层采煤中的运用


coal briquette型煤

1.Research and development ofcoal briquette bond and formed coke bond;型煤与型焦粘合剂的研究及开发

2.Discussion on the research and promotion of binder forcoal briquette at Jincheng;型煤技术基础理论总结与探讨

3.Study on components of binder affected to the thermal stability ofcoal briquette;黏结剂组分对型煤热稳定性影响的研究

3)shaped coal型煤

1.This paper discusses the problems and disadvantages in ammonia/urea industry in China,reveals current situation ofshaped coal technology,analyzes the reasons causing oxygen-rich air continuous process failing popularized in the industry.分析了我国合成氨、尿素产业存在的问题、不足,型煤技术现状以及富氧连续气化未能在全国同行业全面推广的主要原因。

2.The origin of the coking waste slag,its properties and course of development are introduced and particularly the process for producing theshaped coal out of the coking waste slag described and effects of utilization of theshaped coal out of the waste slag for coking purpose on the quality of coke as well as the economical efficiencies analyzed.介绍焦化废渣的来源、性质及处理工艺的发展过程,重点介绍焦化废渣制造型煤炼焦的工艺,分析焦化废渣配型煤炼焦对焦炭质量的影响和经济效益。

3.Counting many defaults that exist in the processes of sludge treatment,this paper first presents a tentative plan and method about to makeshaped coal with coal and carboniged dewater sludge.针对目前污泥处理过程中存在的诸多缺陷 ,首次提出将脱水污泥炭化后 ,与煤掺合制做民用型煤的设想和方法。


1.Sulphur analysis of householdbriquettes using MS and GC/MS detection systems after reductive pyrolysis;型煤中硫的还原热解MS和GC/MS分析(英文)

2.ExperimentaI Study on the Ignitability and Combustion Efficiency of Gangue Briquettes;煤矸石型煤着火燃尽性能的实验研究

5)coal briquet型煤

1.In considering the environment status in Taiyuan city and the current situation in china,the development ofcoal briquet for industrial applications is discussed to be an effective way of clean coal utilization.结合我国国情和太原市环境状况,论述了发展工业型煤是发展洁净煤的有效途径,探讨了工业型煤粘结剂研究开发中的问题,指出了锅炉型煤,造气型煤的发展过程以及存在的问题。

2.he ash from burning acoal briquet with an additive(Si,Fe)for sulfur capture was characterized by using a X--ray powder diffraction method and a Xray fluorescent spectrometry,giving the same chemical composition as that derived from the elemental analysis data.当型煤中适当加人添加剂硅、铁组分燃烧生成新的Ca-Fe-S-Si-O体系后,固硫率明显提高。

3.A kind of ternary compound 3CaO·3Al2O3·CaSO4, occurring incoal briquet combustion experiments, was presented in this paper.本文介绍型煤燃烧过程中三元含硫化合物3CaO·3Al_2O_3·CaSO_4的生成,并对影响该三元化合物形成的因素,如时间、粒径及压强等进行了探讨,揭示了燃煤固硫的部分机理,有助于今后工业型煤的发展。

6)Bitumite-moulded coal烟煤型煤


