100字范文 > 信息觅食理论 information foraging theory英语短句 例句大全

信息觅食理论 information foraging theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-19 23:31:59


信息觅食理论 information foraging theory英语短句 例句大全

信息觅食理论,information foraging theory

1)information foraging theory信息觅食理论

2)foraging theory觅食理论

3)optimal foraging theory最佳觅食理论

4)information theory信息理论

1.Basic concepts ofinformation theory and their mutual relations;构成信息理论体系的关键物理量及其相互关系

2.Hierarchical reduction approach of rough sets theory and its basis on theinformation theory;粗糙集理论的分层递阶约简算法及其信息理论基础

3.These methods are those based oninformation theory,such as permutation entropy(PE),singular value decomposition(SVD) entropy,approximate entropy(ApEn),and other ones based on chaos theory,such as correlation dimension(CD),the largest Lyapunov exponent(LLE),Hurst exponent.采用基于信息理论的排列熵(PE)、奇异值分解(SVD)熵、近似熵(ApEn)和基于混沌理论的相关维(CD)、最大Lyapunov指数(LLE)、Hurst指数,分别对35个醉酒者和35个正常人的脑电时间序列进行计算分析。


1.Research on Information Theory and Integration Methods of Information-based Manufacturing;信息化制造中的信息理论与集成方法研究

2.The Point Asymmetric information theory or Accounting information exploration study;不对称信息理论与会计信息披露问题研究

work Theories and Information Processing网络理论与信息处理

4.The Research on Theory of Asymmetric Information and Information Resource Management in Enterprise;信息不对称理论与企业信息资源管理

5.A Preliminary Study of the Quality and Its Training of Information Management Personnel;论信息管理人员的信息素质及其培养

6.Information Ethic Education of Adolescent in Information Age论信息化时代的青少年信息伦理教育

7.Definition of information in theoretical informatics and its understanding in medical informatics论理论信息学中的信息定义及其在医学信息学中的理解

8.On Enhancing the Vocational Education of Information Management and Management Information System;论强化信息管理与管理信息系统专业教育

9.The Research of Flow of Short Message Based on Traffic Flow Theory基于交通流理论的短消息信息流研究

10.Asymmetric Information Theory and the Credit Problem in Commercial Bank;信息不对称理论与商业银行信贷问题

11.Theory and Method of Data Hiding in Information Security;信息安全中的信息隐藏理论和方法研究

12.The Study of Practice and Theories of Students Cultivation about Information Literacy on Information Ages;信息时代学生信息素养培育的理论与实践研究

13.Study on the Agricultural Informationization Construction Based on Theory of Information Resources Exploitation;基于信息资源开发理论的农业信息化建设研究

14.Discussion on the Theories of Information Economy Measurement and Informatization Measurement;关于信息经济测度与信息化测度的理论探讨

15.On the Resource Management in College Libraries in Information Age;试论信息技术下高校图书馆的信息资源管理

16.Information Asymmetry Theory and Information Publicity System of Securities Market of China;信息不对称理论与中国证券市场信息披露制度

17.On Computer Information Technology and Using IT to Manage Education in Higher Vocational College;论计算机信息技术与高职院教学管理信息化

18.The management of enterprise files information under informative environment;简论信息化环境下的企业档案信息管理


foraging theory觅食理论

3)optimal foraging theory最佳觅食理论

4)information theory信息理论

1.Basic concepts ofinformation theory and their mutual relations;构成信息理论体系的关键物理量及其相互关系

2.Hierarchical reduction approach of rough sets theory and its basis on theinformation theory;粗糙集理论的分层递阶约简算法及其信息理论基础

3.These methods are those based oninformation theory,such as permutation entropy(PE),singular value decomposition(SVD) entropy,approximate entropy(ApEn),and other ones based on chaos theory,such as correlation dimension(CD),the largest Lyapunov exponent(LLE),Hurst exponent.采用基于信息理论的排列熵(PE)、奇异值分解(SVD)熵、近似熵(ApEn)和基于混沌理论的相关维(CD)、最大Lyapunov指数(LLE)、Hurst指数,分别对35个醉酒者和35个正常人的脑电时间序列进行计算分析。

5)theoretical information理论信息


1.Stimulated by the growing interest in biomimicry of the mechanisms of foraging and swarming for use in engi.跟随日益热门的将觅食和群集等的仿生行为应用于工程应用中的研究趋势,本文将研究一种异构群集的数学建模和其在环境中的觅食行为特性。

2.In this study, we investigated post-fledging care, development of foraging skills and the ultimate causes of independence in juvenile Red-footed Boobies (Sula sula) on Dong Island, Xisha Archipelago, northern South China Sea, during and .为了解答这些问题,从到间,我们在中国南海西沙群岛的东岛上,深入研究了红脚鲣鸟(Sula sula)的亲鸟对幼鸟的照料,出飞后幼鸟觅食能力的形成以及幼鸟独立的最终动因。


觅食1.寻找食物。 2.泛指谋生。
