100字范文 > 城郊休闲旅游 suburbs tourism英语短句 例句大全

城郊休闲旅游 suburbs tourism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-25 16:31:47


城郊休闲旅游 suburbs tourism英语短句 例句大全

城郊休闲旅游,suburbs tourism

1)suburbs tourism城郊休闲旅游

1.Especially in recent ten years, with the development of the economy and the improvement of people\"s living standard, there is an unprecedented developing tide of thesuburbs tourism in Changsha.近十年来,随着我国经济的迅猛发展和人们物质生活水平的进一步提高,长沙市旅游业出现了前所未有的发展高潮,城郊休闲旅游也受到许多人的亲睐。


1.The Tourists" Consume Behavior Study of Suburbs Tourism Based on Lifestyle基于生活形态的城郊休闲旅游者消费行为研究

2.On Recreational Tourism Development of Suburbs in China;论我国城市郊区休闲度假旅游的发展

3.Study on Tourism Planning of Forest Park in City and Its Suburb基于休闲旅游的城郊森林公园旅游规划研究

4.Research of Developing Problems of Leisure Tourism Industry of Beijing s Suburb;北京郊区休闲旅游产业发展问题研究

5.A growing number of urban residents choose tourism as the best way to spend their leisure time.旅游正成为中国城市人休闲的新时尚。

6.Strategic Innovation: The Leisure Tendency of Tourism and The Construction of Tianjin as a Rest and Recreation Center in Northern China;战略创新:旅游的休闲趋势与天津北方休闲中心城市的构建

7.A Study on the Present State of Land Use for Leisure Tourism in the Suburbs of Beijing and Its Future Trend;北京郊区休闲度假旅游用地现状及未来趋势研究

8.Research on the Countryside Recreation Need and Tourism Development Characteristics in the Suburbs of Foreign Metropolises;国外大都市郊区农村休闲需求及旅游发展特点研究

9.An Estimation of the Recreational Value of Metropolitan Leisure Agricultural Landscape:A Case Study of Shiliuhong Leisure Farm in Wuhan City;城郊休闲农业景观地游憩价值估算——以武汉市石榴红农场为例

10.Development of Leisure Tourism in Urban Peripheral Regions:Taking Zhengzhou as an Example;城市周边地区休闲旅游发展研究——以郑州市为例

11.Experiences of developing tourism and sport leisure industry by Olympic cities;奥运城市发展旅游与体育休闲产业经验

12.The Analysis and Strategy of Guilin s Leisure Sports Tourism in Terms of SWOT;桂林城市休闲体育旅游的SWOT分析及战略选择

13.A Positivistic Analysis of the Positioning of Shenzhen as a Tourist City in the Age of Leisure;休闲时代深圳旅游城市定位的实证分析

14.Study on the Development of Leisure Courtyard-Style Tourism Products in Medium and Small Cities in Yunnan Province云南中小城市庭院休闲式旅游产品开发研究

15.Study on Forest Leisure Theory and Peri-urban Forest Leisure Opportunity Spectrum Classification森林休闲理论与城郊森林休闲机会谱分级研究

16.The Features of Leisure Tourism and the Study of Attractive Tactics of Female Leisure Tourism;休闲旅游的特征及女性休闲旅游吸引策略研究

17.A Study on the Characteristics of Leisure Tourism Behavior of Urban Residents in Two-Day Weekends--A Case Study of Hefei City;城市居民双休日休闲旅游行为特征分析——以合肥市为例

18.A Research on Recreation Agriculture of Hunan Province;湖南城郊型休闲农业可持续发展探索


leisure-agricultural tourism in suburb城郊休闲农业旅游

3)city of leisure and tourism休闲旅游城市

4)City Leisure Tourism城市休闲旅游

5)leisure tourism休闲旅游

1.An idea to developleisure tourism with tea in wufeng town;五凤乡以茶为媒休闲旅游业开发的思考

2.Leisure Tourism Resources and Its Development——A Case Study on Sichuan Province;四川休闲旅游资源及开发评价

3.Demonstrative research onthe impeditive factors ofleisure tourism forthe maximal emissivenes residents in Hangzhou;杭州城区“最具出游力”人群休闲旅游障碍性因素的实证分析

6)leisure travel休闲旅游

1.Analysis on the residents" perception of the impacts of holiday revision onleisure travel in the developed regions:Cases of Shanghai,Hangzhou and Suzhou发达地区居民对节假日调整影响休闲旅游的感知分析——以上海、杭州和苏州为例

2.Currently, tourism development is at a transitional period, shifting from the traditional sightseeing toleisure travel, the latter of which are now being carried out by the general public by families to spend their holidays in the suburbs or other places in China.目前,旅游业发展正步入产品的转型期,由传统的观光逐渐转为休闲旅游,休闲旅游已呈现出国内化、家庭化、大众化、多元化、郊区化和高品位化发展态势。

3.Considered from its characteristics and present situation, minority areas in western China necessarily focuses on specifics as folk-custom, zoology, and outskirts scene when developing itsleisure travel.根据资源特点和发展现状,西部少数民族地区发展休闲旅游应重点开发民族民俗休闲、山水生态休闲和城郊休闲旅游产品。


