100字范文 > 海滨城市 coastal city英语短句 例句大全

海滨城市 coastal city英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-22 11:45:01


海滨城市 coastal city英语短句 例句大全

海滨城市,coastal city

1)coastal city海滨城市


1.Is it a coastal city?"它是个海滨城市吗?

2.It is a coastal city and it is also famous for its beaches.海滨城市,并且也是因为海滩而出名。

3.This company is located in the beautiful seashore city-Yantai.本公司地处美丽的海滨城市——烟台。

4.My family lived in a seaboard city.我家过去住在一个海滨城市。

5.Dalian is a well laid out seaside city.大连是一个规划良好的海滨城市.

6.The seaside city is subject to frequent typhoon.这座海滨城市经常遭受台风的袭击。

7.Holiday-makers invade the seaside towns in summer.喻)在夏季,度假者大批涌进海滨城市.

8.Create Individual and Charming Scenes in Seashore City;塑造具有个性魅力的海滨城市新景观

9.Research on Regional Character Souvenir in Seashore City;海滨城市地域性旅游纪念品设计研究

10.The Coastal City of Shandong Province Tourism Real Estate Research山东省海滨城市旅游房地产开发研究

11.Study on Construction of University Campus Greening in Coastal Cities of South China华南海滨城市大学校园绿化建设研究

12.Xiamen is a picturesque island off the coast of southeast China.厦门是中国东南沿海一个美丽的海滨城市。

13.I think San Diego is a sunny coastal city .我认为圣地亚哥是个阳光迷人的海滨城市。

14.The red house in this seaside city stand out against the background of the green hills.这座海滨城市的红房子在青山映衬下十分夺目。

15.Qingdao is a city on the sea.青岛是一个滨海的城市。

16.A Comparative Study of Tourism Competitiveness of Main Coastal Cities Around Bohai Sea环渤海滨海城市旅游竞争力比较研究

17.Dalian is a coastal city full of the flavor of modernity.大连是一座充满现代气息的滨海城市。

18.The beauty of the city consist in its fascinating beach.这座城市的美在于它迷人的海滨。


Littoral cities滨海城市

1.Analysis of growth characteristics of environmental engineering geological problems in littoral cities;滨海城市环境工程地质问题发育特点分析

2.Littoral cities are the most developed regions in economy in our country.滨海城市是我国经济最发达的地区,近年来经济与城市建设均得到迅速发展,城市土地开发力度加大,由此起起的环境工程地质问题也日趋严重。

3.It is important and essential to study the engineering geological characteristics of rocksoil masses in littoral cities for guiding engineering construction in the future.滨海城市是我国经济开发的重要区域,研究滨海城市的岩土体工程地质特征,对指导城市工程建设有重要意义。

3)coastal city滨海城市

1.According to forming factors of urban tourist image, this paper analyses the basis for how to create tourist image ofcoastal city and initially probes into the creating principles of tourist image ofcoastal city in China.从城市旅游形象的形成因素出发,分析滨海城市塑造旅游形象的依据,初步探讨了我国滨海城市旅游形象塑造原则:主题性原则、独特性原则、针对性原则、系统性原则等。

2.According to the characteristic ofcoastal city s tourism, the system of precaution and emergency rescue decision for touring safety accidents ofcoastal city is set up by integrating 4s (GIS, GPS, CS, and ES) technique and TIS (Tourism Information System).针对滨海城市旅游的特点,以4S技术与TIS集成构建滨海城市旅游安全预警与事故应急救援系统,该系统具有旅游环境和事故安全预警、应急事故处理决策及应急救援网络组织互动等功能,实现了旅游管理的科学化、可视化、智能化,它不仅能为政府机构的管理决策提供科学依据,而且是旅游及其相关管理部门实施旅游安全管理的有力工具。

4)seaside city滨海城市

1.Since the start of the economic boom,the rate of growth in this area has exceeded the expectation and Fuzhou,with her fantastic natural resources——both in sea and in the rivers,has shown a tendency to shift her weight of city building from riverside city nearby to theseaside city;as a city-planner.改革开放后,滨江城市的发展速度超出人们的预想,福州市具有得天独厚的占据江河、占据大海的资源,在空间格局的演变过程中,城市格局也呈现由滨江城市向滨海城市过渡的态势。

2.In the last few years, takes the latent tourism development the important resources- Theseaside city becomes the important object the traveling professional studies.滨海城市的大力发展,更增加了旅游市场的行业竞争,同时引领旅游业从传统的陆路方式转向碧水蓝天的沿海方式,为人们外出旅游提供更为便捷的多样化服务。

5)coastal cities滨海城市

1.Regional differentiation of environmental engineering geological problems iscoastal cities;滨海城市环境工程地质问题的地域分异规律

2.Evaluating the tourism competitiveness of thecoastal cities quantitatively and comparing their differences will provide important guiding function for the coordinating of the relationship between cooperation and competition among the tourisms of the cities in the area.环渤海区域滨海城市之间存在旅游竞争与合作的双面效应。

3.It is crucial to coordinate the relationship between cooperation and competition of urban tourism by comparing the difference ofcoastal cities tourism competitiveness.以环渤海区域6个滨海城市为例,将评价指标体系分解为旅游现状、旅游基础环境、旅游潜力3类。

6)Urban coastal area城市滨海区


