100字范文 > 信息构建研究 research on the information construction英语短句 例句大全

信息构建研究 research on the information construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-09 18:02:11


信息构建研究 research on the information construction英语短句 例句大全

信息构建研究,research on the information construction

1)research on the information construction信息构建研究

2)A Research on Social Information Architecture社会信息构建研究

3)information research信息研究

1.Establishment of China"s geologicalinformation research work and formation of the system info:an example of geological and mineralinformation research中国信息研究工作及其理论体系的形成——以地矿信息研究为例

2.Status and functions of technicalinformation research in enterprise were discussed.叙述了企业科技信息研究的地位与作用、存在的问题及应对措施 ,重点介绍了攀钢科技信息研究在生产、科研和市场服务中的地位与作用。

3.The evolution of the intension ofinformation research can be divided into three stages, and the evolution of its extension can be divided into five stages.认为当前信息的范围日益广泛,信息的内涵和外延都已相当复杂,信息研究在其发展之中呈现出明显的层次性。

4)information study信息研究

1.After analyzing its advantages and disadvantages, the result was got that we should sufficiently use the superiorities of electronic journals to accelerate the works oninformation study.论述了电子期刊分类、优缺点及其对信息研究机构中馆藏期刊结构、期刊管理及科技查新的影响,我们应充分利用其优势,更好地服务于信息研究工作。

5)Research on construction构建研究

1.Research on construction of practical teaching system of social work specialty;社会工作专业实践教学体系构建研究


1.RESEARCH INTO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOCIETY PATTEM TO LEARN --Forming Ideological System;学习型社会构建研究——思想体系构建

2.Research on the Establishing of Construction Safety Management Organization Structure System建筑安全管理组织机构体系构建研究

3.A Study on the Enterprise Information System Architecture and It s Construction;企业信息系统体系结构及其构建研究

4.Study on Construction of the Supervising and Managing System of Development Financial Institution;开发性金融机构监管体系的构建研究

5.Manufacturing service chain construction based on product structure基于产品结构的制造服务链构建研究

6.A Study of Building the Audit System of Chinese Construction Projects;我国工程建设项目审计体系构建研究

7.The Research on Constructing Internal Control System of Construction Enterprise建筑施工企业内部控制体系构建研究

8.Study on Building Railway Construction Project Integration Management System铁路建设项目集成管理体系构建研究

9.From architecture to structure- study of improving the course of Architecture Construction teaching;从建筑到构造——建筑构造教学改革研究

10.Historical Construction:Case Study of Shenyang Architecture University Construction Zone Design以历史进行建构——沈阳建筑大学建构园设计研究

11.Study and Implementation of ODS Construction Technology under Heterogeneous Enviornment;异构环境下ODS构建技术的研究与实现

12.Transform of the Paradigm in Translation Studies: From Deconstruction to Reconstruction;翻译研究范式的变革:从解构到建构

13.The Construction of "Xing-hui" Poetics and Its Theory Constitution;“兴会”诗学的建构及其理论构成研究

14.Study on the Construction of the Students Cognitive Structure in the Chemistry Teaching of High School;中学化学教学中认知结构构建的研究

15.Studies on Giddens Construction Pattern for "Structuration Theory";吉登斯“结构化理论”建构模式研究

16.Construction and deconstruction are the two dimensions of poetic research;建构与解构:诗学研究中的两个维度

17.Study on Distribution and Development State of Institutional Repositories" Construction机构知识库构建分布及发展状况研究

18.Study of Constructivism Teaching Model for Architectural Drafting建筑制图建构主义教学模式的研究


A Research on Social Information Architecture社会信息构建研究

3)information research信息研究

1.Establishment of China"s geologicalinformation research work and formation of the system info:an example of geological and mineralinformation research中国信息研究工作及其理论体系的形成——以地矿信息研究为例

2.Status and functions of technicalinformation research in enterprise were discussed.叙述了企业科技信息研究的地位与作用、存在的问题及应对措施 ,重点介绍了攀钢科技信息研究在生产、科研和市场服务中的地位与作用。

3.The evolution of the intension ofinformation research can be divided into three stages, and the evolution of its extension can be divided into five stages.认为当前信息的范围日益广泛,信息的内涵和外延都已相当复杂,信息研究在其发展之中呈现出明显的层次性。

4)information study信息研究

1.After analyzing its advantages and disadvantages, the result was got that we should sufficiently use the superiorities of electronic journals to accelerate the works oninformation study.论述了电子期刊分类、优缺点及其对信息研究机构中馆藏期刊结构、期刊管理及科技查新的影响,我们应充分利用其优势,更好地服务于信息研究工作。

5)Research on construction构建研究

1.Research on construction of practical teaching system of social work specialty;社会工作专业实践教学体系构建研究

6)research and establishment研究构建


