100字范文 > 低温性能 low temperature performance英语短句 例句大全

低温性能 low temperature performance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-27 13:14:36


低温性能 low temperature performance英语短句 例句大全

低温性能,low temperature performance

1)low temperature performance低温性能

1.Research progress oflow temperature performance for lithium-ion batteries;锂离子蓄电池低温性能研究进展

2.Research onlow temperature performance of modified asphalt and mixture of bridge expansion joints;改性沥青伸缩缝结合料与混合料低温性能研究

3.Influence factors analysis of thelow temperature performance of SBS modified asphalt;SBS改性沥青低温性能的影响因素分析


1.The Development of Testing Equipment for Behavior of Asphaltic Concrete Under Low Temperature and the Research on the Behavior of Asphaltic Concrete Under Low Temperature;沥青混凝土低温性能试验系统开发及沥青混凝土低温性能研究

2.A Study on Tensile and Vacuum Fatigue of a TC4 Alloy at Cryogenic Temperature;TC4合金低温拉伸和低温真空疲劳性能研究

3.Research on Anti-cracking of High-performance Asphalt Mixture at Low Temperature;高性能沥青混合料低温抗裂性能研究

4.The Surface Modification of the High-properties Fibre by Low-temperature Plasma;高性能纤维的低温等离子体表面改性

5.Lower Temperature Impact Strength Study of UHMWPE Modified by Fillers填充改性UHMWPE低温冲击性能研究

6.Hydrolysis performance of C.I. Reactive Black 5 at low-temperatureC.I.活性黑5低温水解性能分析

7.The performance analysis for semiconductor thermoelectric cycle which works at small temperature difference低温半导体温差发电循环的工作性能分析

8.Effects of thermal cycling on tensile properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy at room and cryogenic temperatures热循环对TC4合金室温和低温拉伸性能的影响

9.Research on Mechanical Properties at Hight and Low Temperature of High Performance Thermoplastic Composites;高性能热塑性复合材料高低温力学性能研究

10.Research on Improving the Property of Anti-pulverization in Low-temperature Reduction of Low Silicon Sinter改善低硅烧结矿低温还原粉化性能的研究

11.Silicone rubbers are used for both high-and low-temperature appilcations, since their properties change little with temperature.聚硅烷橡胶因性能随温度变化小,故在高温和低温的场合都能用。

12.Study on Mn-based Catalytic Materials of SCR at Low-temperature;烟气脱硝Mn基低温催化剂性能研究

13.Study on Properties of PZT-PbO·WO_3 Piezoelectric Ceramics Sintered at Low Temperature;低温烧结PZT-PbO·WO_3压电陶瓷性能研究

14.Effect of Low-temperature Preparation on Magnetic Properties of NiCuZn Ferrites;NiCuZn铁氧体低温制备对磁性能的影响

15.Study on the Control Strategies for Radiant Floor Heating Systems;低温地板辐射采暖系统调节性能研究

16.Physical Properties of the Sm_(1-x)Gd_xAl_2 Polycrystalline Samples at Low Temperatures;Sm_(1-x)Gd_xAl_2多晶样品的低温物理性能

17.Performance Analysis of LT-MED Plants;低温多效蒸发海水淡化装置性能分析

18.The Study on High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue Properties and High Temperature Creep Properties of GH4169 Alloy;GH4169合金高温低周疲劳及蠕变性能研究


low-temperature performance低温性能

1.Evaluating indices forlow-temperature performance of SBR modified asphalt binder;改性沥青结合料低温性能评价指标

2.Analysis of effects of various aging techniques on asphaltlow-temperature performance;不同老化方式对沥青低温性能的影响分析

3.The influence of the filler-asphalt ratio on the high-and-low-temperature performance of gussasphalt mortar粉胶比对浇注式沥青胶浆高低温性能的影响

3)low temperature property低温性能

1.Study of toughness andlow temperature property of epoxy resin heat-insulating material;绝热层环氧树脂体系增韧和低温性能研究

2.Study onlow temperature property of porous asphalt mixture using TPS additive掺TPS添加剂排水性沥青混合料的低温性能研究

3.Low temperature property evaluation was made on different brands of paving asphalt.对不同品牌的道路沥青进行低温性能评定,采用常规分析方法和Superpave沥青胶结料试验规范的评价结果有一定的差别,并且同一牌号不同品牌的沥青低温抗开裂性能相差较大。

4)low temperature properties低温性能

1.Test oflow temperature properties of water-based pressure sensitive adhesives;水性压敏胶低温性能的测试

2.Study onlow temperature properties for F-CS emulsive elastic waterproof coating;F-CS乳液弹性防水涂料的低温性能研究

3.Some kinds of ten used tests oflow temperature properties and their use methods were mainly introduced, including test of fragileness temperature" TR test and Gehman test.主要介绍了常用的几种低温性能试验及如何使用,其中包括脆性温度试验、温度回给试验和吉门试验等。

5)low-temperature properties低温性能

1.The three-point bending and bending creep tests are conducted to investigate thelow-temperature properties of porous asphalt mixture using the TAFPACK Super(TPS)high viscosity additive.对掺TAFPACK Super(TPS)高粘度沥青添加剂排水性沥青混合料进行了低温条件下的三点弯曲和弯曲蠕变性能测试,采用低温脆化温度点、弯拉强度-应变包络图和三点弯曲蠕变速率来评价它们的低温抗裂性能;同时将SBS改性沥青排水混合料的低温性能用以对比分析。

6)low temperature resistance耐低温性能

1.But after heat aging,the Shore A hardness and tensile strength increased,the elongation at break decreased,andlow temperature resistance was improved.结果表明,随着EPDM用量的增大,EVM/EPDM并用胶的物理性能变化不大,热空气老化后并用胶的邵尔A型硬度和拉伸强度增大,拉断伸长率减小,耐低温性能提高;EVM或EVM/EPDM并用胶的阻燃性能明显优于EPDM;添加阻燃剂和增塑剂的EVM/EPDM并用胶的相容性较未添加阻燃剂和增塑剂的并用胶有所改善。

2.Thelow temperature resistance and physical properties of FKM/TPU blend were ex-perimentally investigated.试验研究氟橡胶(FKM)/热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)共混物的耐低温性能和物理性能。


