100字范文 > 断裂机理 fracture mechanism英语短句 例句大全

断裂机理 fracture mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-17 09:32:48


断裂机理 fracture mechanism英语短句 例句大全

断裂机理,fracture mechanism

1)fracture mechanism断裂机理

1.Effect of loading speed onfracture mechanism of TiAl-based alloys;加载速度对TiAl基合金断裂机理的影响

2.Impactfracture mechanism of 10Cr9Mo1VNb steel;10Cr9 Mo1 VNb钢冲击断裂机理

3.Interlaminar shear strength andfracture mechanism of quasi-3D C/C composites;准三维C/C复合材料的层间剪切性能及其断裂机理


1.Survey on Breaking Mechanism of Dual Mill With Old Marks;二辊轧机“老印”断辊的断裂机理研究

2.Researches on Fracture and Fracture Mechanism of a New Type Wood-Plastic Composite;新型木塑复合材料断裂及断裂机理的研究

3.Study on Mechanism and Criterion for Brittle/Ductile Fracture and Theory of Crack-tip Deformation;脆性/韧性断裂机理与判据及裂尖变形理论研究

4.Bending Fracture Mechanisms of a 980MPa High Strength Steel一种新型980MPa高强钢的弯曲断裂机理

5.Microstructure and fracture mechanism of 1000 MPa hot dip galvanized dual phase steel1000MPa热镀锌双相钢组织和断裂机理

6.Rupture Mechanism and Technology Analysis on Horizontal Casting 12Cr1MoVG Round Billets12Cr1MoVG水平连铸坯断裂机理及工艺分析

7.Investigation of Fracture Mechanism of 6061 Aluminum Alloy by Means of In-situ Observation6061铝合金断裂机理的原位拉伸研究

8.Research on Mechanism and Preventive Measures of Fatigue Fracture of Tubing in Sucker Rod Pumping Wells;抽油机井油管疲劳断裂机理和预防措施的研究

9.Analysis on Mechanism of Cleavage Fracture in a Low Alloyed Steel at Different Low Temperature低合金钢在不同低温下解理断裂机理的研究

10.Experimental and Numerical Simulation Study on the Tensile Fracture Mechanism of Three-dimensional Flaws in Fractured Rock Mass;岩体三维裂隙拉伸断裂机理的试验与数值模拟研究


12.Study on Fatigue Damage and Fracture Behavior of γ-TiAl Based Alloys;TiAl基金属间化合物疲劳损伤与断裂机理的研究

13.The Study on Fatigue Behavior and Its Fracture Mechanisms of TiAl-based Alloy;TiAl基合金的疲劳行为及其断裂机理研究

14.Research on Cast Iron Fracture Mechanism under the Complex Stress by Test;复杂应力下球墨铸铁断裂机理的试验研究

15.Study on Mechanism of Rock Damage and Crack by Explosion Loading;爆炸荷载下岩石爆破损伤断裂机理研究

16.Program of Deal with the Accidend of Compound Heat Drum Rupture;复合式转筒烘干机断裂事故处理方案

17.Fracture analysis and treatment for 2nd blade of high-pressure rotor in Russia-made 800 MW turbine unit俄制800MW机组高压叶片断裂分析与处理

18.Concise Principle of Crack Propagation and the Theory of Tangent Modulus in Fracture Mechanics;裂纹扩展的简明机理和断裂力学中的切线模量理论


mechanism of fracture断裂机理

3)rupture mechanism断裂机理

1.To study therupture mechanism and fracture design of the structural steel,rupture tests were done on 10 pipes with holes.为研究结构钢断裂机理及抗断设防,对10个结构钢开孔管试件进行断裂试验,较为精确的记录了试验全程载荷—位移曲线。

2.In order to studyrupture mechanism and fracture design of structural steel,fracture experiments were performed on 25 notched plates.从整体上看,试验数据离散性较小,为研究结构钢断裂机理及抗断理论提供了可靠的试验依据。

3.To studyrupture mechanism and fracture design of metal,fracture tests and numerical simulation were performed on ten constructional steel tubes with circular holes.为研究金属的断裂机理及抗断设防,对10个结构钢开孔管进行了断裂试验和数值模拟。

4)mechanism of cleavage fracture解理断裂机理

5)ductile fracture mechanism韧性断裂机理

1.Theoretical inquiry intoductile fracture mechanism and modification of ductile fracture criterion based on aluminum alloy sheet;韧性断裂机理的理论探讨与基于铝合金薄板韧性断裂准则的修正

6)impact fracture mechanism冲击断裂机理

1.The relationship between the phase structure, theimpact fracture mechanism and the impact strength of the blends was investigated.研究了共混体的相结构、冲击断裂机理和冲击强度之间的关系。


I机理分子式:CAS号:性质:又称配位场交联机理。简称I机理(I machanism)。一类取代反应的机理。配位化合物MLnX被Y取代反应时,配位数没有变化。在活化过渡状态下M—X键的减弱和M—Y键的初见端倪是同时发生的,最后新键的生成和旧键的断裂同时进行,不生成中间配位化合物。此机理又分为(1)交换缔合机理(又称Ia机理),取代反应中,进入基团Y的作用先于离去基团X,反应倾向于缔合。(2)交换离解机理(又称Ib机理),取代反应中离去基团X的外用先于进入基团Y,反应倾向于解离。
