100字范文 > 钙化根管 calcified root-canal英语短句 例句大全

钙化根管 calcified root-canal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-19 13:07:42


钙化根管 calcified root-canal英语短句 例句大全

钙化根管,calcified root-canal

1)calcified root-canal钙化根管

1.Evaluation of using dental operating microscope and ultrasonic root canal technique in management ofcalcified root-canal;牙科手术显微镜与超声根管技术联合处理钙化根管的疗效评价


1.Clinical management of curved and calcified root canals of molar with C-Pilot Files and EDTA using multiple expanding method应用C型先锋锉和乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)治疗磨牙弯曲钙化根管的临床研究

2.Progress of research of pastes containing calcium hydroxide allies氢氧化钙类根管充填材料的研究进展

3.Root Canal Therapy Clinical Research in Curative Effect Comparison between Calcium Hydroxide and Traditional Root Canal Disinfectant氢氧化钙制剂与传统根管消毒药对根管治疗疗效影响的临床研究

4.The Study of the Effect of Vehicles to Calcium Hydroxide;赋形剂对氢氧化钙根管消毒剂性能的影响

5.Clinical effect of Calcium Hydroxide as an intracanal medication on post-endodontic treatment pain氢氧化钙预防根管治疗术后疼痛的临床观察

6.Observation on the disinfecting root canals with Calcium Hydroxide with iodoform氢氧化钙碘仿糊剂消毒根管的疗效观察

7.AIM: To study the content alteration of bacterial endotoxin in the exudant from the root canals of periapical treated with calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicament.目的:检测氢氧化钙封药前后尖周病患牙根管内细菌内毒素的变化。

8.CONCLUSION: Contents of bacterial endotoxin in the infections root canals can be cut down obviously with calcium hydroxide treatment.结论:氢氧化钙可以明显降低感染根管中的内毒素含量。

9.Effect of Calcium Hydroxide on Bacterial Endotoxin in Root Canals of Primary Teeth;氢氧化钙对乳牙感染根管内细菌内毒素作用的研究

10.In Vitro and Animal Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Calcium Hydroxide;氢氧化钙对感染根管内优势致病菌抗菌活性研究

11.Clinical and Experimental Study of Calcium Hydroxide and Camphorated Paramonochlorophenol as An Intracanal Medication;氢氧化钙和樟脑对氯酚在感染根管消毒作用的临床研究

12.Experimental Study of Nano Calcium Phosphate Cement as Root Canal Filling Sealer;新型自固化纳米磷酸钙骨水泥根管封闭剂的实验研究

13.The in Vitro Evaluation of Different Calcium Hydroxide Pastes Against Enterococcus Faecalis in Root Canal不同氢氧化钙糊剂对根管粪肠球菌消毒效果的体外评价

14.Clinic Efficacy of Calcium Hydroxide Iodoform Glycerin Paste for Root Canal Disinfection氢氧化钙碘仿甘油糊剂用于根管消毒的临床研究

15.Study of the micro-leakage of root canal sealers consisted of Ca(OH)_2 and the micro-structural of the sealers with SEM氢氧化钙类根管糊剂的微渗漏研究及扫描电镜观察

16.Antibacterial effect of nanometer calcium hydroxide root canal filling material on the bacteria of infected root canal纳米氢氧化钙材料对儿童感染根管的抗菌性研究

17.Effects Calcium Hydroxide and CP on Endodontic Interappointment Emergencies in the Treatment during Root Canal Therapy氢氧化钙和樟脑酚在治疗根管治疗期间急症的疗效比较

18.Effectiveness of a mixture of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine digluconate氢氧化钙氯己定混合液对根管治疗失败病例进行根管消毒的效果研究


vascular calcification血管钙化

1.Estrogen attenuatesvascular calcification in rat;雌激素减轻大鼠血管钙化的实验研究

2.Improvement ofvascular calcification in rats by the inorganic compound CANA;无机化合物CANA对大鼠血管钙化模型的改善作用

3.Research on Relationship between Vascular Calcification and Hyperlipidmia, and Interfered with Simvastatin in Vivo and Vitro on Rat;血管钙化与高脂血症的关系及辛伐他汀干预的实验研究

3)tubal wall calcify管壁钙化

4)calcium chloride tube氯化钙管

5)nano calcium hydroxide root canal filling materials纳米氢氧化钙根管充填材料

6)calcification of bronchus支气管钙化


