100字范文 > 海洋权益观 view of ocean rights英语短句 例句大全

海洋权益观 view of ocean rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-01 12:26:39


海洋权益观 view of ocean rights英语短句 例句大全

海洋权益观,view of ocean rights

1)view of ocean rights海洋权益观

2)ocean rights and interests海洋权益

1.China has rich seabed resources,but the progress in seabed resource development is comparatively slow,and the efforts made on theocean rights and interests are inadequate.我国虽然海底资源丰富,但海底资源开发和海洋权益工作还未到位,海底资源开发进展相对缓慢,邻国在争议海域开采油气资源,而日、韩等国均已提出自己的划分大陆架的方案,我国的大陆架资源安全受到威胁。

2.With the increasing of China s sea trade and energy demanding,and because of the current situation ofocean rights and interests,China is facing more potential and existing influence of island chain on national security andocean rights and interests.随着中国海外贸易和海外能源需求的增长,以及海洋权益的现状,中国进一步感受到岛链对中国国家安全和海洋权益的潜在与现实影响。


1.--Safeguarding the new international marine order and the state"s marine rights and interests.--维护国际海洋新秩序和国家海洋权益。

2.The Residual Rights in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Protection of China s Sea Rights;海洋法中的剩余权利与我国海洋权益的保护

3.Sino-Japanese East Sea of China Issue and the Protection of Maritime Rights and Interests中日东海问题和我国海洋权益的维护

4.On The Sea Security Being The Premise Of Safeguarding The Sea Rights;关于加强海洋安全和海洋权益保护的思考

5.The Research on the Protection of Ocean Rights and Interests in South China Sea Dispute南海划界纠纷中维护我国海洋权益问题的研究

6.Current Situation of China s Ocean Territory and Strategic Thinking of Safeguarding Ocean Rights and Interests;中国海洋国土的现状和捍卫海洋权益的策略思考

7.It is China"s door to the Pacific Ocean, the base to maintain oceanic rights, the marine fortress to screen the mainland and to complete the coast defense.台湾是中国前出太平洋的门户,维护海洋权益的基地,屏障大陆和完整海防的海上堡垒;

8.The Discussion on Solving the Conflict of Sea Rights and Interests between China and Japan under the Principle of "Laying Disputes Aside and Developing Together";运用“搁置争议、共同开发”原则解决中日海洋权益争端的探讨

9.The Southeast Naval Force in the Ming Dynasty , with its distinguishing feature of the times on its disposition and patrolling, was founded to safeguard country?s maritime rights.明代的东南水师是为了维护国家的海洋权益而创立 ,其在布防、巡哨等方面具有时代特色。

10.Safeguard National Marine Rights and Interests in the Exclusive Economic Zone;国际海洋与海洋专属经济区权益维护研究

11.The Late Qing Government s Ocean Position and Defence of the South China Sea Interests;晚清政府的海洋主张与对南海权益的维护

12.Legal Analysis and Countermeasures for China for the Protection of Marine Environmental Rights and Interests维护我国的海洋环境权益的法律分析及对策探讨

13.right of innocent passage(海洋法) 无害通过权

14.Because demarcate and concern the sovereignty and vital interests of home of every country concerned in the ocean, we should adhere to this basic position of fair principle.由于海洋划界关系到各当事国家的主权和切身利益,应当坚持公平原则这个根本立场。

15.The Cost of Rights & Interests and the Debt Choice in the Case of “Yangzhai” in Lugouqiao-Hankou Railway权益代价与卢汉“洋债”的成债抉择

16.Energetic Development of Marine Tourism Overall Promotion of Comprehensive Benefits;大力拓展海洋旅游 全面提升综合效益

17.Even young children realize that an ocean filled with garbage is not good for sea life.连小孩子都知道,充满垃圾的海洋对海洋生物是有害无益的。

18.The maritime rights of China ought to be perfectly understood as being subordinate to the sovereignty of China,neither as sea power,nor sea hegemony.中国海权 ,确切理解是一种隶属于中国主权的海洋权利而非海上权力 ,更非海上霸权。


ocean rights and interests海洋权益

1.China has rich seabed resources,but the progress in seabed resource development is comparatively slow,and the efforts made on theocean rights and interests are inadequate.我国虽然海底资源丰富,但海底资源开发和海洋权益工作还未到位,海底资源开发进展相对缓慢,邻国在争议海域开采油气资源,而日、韩等国均已提出自己的划分大陆架的方案,我国的大陆架资源安全受到威胁。

2.With the increasing of China s sea trade and energy demanding,and because of the current situation ofocean rights and interests,China is facing more potential and existing influence of island chain on national security andocean rights and interests.随着中国海外贸易和海外能源需求的增长,以及海洋权益的现状,中国进一步感受到岛链对中国国家安全和海洋权益的潜在与现实影响。

3)sea rights and interests海洋权益

1.Since making effective of《United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea》, coastal country have obtained the unprecedented expansion jurisdiction s sea area, and also have obtained the full legal safeguardsea rights and interests, but simultaneously there were also created some sea boundary dispute among the coastal country.自从《联合国海洋法公约》生效后,公约划归各沿海国管辖的海域面积得到了空前扩展,规定的属于各沿海国的海洋权益也获得了充分的法律保障,但同时也造成了相邻沿海国之间海洋划界纠纷的此起彼伏。

4)maritime rights and interests海洋权益

1.After the implementation of The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, States drew the line of territorial waters and exclusive economic zone in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law, and actively safeguard themaritime rights and interests of their territorial waters, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.《联合国海洋法公约》生效之后,各国依据相关规定竞相划定领海以及专属经济区范围,积极维护国家的领海以及专属经济区、大陆架的海洋权益,不可避免产生很多海洋划界和资源开发方面的问题。

5)Marine Rights of Chinese Eastern Sea东海海洋权益

6)Ocean Rights Protection海洋权益保护


