100字范文 > 发展阈限 development thresholds英语短句 例句大全

发展阈限 development thresholds英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-25 06:46:04


发展阈限 development thresholds英语短句 例句大全

发展阈限,development thresholds

1)development thresholds发展阈限

2)Infinite development无限发展


1.Beauty is corporate unrational target on substance, it has infinite transcendency, and philosophy says substance is also developing from lower level to higher level.美是事物非理性的共同的向往,具有无限的超越性,哲学也是说事物由低级向高级无限发展的。

2.The possibilities are almost limitless.发展的潜力几乎是无限的。

3.Theoretically speaking, its development knows no limit.在其发展的意义上讲,科学是无限的。

4.This enterprise holds out unlimited prospects这个企业有无限的发展前途。

5.Promoting Infinite Popularization and Development of the Creative Study by Using the Infinity of New Media利用新媒体的无限性推进创造学的无限普及与发展

6.There is nothing to say that globalisation will continue indefinitely.毋庸质疑,全球化将会继续无限地发展开来。

7.We mustn"t attempt unrestricted expansion regardless whether it is within our capacity.我们不能不顾自己的能力企图无限制的发展。

8.As the new century unfolds, China"s economic potential is enormous.下一世纪即将到来,中国的经济发展无可限量。

9.Unrestricted hotel development has ruined the coastline .无限制地发展饭店已经使沿海地区遭到破坏。

10.We mustn’t attempt unrestricted expansion regardless if it is within our capacity.我们不能不顾自己的能力企图无限制地发展。

11.Research on Developing Strategy of Tianjin TPCO Color Coil Co., Ltd;天津大无缝彩涂板有限公司发展战略研究

12.Limited Conceptual Terms, but Unlimited Future Prospects--On Mr. Wang Xi-jie s Rhetorical Theory of Three Concepts in One System;有限的概念术语 无限的发展前景——论王希杰先生的“三一”修辞学理论

13.infinite amount of vaporization(分馏时无限汽化) 无限蒸发

14.SHUNFA Leather Factory is in the high speed development, foreground is very capacious.顺发皮具厂处于一个高速发展的阶段,前景无限广阔。

15.Grand Development of West China Pours Boundless Life intoSocial and Economic Development in Nationality Areas;西部大开发战略为民族地区社会经济发展注入了无限生机

16.frequency tolerance of radio transmitter无线电发射机频率容限

17.Our objective is to match great talent with important opportunities to build our business.我们赋予有才能的员工无限机会,与我们一起发展百事的业务。

18.But if we were to thrust westward, we would come up against the Kan River and have no room for expansion after the battle.若由东向西打去,则限于赣江,战局结束后无发展余地。


Infinite development无限发展

3)Development limitation发展极限

4)ultimate development极限发展

5)Limits the Development限制发展

6)limited development有限发展

1.Many scholars have been engaged in this area,however,the problem of Qi Ji-guang\"slimited development of firearm technology is still neglected.这方面的研究已有不少,但是,对于戚继光"有限发展"火器技术的问题,却很少有学者关注。


