100字范文 > 东西方艺术 art in East and West英语短句 例句大全

东西方艺术 art in East and West英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-07 13:06:45


东西方艺术 art in East and West英语短句 例句大全

东西方艺术,art in East and West

1)art in East and West东西方艺术

1.Establishing the status of the traditional Chinese culture,deeply studying and comprehending the essential characteristics of theart in East and West,as we 11 as estab I ish ing an aesthetic ideology which is according with our national aesthetic psychology,is the basic premise on which the Chinese oil painting can get further developments.确立中国传统文化地位,深入研究与了解东西方艺术的本质特性建立具有民族审美心理的美学思想体系,是中国油画得以进一步发展的根本前提。


1.Seek for the Spiritual Pure Land: On the Responsibility and;寻找精神的净土——从东西方艺术比较看艺术的责任与功效

2.It is seldom seen in the history of the world that art progress for the Loulan Art to mix the east and west art together.这种荟萃东西方艺术为一体的艺术现象,在中外艺术史中都是极为罕见的。

3.From "Absurd" To See the Differences Of the EAST-WEST"S "Betwixt and Between" Art从“荒诞”看东西方“之间性”艺术的差异

4.The Oriental Decorative Art and the Plane Quality of Western Modernism Oil Painting;东方装饰艺术与西方现代派绘画的平面景观

5.Aesthetics Methodology and Artistic Nature Viewpoints --Aesthetic Nature of Art through the Easternand Western Classical Aesthetics;美学方法论和艺术本质观——从东、西方古典美学看艺术的审美本质

6.The Art of Male Dan in Eastern-Western Cultural Exchangesin the Early 20~(th) Century二十世纪上半叶东西方文化撞击中的男旦艺术

7.Viewing the Inheritance and Development of Figures from Eastern and Western Painting;从东西方绘画艺术看图示的继承和发展

8.Eastern esthetics and art are quite different from that of western.东方美学和艺术是不同于西方美学和艺术的另一种美学体系和艺术形态。

9.On Artistic Characteristics of Chinese and Western Religious Paintings from Born of Gautama Buddha and the Sistine Madonna由《天王送子图》和《西斯廷圣母》比较东西方宗教画的艺术特色

10.Lacquer Painting and Oil Painting are the representations of contribution to the oriental and western civilization.以我国为代表的东方漆文化和西方油画艺术被公认为东西方对人类文明的两大贡献。

11.Ian is a dab hand at the orient art.伊恩是东方艺术的行家。

12.Ceramics, the pearls of oriental art .陶瓷品,东方艺术的明珠。

13.Merging the Classics With Modernity,Joining the West With the East融古典于现代 汇西方于东方——试析郑愁予早期诗歌的艺术特征

14.Merging the Classics With Modernity,Joining the West With the East;融古典于现代 汇西方于东方——试析郑愁予早期诗歌的艺术特征

15.Beyond the Shape: Reflection on Western Modern Painting and Oriental Arts Shape;荡出形态之外——对西方现代绘画与东方艺术形态的思考

16.The art of silhouette therefore has been considered an important part of the cultural interflow between the east and the west.皮影艺术因此被认为是东西方文化交流的一个重要部分。

17.In this way Dunhuang gradually developed into a caravan town where travellers, eastbound or westbound, gathered and the cultures of different lands enriched each other.于是,敦煌逐步成为东西方旅人云集、各国文化艺术荟萃之地。

18.The Compromise and Amalgamation of China s Visual Design Art between Eastern and Western Culture;论东西方文化在中国视觉设计艺术中的折衷与融合


unity of oriental and occidental art东西方艺术融合

3)East-West cultural and artistic exchanges东西方文化艺术交流

1.He is known as one of the heralds in the history ofEast-West cultural and artistic exchanges.郎世宁出生于意大利米兰,康熙五十四年(公元17)以传教士身份来到中国,历仕清代康雍乾三朝,在华艺术生涯长达50余年,为东西方文化艺术交流先驱之一。

4)Eastern art东方艺术

1.But he didn t preceed from the interest ofEastern art itself,he started from the integrity which he studied:(1)looking after himself in the artistic way;(2)using religious the way to display humanity s idea coures;(3)using the philosophic way to summarize the art.当印度文化在世界上传播以后,黑格尔受到启发进而谈到东方艺术的象征性,但他不是出于对东方艺术本身感兴趣,而是出于他研究的完整性:①用艺术的方式观照自己,②用宗教的方式表现人类的心路历程,③用哲学的方式对艺术概括总结。

2.Hegel thinks the grotesque of eastern art mainly ha s three patterns:mixing natural elements with human elements irreasonablely;displ aying an object excessively and distortedly;duplicating extremely or increasin g limitlessly an element or function of an object abnormally.黑格尔认为 ,东方艺术的怪诞 ,主要有三种表现形态 :将自然的成份与人类的成份不合理地混合在一起 ;极端和歪曲 ,过分与扭曲地表现对象 ;反自然地将事物的某一成份或作用予以极端重复或无限增多。

5)Oriental Art东方艺术

1.On Hegel s Misinterpretations ofOriental Art;论黑格尔对东方艺术的误读

6)western art西方艺术

1.Read Venus of the Western art again;再读西方艺术中的维纳斯

2.On the path of his exploration,the profound Chinese traditional culture played as the basis role of his grand achievement,meanwhile,absorbing thewestern art essence constantly is also considered as the indispensable part of it.陈复礼先生通过对西方艺术的构图形式、选取题材和创作方法等方面的理性汲取,在摄影艺术上找到了东西文化艺术的契合点。

3.Thewestern artists pay close attention to reality and assail malpractices in the society.西方艺术家关注现实,抨击社会弊端,但并未挟带过去那种悲悲切切的沉重,而是以超越的姿态、戏谑的方式,将严肃的甚至严重的社会问题,以轻松出之,以机智出之,甚至以游戏出之;在处理矛盾和困窘时,心态更加放松,更加自信,更加超脱。


