100字范文 > 供需水平 supply-demand level英语短句 例句大全

供需水平 supply-demand level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-16 15:54:39


供需水平 supply-demand level英语短句 例句大全

供需水平,supply-demand level

1)supply-demand level供需水平

1.To measure thesupply-demand level and the development capability of urban ecolsystem is the prerequisite in ensuring urban sustainable development.衡量城市生态系统供需水平及定量测度其发展能力是确保城市持续发展的重要途径。


1.On Supply and Demand Level Changes and Statistical Analysis of Logistics in Tianjin;天津物流业供需水平变动及统计分析

2.Supply-demand level and development capability of Harbin urban ecosystem哈尔滨市生态系统供需水平和发展能力动态

3.Analysis on Balance of Supplying and Requiring Water Resources in QingPu District Shanghai City Considering Zoology s Requirement of Water;考虑生态需水的青浦区水资源供需平衡分析

4.Analysis on the Balance of Supply and Demand of Water Resources in Laohe River Basin of Xi"an City西安市涝河流域水资源供需平衡分析

5.Study on the Water Supply-demand Balance During the Development of Kunming昆明城市发展的水资源供需平衡研究

6.Spatial Differentiation of Water Resources Supply and Demand Balance in Fujian Province福建省水资源供需平衡区域差异分析

7.A Study on Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Jingjinji Region;京津冀地区水资源供需平衡及其水资源承载力

8.A Research on Demand-supply Analysis and Guarantee Countermeasures of Water Resources in Shandong Peninsula;山东半岛水资源供需平衡及保障对策研究

9.Research on the Supply-demand Balance of Water Resources and the Water Seepage from Canal Systems in Qingtongxia Irrigation District;青铜峡灌区水资源供需平衡及渠系渗漏研究

10.Analysis of Balance of Supply and Demand of Water Resources in the Lower Reaches of Shiyand River;石羊河流域民勤盆地水资源供需平衡研究

11.Study on Rational Disposition of Irrigation District Water Resources Based on Balance of Water Supply and Water Demand;基于供需平衡的灌区水资源合理配置研究

12.Researches on Supply Chain Coordination Strategy with Inventory-Level-Dependent Demand;需求与库存水平相关的供应链协调策略研究

13.Inventory Control with Inventory-level-dependent Demand Rate in Supply Chain;供应链下需求率受库存水平影响的库存控制

14.Supply-demand Balance and Sustainability Appraisement of Agricultural Water Resources in Changli County of Hebei Province;昌黎县农业水资源供需平衡及可持续性评价

15.Study on Improving the Level of Enterprises Informatization via SDN Idea;用供需网理念提升我国企业信息化水平研究

16.The Research on Optimization of Supply Chain Inventory Decision-Making Based on Random Time-varying Demand;基于时变需求的供应链基本库存水平优化研究

17.Analysis of the Water Resource Distribution Balance in Shenyang Hui Mountain Hi-tech Agricultural Zone;农业高新技术开发区水资源供需平衡分析

18.Sustainable Development and Utilization of the Water Resources in Luoyang City;洛阳市水资源供需平衡与可持续利用对策研究


water resource supply and demand balance水供需平衡

3)water resource balance供需水平衡

1.Modeling effects of regional industrial structure adjustment onwater resource balance and water quality improvement产业结构调整对流域供需水平衡及水质改善的影响

4)supply and demand balance of water resources水资源供需平衡

1.Optimization ofsupply and demand balance of water resources at Shaliuhe Town of Tangshan city;唐山市沙流河镇水资源供需平衡优化分析

5)water supply and demand balance供需水量平衡

1.With the difference between water resources supply and demand being taken as the evaluation foundation for drought situation, two comprehensive evaluation methods are proposed for drought situation are in this paper, namely supply and demand origin analysis evaluation method andwater supply and demand balance evaluation method.以水资源的供需差值为旱情综合评价的基础,提出了两种旱情综合评价方法,即供需成因分析评价方法和供需水量平衡评价方法,应用山东省的实际资料对评价方法进行了检验,评价结果与实际相符。

6)water demand and water supply balance水量供需平衡

1.he paper introduce the features of water recources and the situations ofwater demand and water supply balance in Hong Kong.论述香港水资源特点与水量供需平衡问题,内容包括:(1)香港自然地理和水资源特点;(2)香港目前的供水来源;(3)香港目前总需水量及各行业、各地区需水量情况;(4)东深工程对香港的供水情况;(5)对未来香港供需水量的预估;(6)香港未来供水存在问题和建议。


