100字范文 > 增容 compatibilization英语短句 例句大全

增容 compatibilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-23 09:28:39


增容 compatibilization英语短句 例句大全



1.In-situ Compatibilization of PP/PS Blend by Friedel-Crafts Alkylation;Friedel-Crafts烷基化反应就地增容PP/PS合金

2.Study of Compatibilization of Amine Functionalized PP on Nano-silica/PP Composites;氨化聚丙烯增容纳米二氧化硅/聚丙烯复合材料的研究

3.Study of Compatibilization of PP/GF by PP-g-Si;PP-g-Si对PP/GF的增容效果研究


patibilized PP/TPU Blends Through γ-radiation and Compatibilizers;聚丙烯/热塑性聚氨酯弹性体的γ-辐照增容与增容剂增容

2.Study on Compatibilization Effects of Montmorillonite on Immiscible HDPE/PS Blends;蒙脱土增容HDPE/PS不相容体系的研究

3.Application of Gap type Conductor in Up-Rating Transmission Line间隙型增容导线在扩容线路上的应用

4.The Black Tiger Landscape Database to Permit Expand to Permit of the Necessity and the Possibility Research;黑虎山水库增容、扩容的必要性与可行性研究

5.Research on Dynamic Capacity-increase Monitoring Technology of Transmission Lines;输电线路输电容量动态增容监测技术的研究

6.Preparation of Reactive Compatibility Polymer Alloys and Study on Reactive Compatibility Mechanism;反应增容聚合物合金的制备及增容作用机理的研究

7.Study on Compatibilizing Effect of Compatibilizer Prepared by Solid-state Mechanochemical Technique for HDPE/PP固相力化学技术制备HDPE/PP的增容剂增容效果研究

8.Study on Polyolefin Grafted Malefic Anhydride Compatibilizing and Toughening PA66;聚烯烃接枝马来酸酐增容增韧尼龙66的研究

9.Study on Enlarging Installed Capacity and Saving Water for Increasing Generation of Longyangxia Water PowerStation;龙羊峡水电站扩机增容与节水增发研究

10.Study on Immiscible Polypropylene/SAN Blends and Partly Miscible Polypropylene/K-resin Blends Compatibilized by Nano-CaCO_3;纳米碳酸钙增容不相容体系PP/SAN和部分相容体系PP/K树脂的研究

11.Autoboosting calibre liquid nitrogen containerGB16774-1997自增压式液氮容器

12.The book has been supplemented with new material.该书内容有所增补。

13.CDMA 1X Advanced: Four-Fold Increase in Voice CapacityCDMA2000 1x增强型技术:将语音容量增至4倍

14.(3) condense traditional content and add neoteric content;(3)精简传统内容与增加近代内容相结合;

15.Publications in these selected databases (includes the push subscriptions to the publications):在这些选定数据库中的发布内容(包含向发布内容增加的订阅内容):

16.Not enough memory to increase the contents of the Clipboard.没有足够的内存来增加剪贴板的内容。

17.increasing in area or volume or bulk or range.面积、体积、容量或范围上增加的。

18.supercharger control bypass增压器调节容气量的旁通阀



1.The poorcompatibility of the blends prepared by pure PBT and ABS has been found.以苯乙烯-马来酸酐共聚物(SMA)为增容剂,研究了共混工艺对ABS/PBT共混物聚集态结构和力学性能的影响。

2.The result indicated that the mechanical properties and thecompatibility of HDPE/PUR-T was improved effect.以高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)和热塑性聚氨酯弹性体(PUR-T)为主要原料,以马来酸酐接枝(乙烯/乙酸乙烯酯)共聚物(E/VAC-g-MAH)为增容剂,采用双螺杆挤出熔融共混技术制备了HDPE/PUR-T和HDPE/PUR-T/(E/VAC-g-MAH)等共混材料,利用60Co-γ射线源在较低辐照剂量(小于等于25 kGy)下对共混材料进行了γ-辐照。

3.The results showed that the couple agent KH570 was suitable forcompatibility, and the peroxide DCP was suitable for vulcanizing.对增容剂、共混工艺、共混比例等对共混胶的力学性能的影响进行了探讨。


1.Thereinto,compatibilizing effect of MA-PP is the best.研究了4种不同增容剂对HDPE基木塑复合材料力学性能的改善效果。

2.The blending purpose and the advance ofcompatibilizing methods of the starch/polycaprolactone(PCL) system were introduced.介绍了淀粉 /PCL的共混目的及该体系在增容方法方面的研究进

3.The results show that POE and PA6 is an uncompatible system, but the POE g MAH has an obvious in situcompatibilizing and toughening effect on PA6.采用熔融挤出法制备了PA6/POE和PA6/POEgMAH共混合金,借助于力学试验机、TEM、SEM、Molau实验和毛细管流变仪测定了共混合金的力学性能、亚微相态、冲击断口形貌和流变性能,系统地研究了POEgMAH对PA6的增容增韧作用。

4)capacity increasing增容

1.This article emphatically discusses thecapacity increasing process based on the former fundament for Fushun ethylene chemical Co.锅炉给水泵是乙烯装置的重点设备之一,随着市场的不断发展,各乙烯厂都在增容改造,原有的设备能力已不能满足生产需求。

2.33 dtex hollow fibercapacity increasing was feasible and capacity was imp roved and quality remained same.33dtex中空纤维增容生产,对其纺丝、拉伸工艺进行研究。

5)capacity expansion增容

1.Discussion ofcapacity expansion of 150 t/d PET staple fiber plant;150 t/d涤纶短纤维装置增容改造探讨

2.The production process of esterification system in polyester plant changed greatly aftercapacity expansion rectification, and the difficulty in control increased.聚酯装置酯化系统增容改造后,生产工艺变化很大,控制难度增加。

3.The article briefly describes the overall conditions after thecapacity expansion and modification of 4111- K2T.针对4111-K2T汽轮机汽耗率高的问题,从汽轮机主机、凝汽器和调节阀系统着手,进行增容改造。

6)Expand to permit to increase to permit扩容增容


